1866 lines
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1866 lines
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/* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */
* Chat plugin.
* Provides Jfreu admin commands.
* This file is included by jfreu.plugin.php, so don't list it in plugins.xml!
* Updated by Xymph
* Dependencies: used by jfreu.plugin.php
// handles action id's "-4001"-"-4200" for /jfreu badword
// handles action id's "-4201"-"-4400" for /jfreu banfor 1H
// handles action id's "-4401"-"-4600" for /jfreu banfor 24H
// handles action id's "-4601"-"-4800" for /jfreu unban
// handles action id's "-4801"-"-5000" for /jfreu addvip
// handles action id's "-5001"-"-5200" for /jfreu removevip
// handles action id's "-5201"-"-5400" for /jfreu unspec
// handles action id's "-5401"-"-5600" for /jfreu unban in listbans
// handles action id's "-5601"-"-5800" for /jfreu removevip in listvips
// handles action id's "-5801"-"-6000" for /jfreu removevipteam in listvipteams
Aseco::registerEvent('onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer', 'event_jfreu');
function init_jfreu_admin_commands($aseco)
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('help', 'Shows Jfreu commands');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('helpall', 'Displays help for Jfreu commands');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('autochangename', 'Auto change servername {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('setrank', 'Sets ranklimiting {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('setlimit', 'Sets ranklimit value');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('autorank', 'Sets autoranking {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('offset', 'Sets autorank offset (-999 - 999)');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('hardlimit', 'Sets hardlimit value');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('autorankminplayers', 'Sets min players for autorank {0-50}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('autorankvip', 'Include VIPs in autorank {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('maxplayers', 'Sets maxplayers for Kick HiRank');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('kickhirank', 'Kick HiRank when server full {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('listlimits', 'Displays rank limit settings');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('kickworst', 'Kicks worst players {count}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('players', 'Displays list of known players {string}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('unspec', 'UnSpecs player {login/ID} (clear SpecOnly)');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('addvip', 'Adds a VIP {login/ID}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('removevip', 'Removes a VIP {login/ID}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('addvipteam', 'Adds a VIP_Team {team}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('removevipteam', 'Removes VIP_Team {team}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('listvips', 'Displays VIPs list');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('listvipteams', 'Displays VIP_Teams list');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('writelists', 'Saves VIP/VIP_Team lists (def: jfreu.vips.xml)');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('readlists', 'Loads VIP/VIP_Team lists (def: jfreu.vips.xml)');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('badwords', 'Sets badwords bot {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('badwordsban', 'Sets badwords ban {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('badwordsnum', 'Sets badwords limit {count}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('badwordstime', 'Sets banning period {mins}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('badword', 'Gives extra badword warning {login/ID}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('banfor', 'Bans player {mins/hoursH} {login/ID}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('unban', 'UnBans temporarily banned player');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('listbans', 'Displays temporarily banned players');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('message', 'Fakes message from server {msg}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('player', 'Fakes message from player {login/ID} {msg}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('nopfkick', 'Sets NoPfKick {map/time/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('cancel', 'Cancels current vote (kick/ban/nextmap/restart)');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('novote', 'Auto-cancel CallVotes {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('unspecvote', 'Allow /unspec votes {ON/OFF}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('infomessages', 'Sets info messages {2/1/0}');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('writeconfig', 'Saves Jfreu config (def: jfreu.config.xml)');
addJfreuAdminChatCommand('readconfig', 'Loads Jfreu config (def: jfreu.config.xml)');
} // init_jfreu_admin_commands
function chat_jfreu($aseco, $command)
$red = $aseco->server->jfreu->red;
$yel = $aseco->server->jfreu->yellow;
$whi = $aseco->server->jfreu->white;
$blu = $aseco->server->jfreu->blue;
$gre = $aseco->server->jfreu->green;
$admin = $command['author'];
$login = $admin->login;
// check if chat command was allowed for a masteradmin/admin/operator
if ($aseco->isMasterAdmin($admin))
$logtitle = 'MasterAdmin';
$chattitle = $aseco->titles['MASTERADMIN'][0];
if ($aseco->isAdmin($admin) && $aseco->allowAdminAbility('chat_jfreu')) {
$logtitle = 'Admin';
$chattitle = $aseco->titles['ADMIN'][0];
if ($aseco->isOperator($admin) && $aseco->allowOpAbility('chat_jfreu')) {
$logtitle = 'Operator';
$chattitle = $aseco->titles['OPERATOR'][0];
// write warning in console
$aseco->console($login . ' tried to use Jfreu chat command (no permission!): ' . $command['params']);
// sends chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendToLogin', $red.'You don\'t have the required admin rights to do that!', $login);
return false;
// check for unlocked password
if ($aseco->settings['lock_password'] != '' && !$admin->unlocked) {
// write warning in console
$aseco->console($login . ' tried to use Jfreu chat command (not unlocked!): ' . $command['params']);
// sends chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendToLogin', $red.'You don\'t have the required admin rights to do that!', $login);
return false;
// split params into arrays & insure optional parameters exist
$arglist = explode(' ', $command['params'], 2);
if (!isset($arglist[1])) $arglist[1] = '';
$command['params'] = explode(' ', preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $command['params']));
if (!isset($command['params'][1])) $command['params'][1] = '';
// Show jfreuAdmin help.
