357 lines
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357 lines
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/* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */
* Chat plugin.
* Displays player statistics & personal settings.
* Updated by Xymph
* Dependencies: requires chat.records2.php
require_once('includes/tmndatafetcher.inc.php'); // provides access to TMN world stats
Aseco::addChatCommand('stats', 'Displays statistics of current player');
Aseco::addChatCommand('statsall', 'Displays world statistics of a player');
Aseco::addChatCommand('settings', 'Displays your personal settings');
// calls function get_recs() from chat.records2.php
function chat_stats($aseco, $command) {
global $rasp, $feature_ranks, $maxrecs;
$player = $command['author'];
$target = $player;
// check for optional player parameter
if ($command['params'] != '')
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($player, $command['params'], true))
// showing stats for TMN
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
// get current player info
$aseco->client->query('GetPlayerInfo', $target->login);
$info = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
$rank = 0;
$score = 0;
} else {
$rank = $info['LadderStats']['Ranking'];
$score = $info['LadderStats']['Score'];
// format ladder rank with narrow spaces between the thousands
$rank = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($rank, 0, ' ', ' '));
// obtain last online timestamp
$query = 'SELECT UpdatedAt FROM players
WHERE login=' . quotedString($target->login);
$result = mysql_query($query);
$laston = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$records = 0;
if ($list = get_recs($target->id)) { // from chat.records2.php
// sort for best records
// count total ranked records
foreach ($list as $name => $rec) {
// stop upon unranked record
if ($rec > $maxrecs) break;
// count ranked record
$stats = 'Stats for: ' . $target->nickname . '$z / {#login}' . $target->login . LF . LF;
$stats .= '$gServer Date : {#black}' . date('M d, Y') . LF;
$stats .= '$gServer Time : {#black}' . date('H:i:s T') . LF;
$stats .= '$gTime Played : {#black}' . formatTimeH($target->getTimePlayed() * 1000, false) . LF;
$stats .= '$gLast Online : {#black}' . preg_replace('/^\d\d\d\d/', '\$n$0\$m', preg_replace('/:\d\d$/', '', $laston[0])) . LF;
if ($feature_ranks) {
$stats .= '$gServer Rank : {#black}' . $rasp->getRank($target->login) . LF;
$stats .= '$gRecords : {#black}' . $records . LF;
$stats .= '$gRaces Won : {#black}' . ($target->getWins() > $target->wins ? $target->getWins() : $target->wins) . LF;
$stats .= '$gLadder Rank : {#black}' . $rank . LF;
$stats .= '$gLadder Score: {#black}' . round($score, 1) . LF;
$stats .= '$gNation : {#black}' . $target->nation . LF;
$stats .= '$gClan : {#black}' . ($target->teamname ? $target->teamname . '$z' : '<none>') . LF;
if ($aseco->allowAbility($player, 'chat_statsip')) {
$stats .= '$gIP : {#black}' . $target->ipport;
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $player->login, $aseco->formatColors($stats), 'OK', '', 0);
// showing stats for TMF
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// get current player info
$aseco->client->query('GetDetailedPlayerInfo', $target->login);
$info = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
$rank = 0;
$score = 0;
$lastm = 0;
$wins = 0;
$draws = 0;
$losses = 0;
$zone = '';
$inscrdays = 0;
$inscrhours = 0;
} else {
$rank = $info['LadderStats']['PlayerRankings'][0]['Ranking'];
$score = $info['LadderStats']['PlayerRankings'][0]['Score'];
$lastm = $info['LadderStats']['LastMatchScore'];
$wins = $info['LadderStats']['NbrMatchWins'];
$draws = $info['LadderStats']['NbrMatchDraws'];
$losses = $info['LadderStats']['NbrMatchLosses'];
// get zone info
$zone = substr($info['Path'], 6); // strip 'World|'
$inscr = $info['HoursSinceZoneInscription'];
$inscrdays = floor($inscr / 24);
$inscrhours = $inscr - ($inscrdays * 24);
// format numbers with narrow spaces between the thousands
$frank = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($rank, 0, ' ', ' '));
$fwins = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($wins, 0, ' ', ' '));
$fdraws = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($draws, 0, ' ', ' '));
$flosses = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($losses, 0, ' ', ' '));
// obtain last online timestamp
$query = 'SELECT UpdatedAt FROM players
WHERE login=' . quotedString($target->login);
