world-of-balance-rpg/Scenarios/01 - The Returners/South Figaro/

1.1 KiB

Accessory Store


  • Shopkeeper, Mother of Simon

    • Religious, Protective of her Son,
    • Thinks, magical stuff needs to be offered to Titan
    • Son assists in the store, Travels and trades artifacts
      • likely upstairs in the Pub
    • Interested in glowing Regen-Ring, willing to trade for useful artifacts of his own
      • Wants to offer to Titan
  • Echo Herbs on counter

    • Her Son brought it from his travels
  • Simon

    • Rebellious against Mother, Trader, Green Thumb for Potions,
    • Serren has bribed his father with magic artifacts, fueling his religious fanatism
    • would like to grow his own flower gardens north of South Figaro
    • might join group, if inclined enough
      • needs equipment
      • needs to let go of his mother
      • Mt. Kolts is a herbal paradise

Simon's Room

  • Cider -> Give to Item Shop Owner for a potion reward


  • Star Pendant - grants Resistance against poison damage - 500z
  • Silver Spectacles - protects against Slow - 300z
  • Jewel Ring - protects against Weak - 300z
  • Sprint Shoes - Init +2 - 750z