if ($command['params'][0] == 'help')
// show Jfreu commands on command line
showHelp($admin, $aseco->server->jfreu->admin_commands, 'Jfreu admin', true, false);
// Display jfreuAdmin help.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'helpall')
// display Jfreu commands in popup with descriptions
showHelp($admin, $aseco->server->jfreu->admin_commands, 'Jfreu admin', true, true, 0.45);
// Set autochangename ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'autochangename')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->autochangename = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autochangename: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoChangeName: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->autochangename = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autochangename: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoChangeName: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'AutoChangeName is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->autochangename ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set ranklimit ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setrank')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->ranklimit = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set rank limiting: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set RankLimit: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->autochangename)
$servername = $aseco->server->jfreu->servername . $aseco->server->jfreu->top . $aseco->server->jfreu->limit;
$aseco->client->query('SetServerName', $servername);
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->ranklimit = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set rank limiting: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set RankLimit: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->autochangename)
$servername = $aseco->server->jfreu->servername . ' NoLimit';
$aseco->client->query('SetServerName', $servername);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'RankLimit is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->ranklimit ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set ranklimit value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setlimit')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] > 0 && $command['params'][1] < 2000000)
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->autorank)
set_ranklimit($aseco, $command['params'][1], 2);
set_ranklimit($aseco, $command['params'][1], 0);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set (auto)ranklimit: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid ranklimit value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'RankLimit value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->limit.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// Set autorank ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'autorank')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->autorank = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autoranking: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoRank: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
autorank($aseco, $command);
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->autorank = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autoranking: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoRank: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
set_ranklimit($aseco, $aseco->server->jfreu->limit, 0);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'AutoRank is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->autorank ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set offset value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'offset')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] > -1000 && $command['params'][1] < 1000)
$aseco->server->jfreu->offset = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autorank offset: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->offset);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoRank Offset to: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->jfreu->offset);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
autorank($aseco, $command);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid offset value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'AutoRank Offset value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->offset.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set hardlimit value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'hardlimit')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] >= 0 && $command['params'][1] < 2000000)
$aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set hardlimit: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set HardLimit to: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid hardlimit value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
elseif ($aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit > 0)
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'HardLimit value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'HardLimit is: '.$whi.'OFF'.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set autorankminplayers value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'autorankminplayers')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] >= 0 && $command['params'][1] < 50)
$aseco->server->jfreu->autorankminplayers = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autorankminplayers: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->autorankminplayers);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoRankMinPlayer to: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->jfreu->autorankminplayers);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
autorank($aseco, $command);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid minplayers value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'AutoRankMinPlayer value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->autorankminplayers.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set autorankvip ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'autorankvip')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->autorankvip = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autorankvip: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoRankVIP: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->autorankvip = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set autorankvip: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set AutoRankVIP: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'AutoRankVIP is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->autorankvip ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set maxplayers value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'maxplayers')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if ($command['params'][1] >= 0 && $command['params'][1] < 150)