$result = mysql_query($query);
$laston = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$records = 0;
if ($list = get_recs($target->id)) { // from chat.records2.php
// sort for best records
// count total ranked records
foreach ($list as $name => $rec) {
// stop upon unranked record
if ($rec > $maxrecs) break;
// count ranked record
$header = 'Stats for: ' . $target->nickname . '$z / {#login}' . $target->login;
$stats = array();
$stats[] = array('Server Date', '{#black}' . date('M d, Y'));
$stats[] = array('Server Time', '{#black}' . date('H:i:s T'));
$value = '{#black}' . formatTimeH($target->getTimePlayed() * 1000, false);
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$value = array($value, -5); // action id
$stats[] = array('Time Played', $value);
$stats[] = array('Last Online', '{#black}' . preg_replace('/:\d\d$/', '', $laston[0]));
if ($feature_ranks) {
$value = '{#black}' . $rasp->getRank($target->login);
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$value = array($value, -6); // action id
$stats[] = array('Server Rank', $value);
$value = '{#black}' . $records;
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$value = array($value, 5); // action id
$stats[] = array('Records', $value);
$value = '{#black}' . ($target->getWins() > $target->wins ? $target->getWins() : $target->wins);
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$value = array($value, 6); // action id
$stats[] = array('Races Won', $value);
$stats[] = array('Ladder Rank', '{#black}' . $frank);
$stats[] = array('Ladder Score', '{#black}' . round($score, 1));
$stats[] = array('Last Match', '{#black}' . round($lastm, 1));
$stats[] = array('Wins', '{#black}' . $fwins);
$stats[] = array('Draws', '{#black}' . $fdraws . ($losses != 0 ?
' $gW/L: {#black}' . round($wins / $losses, 3) : ''));
$stats[] = array('Losses', '{#black}' . $flosses);
$stats[] = array('Zone', '{#black}' . $zone);
$stats[] = array('Inscribed', '{#black}' . $inscrdays . ' day' . ($inscrdays == 1 ? ' ' : 's ') . $inscrhours . ' hours');
$stats[] = array('Rights', '{#black}' . ($target->rights ? 'United' : 'Nations'));
if ($aseco->server->rights) {
$stats[] = array('Donations', '{#black}' . ($target->rights ? ldb_getDonations($aseco, $target->login) : 'N/A'));
$stats[] = array('Clan', '{#black}' . ($target->teamname ? $target->teamname . '$z' : '<none>'));
$stats[] = array('Client', '{#black}' . $target->client);
if ($aseco->allowAbility($player, 'chat_statsip')) {
$stats[] = array('IP', '{#black}' . $target->ipport);
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($player->login, $header, array('Icons128x128_1', 'Statistics', 0.03), $stats, array(1.0, 0.3, 0.7), 'OK');
} else { // TMS/TMO
$stats = '{#server}> XASECO Stats' . LF;
$stats .= 'Showing stats of ' . $target->nickname . LF;
$stats .= 'Time Played: ' . formatTimeH($target->getTimePlayed() * 1000, false) . LF;
$stats .= 'Races Won: ' . $target->getWins();
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($stats), $player->login);
} // chat_stats
function chat_statsall($aseco, $command) {
$player = $command['author'];
$target = $player;
// showing stats for TMN only
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
// check for optional player parameter
if ($command['params'] != '') {
$login = $command['params'];
if (is_numeric($login)) {
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($player, $login, true)) {
} else {
$login = $target->login;
} else {
$login = $player->login;
// obtain external stats
$data = new TMNDataFetcher($login, true);
if (!$data->nickname) {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $login . '{#error} is not a valid player!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $player->login);
// format ranks & stats with narrow spaces between the thousands
$wrank = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->worldrank, 0, ' ', ' '));
$nrank = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->nationrank, 0, ' ', ' '));
$ntotal = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->nationplayers, 0, ' ', ' '));
$ptotal = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->totalplayers, 0, ' ', ' '));
$wins = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->wins, 0, ' ', ' '));
$draws = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->draws, 0, ' ', ' '));
$losses = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->losses, 0, ' ', ' '));
