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# docker-tmserver
Docker image for simple or customizable Trackmania Nations/United Forever server
bundled with XAseco.
## How to use this image
### docker run
`docker run --env-file <path/to/env-file> -p 2350/2350:udp -p 3450/3450:udp [-v {volumes}] fanyx/tmserver`
### docker-compose
Check the default [`docker-compose.yml`](./docker-compose.yml) to familiarize yourself
with a possible setup. Adjust it to your needs and according to the documentation below,
then run
`docker-compose up -d`
## Configuration - Trackmania
### Mandatory
- SERVER_LOGIN | Server account login
- SERVER_LOGIN_PASSWORD | Server account password
### Optional
- SERVER_SA_PASSWORD | Password for SuperAdmin credential
-> when left empty will be randomly generated
- SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD | Password for Admin credential
-> when left empty will be randomly generated
- SERVER_PORT | Port for server communications -> Default : 2350
- SERVER_P2P_PORT | Port for peer2peer communication -> Default : 3450
- SERVER_NAME | Server name in ingame browser -> Default : "Trackmania Server"
- SERVER_COMMENT | Server description -> Default : "This is a Trackmania Server"
- SERVER_PASSWORD | If you want to secure your server against
unwanted logins, set a server password
- HIDE_SERVER | Whether you want your server public or not -> Default : 0 (public)
- MAX_PLAYERS | Max player count -> Default : 32
- PACKMASK | Leave empty to change server mode to United -> Default : stadium
### Gamemodes
- GAMEMODE | 0 (Rounds), 1 (TimeAttack), 2 (Team), 3 (Laps), 4 (Stunts) -> Default : 1
- CHATTIME | Chat time value in milliseconds -> Default : 10000
- FINISHTIMEOUT | Finish timeout value in milliseconds.
0 = classic, 1 = adaptive -> Default : 1
- DISABLERESPAWN | 0 (respawns enabled), 1 (respawns disabled) -> Default : 0
#### Gamemode : Rounds
- ROUNDS_POINTSLIMIT | Points limit for rounds mode -> Default : 30
#### Gamemode : TimeAttack
- TIMEATTACK_LIMIT | Time limit in milliseconds for time attack mode -> Default : 180000
#### Gamemode : Team
- TEAM_POINTSLIMIT | Points limit for team mode -> Default : 50
- TEAM_MAXPOINTS | Number of maximum points per round for team mode -> Default : 6
#### Gamemode : Laps
- LAPS_NBLAPS | Number of laps for laps mode -> Default : 5
- LAPS_TIMELIMIT | Time limit in milliseconds for laps mode -> Default : 0
#### Gamemode : Cup
- CUP_POINTSLIMIT | Points limit for cup mode -> Default : 100
- CUP_ROUNDSPERCHALLENGE | Rounds per challenge -> Default : 5
- CUP_NBWINNERS | Number of Winners -> Default : 3
- CUP_WARMUPDURATION | Warmup duration -> Default : 2
## Configuration - XAseco
I've taken the freedom to ease the MySQL configuration a bit.
Other plugins still need to be configured fully.
Acquire the necessary files and follow the guide to custom configurations below.
### Mandatory
- MASTERADMIN_LOGIN | Login name of the player to assume MasterAdmin role for XAseco
### MySQL
- MYSQL_HOST | Host of MySQL database -> Default : db
- MYSQL_LOGIN | Username of MySQL database -> Default : trackmania
- MYSQL_PASSWORD (Mandatory) | Password of MySQL user
- MYSQL_DATABASE | Name of MySQL database -> Default : trackmania
## Customization
Apart from the configuration possibilities, I've included some scripts to add custom tracks, tracklist, configuration files, plugins and a blacklist to disable unwanted default plugins.
### Custom Tracks
While the Nadeo tracks are available in this repository and accessible under `GameData/Tracks/Challenges/Nadeo/`,
adding custom tracks from e.g. [Trackmania Exchange]( is as simple as placing the files
in the `tracks/` folder and mounting it to `/var/lib/tmserver/GameData/Tracks/Custom/`.
image: fanyx/tmserver
- ./tracks:/var/lib/tmserver/GameData/Tracks/Custom
### Custom Playlist
You can add tracks to a playlist in a simple way.
Create a plaintext file like in the example below and mount it to `/var/lib/tmserver/playlist.txt`.
To enable parsing of this file set `CUSTOM_PLAYLIST` in your env-file to anything but an empty string.
The tracks for the server are stored relative to `/var/lib/tmserver/GameData/Tracks`.
Creating your own playlist is as easy as specifying each track on a separate line in the `playlist.txt`
by its relative path to the `Tracks` folder.
#### Example:
Folder structure:
|--> docker-compose.yml
|--> ./tracks
|--> mini01.Challenge.Gbx
`--> SpeedxZxZ.Challenge.Gbx
|--> ./db-data
`--> ./playlist.txt
playlist.txt :
When mounting your own `playlist.xml` file to the container you overwrite a lot of
customization options that usually would be parsed from environment variables.
If you're familiar with these options anyway, you can mount `playlist.xml` to
`/var/lib/tmserver/GameData/MatchSettings/playlist.xml` and use it as a complete
and persistent configuration file that can be written to by plugins or external tools
like RemoteCP.
### Custom configuration files
Most plugins need you to provide valid configuration files to function in the first place.
Place these in a folder e.g. `config/` and mount it to `/var/lib/xaseco/config/`.
All files will be linked to XAseco's root folder.
Careful, this will overwrite exisiting default files and `localdatabase.xml` as well.
### Custom plugins
Custom plugins work similar to configuration files.
Create a folder like `plugins/` and mount it to `/var/lib/xaseco/plugins/custom/`.
They will be linked down to the plugins folder.
### Plugin blacklist
Create a file called `blacklist` and list plugins by filename that you want ignored on
XAseco's boot.
Mount this file at `/var/lib/xaseco/blacklist`.
would disable jfreu's plugins but leave all others enabled.