$aseco->server->jfreu->maxplayers = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set maxplayers: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->maxplayers);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set MaxPlayers to: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->jfreu->maxplayers);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid maxplayers value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'MaxPlayers value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->maxplayers.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set kickhirank ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'kickhirank')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->kickhirank = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set kickhirank: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set KickHiRank: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->kickhirank = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set kickhirank: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set KickHiRank: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'KickHiRank is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->kickhirank ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Displays rank limit settings
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listlimits')
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$limits = 'Current rank limit settings:' . LF;
$limits .= ' $gRank limiting : {#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->ranklimit ? 'ON' : 'OFF') . LF;
$limits .= ' $gRank limit : {#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->limit . LF;
$limits .= ' $gHard limit : {#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit . LF;
$limits .= ' $gAuto ranking : {#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->autorank ? 'ON' : 'OFF') . LF;
$limits .= ' $gAutorank offset : {#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->offset . LF;
$limits .= ' $gAutorank limit : {#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->autolimit . LF;
$limits .= ' $gAutorank minplayers: {#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->autorankminplayers . LF;
$limits .= ' $gAutorank VIP : {#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->autorankvip ? 'ON' : 'OFF') . LF;
$limits .= ' $gMaxplayers HiRank : {#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->maxplayers . LF;
$limits .= ' $gKickHiRank : {#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->kickhirank ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $aseco->formatColors($limits), 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$header = 'Current rank limit settings:';
$limits = array();
$limits[] = array('Rank limiting', '{#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->ranklimit ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
$limits[] = array('Rank limit', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->limit);
$limits[] = array('Hard limit', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->hardlimit);
$limits[] = array('Auto ranking', '{#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->autorank ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
$limits[] = array('Autorank offset', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->offset);
$limits[] = array('Autorank limit', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->autolimit);
$limits[] = array('Autorank minplayers', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->autorankminplayers);
$limits[] = array('Autorank VIP', '{#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->autorankvip ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
$limits[] = array('Maxplayers HiRank', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->jfreu->maxplayers);
$limits[] = array('KickHiRank', '{#black}' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->kickhirank ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($login, $header, array('Icons128x128_1', 'ProfileAdvanced', 0.02), $limits, array(0.8, 0.4, 0.4), 'OK');
// KickWorst (kick X worst players)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'kickworst' && $command['params'][1] != '')
if (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] > 0 && $command['params'][1] < 50)
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} kicks the {#highlite}{3}{#message} worst ranked player{4}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1],
($command['params'][1] == 1 ? '' : 's'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
kick_worst($aseco, $command['params'][1]);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid kickworst value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// Players (display players list)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'players')
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// remember players parameter for possible refresh
$admin->panels['plyparam'] = $command['params'][1];
$onlineonly = (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'live');
// create new list of online players
$onlinelist = array();
// get current players on the server (hardlimited to 300)
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
$aseco->client->query('GetPlayerList', 300, 0, 1);
$aseco->client->query('GetPlayerList', 300, 0);
$players = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetPlayerList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
foreach ($players as $pl)
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// on relay, check for player from master server
if (!$aseco->server->isrelay || floor($pl['Flags'] / 10000) % 10 == 0)
$onlinelist[$pl['Login']] = array('login' => $pl['Login'],
'spec' => $pl['SpectatorStatus']);
} else {
$onlinelist[$pl['Login']] = array('login' => $pl['Login'],
'spec' => $pl['IsSpectator']);
$playerlist = array();
// use online list?
if ($onlineonly) {
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist as $pl => $entry) {
if (array_key_exists($pl, $onlinelist))
$playerlist[$pl] = $entry;
} else {
// search for known logins
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist as $pl => $entry) {
if ($command['params'][1] == '' || stripos($pl, $command['params'][1]) !== false)
$playerlist[$pl] = $entry;
// append vip list
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list as $pl) {
// check if vip is not yet in the new list and matches search
if ($pl != '' && !array_key_exists($pl, $playerlist) &&
($command['params'][1] == '' || stripos($pl, $command['params'][1]) !== false)) {
ajouter_joueur_liste($aseco, $pl, true, false);
$playerlist[$pl] = $aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$pl];
if (!empty($playerlist)) {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = ($onlineonly ? 'Online' : 'Known') . ' Players On This Server:' . LF .