$trank = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->teamrank, 0, ' ', ' '));
$ttotal = str_replace(' ', '$n $m', number_format($data->totalteams, 0, ' ', ' '));
$stats = 'Stats for: {#black}' . $data->nickname . '$z / {#login}' . $data->login . LF . LF;
$stats .= '$gLadder Rank : {#black}' . $wrank . '$g / {#black}' . $ptotal . LF;
$stats .= '$gLadder Score : {#black}' . round($data->points, 1) . LF;
$stats .= '$gLast Match : {#black}' . round($data->lastmatch, 1) . LF;
$stats .= '$gNation : {#black}' . $data->nation . LF;
$stats .= '$gNation Rank : {#black}' . $nrank . '$g / {#black}' . $ntotal . LF;
$stats .= '$gWins : {#black}' . $wins . LF;
$stats .= '$gDraws : {#black}' . $draws;
if ($data->losses != 0) {
$stats .= ' $gW/L: {#black}' . round($data->wins / $data->losses, 3);
$stats .= LF;
$stats .= '$gLosses : {#black}' . $losses . LF;
$stats .= '$gStars / Days : {#black}' . $data->stars . '$g / {#black}' . $data->stardays . LF;
$stats .= '$gTeam : {#black}' . ($data->teamname ? $data->teamname . '$z' : '<none>') . LF;
if ($data->teamname) {
$stats .= '$gTeam Rank : {#black}' . $trank . '$g / {#black}' . $ttotal . LF;
$stats .= '$gOnline : {#black}' . ($data->online ? $data->serverlogin . '$g / {#black}' . $data->servernation : '<no>') . LF;
$stats .= '$gNations Score: {#black}' . $data->nationpoints . LF;
$stats .= '$gNations Rank : {#black}' . $data->nationpos . '$g / {#black}' . $data->totalnations;
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $player->login, $aseco->formatColors($stats), 'OK', '', 0);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Command unavailable, use {#highlite}$i /stats {#error}instead.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $player->login);
} // chat_statsall
function chat_settings($aseco, $command) {
$player = $command['author'];
$target = $player;
// check for optional login parameter if any admin
if ($command['params'] != '' && $aseco->allowAbility($player, 'chat_settings'))
if (!$target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($player, $command['params'], true))
// get CPs settings
if (function_exists('chat_cps'))
$cps = ldb_getCPs($aseco, $target->login);
$cps = false;
// showing settings for TMN
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
if ($cps) {
$settings = 'Settings for: ' . $target->nickname . '$z / {#login}' . $target->login . LF . LF;
$settings .= '$gLocal CPS : {#black}' . $cps['cps'] . LF;
$settings .= '$gDedimania CPS: {#black}' . $cps['dedicps'] . LF;
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $player->login, $aseco->formatColors($settings), 'OK', '', 0);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No personal settings available';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $player->login);
// showing settings for TMF
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// get style setting
if (function_exists('style_default'))
$style = ldb_getStyle($aseco, $target->login);
$style = false;
// get panel settings
if (function_exists('panels_default'))
$panels = ldb_getPanels($aseco, $target->login);
$panels = false;
if ($cps || $style || $panels) {
$header = 'Settings for: ' . $target->nickname . '$z / {#login}' . $target->login;
$settings = array();
// collect available settings
if ($cps) {
$settings[] = array('Local CPS', '{#black}' . $cps['cps']);
$settings[] = array('Dedimania CPS', '{#black}' . $cps['dedicps']);
if ($style || $panels)
$settings[] = array();
if ($style) {
$settings[] = array('Window Style', '{#black}' . $style);
if ($panels)
$settings[] = array();
if ($panels) {
if ($aseco->isAnyAdmin($target))
$settings[] = array('Admin Panel', '{#black}' . substr($panels['admin'], 5));
$settings[] = array('Donate Panel', '{#black}' . substr($panels['donate'], 6));
$settings[] = array('Records Panel', '{#black}' . substr($panels['records'], 7));
$settings[] = array('Vote Panel', '{#black}' . substr($panels['vote'], 4));
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($player->login, $header, array('Icons128x128_1', 'Inputs', 0.03), $settings, array(1.0, 0.3, 0.7), 'OK');
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No personal settings available';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $player->login);
} else { // TMO/TMS
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No personal settings available';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $player->login);
} // chat_settings