'Id ' . ($aseco->server->jfreu->badwords ? 'Bw ' : '') .
'{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($playerlist as $pl => $entry) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $pl;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// check for badwords filtering
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. '
. ($aseco->server->jfreu->badwords ? $entry->badwords . ' ' : '')
. '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $aseco->getPlayerNick($pl))
. '$z / ' . ($aseco->isAnyAdminL($pl) ? '{#logina}' : '{#login}') . $pl . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = ($onlineonly ? 'Online' : 'Known') . ' Players On This Server:';
$msg = array();
// check for badwords filtering
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->badwords) {
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', '$nCount', 'BadW', 'Ban', 'Ban', 'Left', 'UnBan', 'VIP', 'Spec');
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.591, 0.15, 0.5, 0.10, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.121, 0.12, 0.12), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Buddies'));
} else {
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', 'Ban', 'Ban', 'Left', 'UnBan', 'VIP', 'Spec');
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.371, 0.15, 0.5, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.121, 0.12, 0.12), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Buddies'));
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$time = time();
foreach ($playerlist as $pl => $entry) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $pl;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $aseco->getPlayerNick($pl))
. '$z / ' . ($aseco->isAnyAdminL($pl) ? '{#logina}' : '{#login}') . $pl;
// define colored column strings
$bdw = '$ff3+1';
$bn1 = '$f301Hour';
$bn2 = '$f0324H';
$ubn = '$c3fUnBan';
$gst = '$3c3Add';
$ugt = '$393Remove';
$usp = '$09fUnSpec';
$off = '$09cOffln';
$plr = '$09cPlayer';
$spc = '$09cSpec';
// check whether temporarily banned
if ($entry->banned > $time) {
$remain = round(($entry->banned - $time) / 60); // compute mins
if ($remain > 60) { // check for >1 hour
$remain = sprintf('%dh%02d', $remain / 60, $remain % 60);
} else {
$remain = false;
// always add clickable buttons
if ($pid <= 200) {
$ply = array($ply, $pid+2000);
if (array_key_exists($pl, $onlinelist)) {
$bdw = array($bdw, -4000-$pid);
$bn1 = array($bn1, -4200-$pid);
$bn2 = array($bn2, -4400-$pid);
if ($remain !== false)
$ubn = array($ubn, -4600-$pid);
if (in_array($pl, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list))
$gst = array($ugt, -5000-$pid);
$gst = array($gst, -4800-$pid);
if ($entry->speconly)
$spc = array($usp, -5200-$pid);
elseif (!$onlinelist[$pl]['spec'])
$spc = $plr;
} else {
// determine offline operations
$bn1 = array($bn1, -4200-$pid);
$bn2 = array($bn2, -4400-$pid);
if ($remain !== false)
$ubn = array($ubn, -4600-$pid);
if (in_array($pl, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list))
$gst = array($ugt, -5000-$pid);
$gst = array($gst, -4800-$pid);
$spc = $off;
} else {
// no more buttons
if (in_array($pl, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list))
$gst = $ugt;
if (array_key_exists($pl, $onlinelist)) {
if ($entry->speconly)
$spc = $usp;
elseif (!$onlinelist[$pl]['spec'])
$spc = $plr;
} else {
$spc = $off;
// check for badwords filtering
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->badwords)
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply,
$entry->badwords, $bdw, $bn1, $bn2,
($remain !== false ? $remain : 'none'),
$ubn, $gst, $spc);
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply,
$bn1, $bn2,
($remain !== false ? $remain : 'none'),
$ubn, $gst, $spc);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->badwords)
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', '$nCount', 'BadW', 'Ban', 'Ban', 'Left', 'UnBan', 'VIP', 'Spec');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', 'Ban', 'Ban', 'Left', 'UnBan', 'VIP', 'Spec');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
} else {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
// Unspec (unspec a player)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unspec' && $command['params'][1] != '')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1]))
if (isset($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]) &&
$aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]->speconly = false;
$aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]->isvip = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] unSpec-ed [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $target->login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} unSpecs {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, clean_nick($target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->autorank)
autorank($aseco, $command);
$message = $yel.'> '.$red.'Login: '.$whi.$target->login.$red.' is not SpecOnly!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Add VIP (permanent !!)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addvip' && $command['params'][1] != '')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1]))
if (in_array($target->login, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list))
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'Login: '.$whi.$target->login.$blu.' is already in VIP list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
$aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list[] = $target->login;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds VIP [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $target->login);
// show chat message
$message = $yel.'>> '.$blu.'New VIP: '.$whi.$target->login.$blu.' / '.$whi.clean_nick($target->nickname).'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// mark player as VIP
$aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]->isvip = true;
// Remove VIP (permanent !!)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'removevip' && $command['params'][1] != '')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true))
if (($i = array_search($target->login, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list)) === false)
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'Login: '.$whi.$target->login.$blu.' is not in VIP list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
$aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list[$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] removes VIP [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $target->login);
// show chat message
$message = $yel.'>> '.$blu.'Login: '.$whi.$target->login.$blu.' removed from VIP list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// mark player as non-VIP
if (isset($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]))
$aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]->isvip = false;
// Add VIP_Team (permanent !!)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addvipteam' && $command['params'][1] != '')
$team = $command['params'][1];
if (in_array($team, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list))
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'Team: '.$whi.$team.$blu.' is already in VIP_Team list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
$aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list[] = $team;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds VIP_Team [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $team);
// show chat message
$message = $yel.'>> '.$blu.'New VIP_Team: '.$whi.$team.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// Remove VIP_Team (permanent !!)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'removevipteam' && $command['params'][1] != '')
$team = $command['params'][1];
if (($i = array_search($team, $aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list)) === false)
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'Team: '.$whi.$team.$blu.' is not in VIP_Team list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
$aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list[$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] removes VIP_Team [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $team);
// show chat message
$message = $yel.'>> '.$blu.'Team: '.$whi.$team.$blu.' removed from VIP_Team list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// Display VIPs list
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listvips')
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Current VIPs:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list as $player) {
if ($player != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $aseco->getPlayerNick($player) . '$z / {#login}' . $player . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No VIP(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Current VIPs:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to Remove)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Invite'));
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list as $player) {
if ($player != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $aseco->getPlayerNick($player))
. '$z / {#login}' . $player;
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$ply = array($ply, -5600-$pid); // action id // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to Remove)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No VIP(s) found!'), $login);
// Display VIP_Teams list
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listvipteams')
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Current VIP_Teams:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Team' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list as $team) {
if ($team != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $team;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$z' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $team . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No VIP_Team(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Current VIP_Teams:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Team$g (click to Remove)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Team');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.8, 0.1, 0.7), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Invite'));
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list as $team) {
if ($team != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $team;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] ?
array('{#black}' . $team, -5800-$pid) : // action id
'{#black}' . $team));
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Team$g (click to Remove)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Team');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No VIP_Team(s) found!'), $login);
// Saves vip/team lists
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writelists')
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.'Jfreu lists'.$yel.' written.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Loads vip/team lists
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readlists')
$aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list = array();
$aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list = array();
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.'Jfreu lists'.$yel.' read.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set badwords ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'badwords')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->badwords = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set badwords bot: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set BadWords bot: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->badwords = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set badwords bot: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set BadWords bot: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'BadWords is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->badwords ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set badwordsban ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'badwordsban')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsban = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set badwords ban: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set BadWordsBan: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsban = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set badwords ban: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set BadWordsBan: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'BadWordsBan is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsban ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set badwordsnum value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'badwordsnum')
if ($command['params'][1] != '' && is_numeric($command['params'][1]))
if ($command['params'][1] > 0 && $command['params'][1] < 10)
$aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsnum = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set badwordsnum: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsnum);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set BadWordsNum to: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsnum);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'BadWordsNum value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->badwordsnum.$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set badwordstime value.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'badwordstime')
if ($command['params'][1] != '' && is_numeric($command['params'][1]))
if ($command['params'][1] > 0 && $command['params'][1] <= 24 * 60) // 1 day
$aseco->server->jfreu->badwordstime = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set badwordstime: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->badwordstime);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set BadWordsTime to: {#highlite}{3}{#message} mins.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->jfreu->badwordstime);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'BadWordsTime value is: '.$whi.$aseco->server->jfreu->badwordstime.$blu.' mins.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Give extra badword warning {login/ID}
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'badword' && $command['params'][1] != '')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1]))
badword_found($target->login, $target->nickname, '');
// Ban player temporarily (/jfreu banfor <mins>/<hours>H <login>)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'banfor' && $command['params'][1] != '' && isset($command['params'][2]))
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][2], true))
// check time parameter
$time = $command['params'][1];
if (strtolower(substr($time, -1)) == 'h') {
$time = substr($time, 0, -1);
if (is_numeric($time)) {
$time *= 60; // convert to hours
} else {
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.$command['params'][1].$red.' is not a valid time!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
elseif (!is_numeric($time) || $time <= 0) {
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.$command['params'][1].$red.' is not a valid time!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// format time value
if ($time > 60) { // check for >1 hour
$ban = sprintf('%d {#message}hour%s {#highlite}%02d {#message}min%s',
$time / 60, (floor($time / 60) == 1 ? '' : 's'),
$time % 60, (($time % 60) == 1 ? '' : 's'));
} else {
$ban = sprintf('%d {#message}min%s', $time, ($time == 1 ? '' : 's'));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} bans {#highlite}{3}{#message} for {#highlite}{4}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
clean_nick($target->nickname), $ban);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
banfor($aseco, $target->login, $time);
// UnBans temporarily banned player
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unban')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true))
if (isset($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login])) {
if ($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]->banned > 0) {
$aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist[$target->login]->banned = 0;
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} unbans {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.$target->login.$red.' is not a banned player!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Displays temporarily banned players
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listbans')
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Temporarily Banned Players:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login $g/{#black} Time' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
$time = time();
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist as $player => $entry) {
// check for banned players
if ($entry->banned > $time) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$remain = round(($entry->banned - $time) / 60); // compute mins
if ($remain > 60) { // check for >1 hour
$remain = sprintf('%dh%02d', $remain / 60, $remain % 60);
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. str_ireplace('$w', '', $aseco->getPlayerNick($player))
. '$z / {#login}' . $player . '$g / {#black}' . $remain . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Temporarily Banned Players:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnBan)', '{#black}Time');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', '{#black}Time');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2), array('Icons64x64_1', 'NotBuddy'));
$time = time();
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist as $player => $entry) {
// check for banned players
if ($entry->banned > $time) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$remain = round(($entry->banned - $time) / 60); // compute mins
if ($remain > 60) { // check for >1 hour
$remain = sprintf('%dh%02d', $remain / 60, $remain % 60);
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $aseco->getPlayerNick($player))
. '$z / {#login}' . $player;
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$ply = array($ply, -5400-$pid); // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply,
'{#black}' . $remain);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnBan)', '{#black}Time');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', '{#black}Time');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
// Message from Server (/jfreu message <message>)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'message' && $command['params'][1] != '')
$message = $whi.'['.$aseco->server->name.$whi.'] $z$s' . $arglist[1];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// Message from Player (/jfreu player <login> <message>)
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'player' && $command['params'][1] != '')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1]))
$text = explode(' ', $arglist[1], 2);
// don't use $s as a subtle hint this isn't the actual player saying it
$message = '$z['.$target->nickname.'$z] '.$text[1];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// Set PF (BAD BAD BAD) {map} or {time}/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'nopfkick')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF' ||
$command['params'][1] == '0')
$aseco->server->jfreu->pf = 0;
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set NoPfKick: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (isset($aseco->server->jfreu->pf_list[$command['params'][1]]))
$aseco->server->jfreu->pf = $aseco->server->jfreu->pf_list[$command['params'][1]];
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set NoPfKick on {#highlite}{3}{#message} map.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] > 0 && $command['params'][1] < 600000)
$aseco->server->jfreu->pf = $command['params'][1];
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set NoPfKick time: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'Map '.$whi.$command['params'][1].$blu.' is not in PF list.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set NoPfKick: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->jfreu->pf);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'NoPfKick is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->pf == 0 ? 'OFF' : 'ON').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Cancel vote - redundant with /admin cancel
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cancel')
global $feature_votes; // from rasp.settings.php
// disabled if chat-based votes are enabled
if (!$feature_votes)
$message = $yel.'>> '.$blu.'Vote canceled.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// Set novote ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'novote')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->novote = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set novote: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set NoVote: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->novote = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set novote: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set NoVote: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'NoVote is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->novote ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set unspecvote ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unspecvote')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'ON')
$aseco->server->jfreu->unspecvote = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set /unspec vote: ON', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set UnSpecVote: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'ON');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][1]) == 'OFF')
$aseco->server->jfreu->unspecvote = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set /unspec vote: OFF', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set UnSpecVote: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, 'OFF');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'UnSpecVote is: '.$whi.
($aseco->server->jfreu->unspecvote ? 'ON' : 'OFF').$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Set infomessages ON/OFF.
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'infomessages')
if ($command['params'][1] != '')
if ($command['params'][1] >= 0 && $command['params'][1] <= 2)
$aseco->server->jfreu->infomessages = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set info messages: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#message}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} set InfoMessages: {#highlite}{3}{#message}.',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . '{#error} is not a valid infomessages value!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = $yel.'> '.$blu.'InfoMessages is: '.$whi.
$aseco->server->jfreu->infomessages .$blu.'.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Saves Jfreu config
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writeconfig')
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.'Jfreu config'.$yel.' written.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
// Loads Jfreu config
elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readconfig')
$message = $yel.'> '.$whi.'Jfreu config'.$yel.' read. Servername: '.$whi . $aseco->getServerName();
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $message, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Unknown Jfreu command or missing parameter(s): {#highlite}$i ' . $arglist[0] . ' ' . $arglist[1];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} // chat_jfreu
// called @ onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer
// Handles ManiaLink jfreu responses
// [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Answer
function event_jfreu($aseco, $answer) {
// leave actions outside -5600 - -4001 to other handlers
if ($answer[2] < -5600 && $answer[2] > -4001)
// get player & possible parameter
$player = $aseco->server->players->getPlayer($answer[1]);
if (isset($player->panels['plyparam']))
$param = $player->panels['plyparam'];
// check for /jfreu badword command
if ($answer[2] >= -4200 && $answer[2] <= -4001) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-4001]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu badword {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// badword selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'badword ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu banfor 1H command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -4400 && $answer[2] <= -4201) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-4201]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu banfor 1H {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// banfor 1H selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'banfor 1H ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu banfor 24H command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -4600 && $answer[2] <= -4401) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-4401]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu banfor 24H {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// banfor 24H selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'banfor 24H ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu unban command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -4800 && $answer[2] <= -4601) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-4601]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu unban {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unban selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unban ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu addvip command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -5000 && $answer[2] <= -4801) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-4801]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu addvip {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// addvip selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'addvip ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu removevip command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -5200 && $answer[2] <= -5001) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-5001]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu removevip {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// removevip selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'removevip ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu unspec command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -5400 && $answer[2] <= -5201) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-5201]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu unspec {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unspec selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unspec ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu unban command in listbans
elseif ($answer[2] >= -5600 && $answer[2] <= -5401) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-5401]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu unban {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unban selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unban ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check whether last player was unbanned
$bansleft = false;
$time = time();
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->playerlist as $entry) {
if ($entry->banned > $time) {
$bansleft = true;
if (!$bansleft) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu listbans"',
// refresh listbans window
$command['params'] = 'listbans';
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu removevip command in listvips
elseif ($answer[2] >= -5800 && $answer[2] <= -5601) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-5601]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu removevip {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// removevip selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'removevip ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check whether last vip was removed
$vipsleft = false;
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_list as $lg) {
if ($lg != '') {
$vipsleft = true;
if (!$vipsleft) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu listvips"',
// refresh listvips window
$command['params'] = 'listvips';
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check for /jfreu removevipteam command in listvipteams
elseif ($answer[2] >= -6000 && $answer[2] <= -5801) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-5801]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu removevipteam {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// removevip selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'removevipteam ' . $target;
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
// check whether last vipteam was removed
$teamsleft = false;
foreach ($aseco->server->jfreu->vip_team_list as $tm) {
if ($tm != '') {
$teamsleft = true;
if (!$teamsleft) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/jfreu listvipteams"',
// refresh listvips window
$command['params'] = 'listvipteams';
chat_jfreu($aseco, $command);
} // event_jfreu