docker-tmserver/xaseco/DOCS/OLD/Jfreu's plugin.txt

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~~[ v0.13d ]~~
- Add : "/jfreu banfor X login" to ban a player for X min
- Fix : banFor X min ban for X min (not for X min - 30 sec)
- Fix : bug with non-included chat & settings files
- Upg : unspec command cancel the player's vote to unspec him.
- Upg : "unspec vote" ban the player for 5 min if vote result is NO.
- Upg : badwordsban ban the player for 10 min.
- Upg : in "unspec vote" +50% yes -> yes | +49% no -> no.
~~[ v0.13c ]~~
- Fix : "/jfreu kickHiRank ON/OFF" fixed : kick worst ranked players
when the server is "full".
- Fix : "/jfreu kickWorst X" fixed : kick X wost players.
~~[ v0.13b ]~~
- Add : the word between the server's name and the limit
(usually "Top") can be changed.
- Add : autoChangeName can be turned OFF
(server's name when the limit changes)
- Add : TEAM_VIP all team members are vip.
- Add : "/uptodate" command to know if the version of the
plugin is up to date.
- Add : NewPlayer message when a new player joins and ranklimit
is OFF.
- Add : "/jfreu removevip" & "/jfreu removeteamvip" to remove
a vip & a team_vip ingame (by an admin).
- Upg : Admins, VIP and TEAM_VIP added ingame are saved in a
xml file ("jfreu/jfreu.lists.xlm")
- Upg : All the plugin's admin commands are "jfreu commands" now,
to avoid the bug with "/admin help", now it is "/jfreu help"
the plugin's admin commands are "/jfreu [command]"
- Upg : Cancel custom vote ('unspec') when the player disconects.
~~[ v0.13a ]~~
- Add : Admin command "addadmin {login}" to add an admin.
- Add : Admin private message to login :
/admin messagetologin {login} {message}
- Add : Hardlimit : players, VIP, specs over the hardlimit
are kicked (without message in the chat)
- Add : Admins can change the hardlimit ingame.
- Add : SpecOnly command unspec to launch an unspec vote.
- Add : If a player leaves the game his vote is canceled.
- Fix : novote can be turned OFF.
- Fix : fix bug in "clean_nick" function.
- Fix : No more timeOut crash
- Fix : PM fixed (no more server's login at the begining)
- Upg : badWord bot more powerfull.
( "$zS$wHh$00FIII$wiiI$nT" is a badword )
- Upg : Colors in the plugin are aseco's colors.
- Upg : Ranklimit & Info commands send a PM to the player.
- Upg : Unspec and VIP not in server average if autorankVIP ON.
~~[ v0.12d ]~~
- Add : Admin command "unspec" to allow a "SpecOnly" to join
the race.
- Add : custom maxBadWords
- Add : BadWordsBan (ON/OFF) ban when 2x maxBadWords
- Add : Admin command KickWorst to kick worst ranked players
except vip.
- Add : admin cancelvote to cancel current vote
- Add : novote (ON/OFF) to autocancel votes
- Upg : kickhirank function use KickWorst function.
~~[ v0.12c ]~~
- Add : SpecOnly are kicked if they join the race
- Fix : bug with "admin help"
- Fix : bug with "autorankvip"
- Fix : bug with "autorankvip" default state
~~[ v0.12b ]~~
- Add : "BadWords" -> 3 "badwords" = kicked (on/off)
- Add : random information message at the end of the race
(editable) (on/off)
- Add : players over ranklimit can join the game as spec
- Add : kick hiRank players if server is "full"
(custom maxplayers) (on/off)
- Fix : problem with "chat.admin" overwritten
~~[ v0.11a ]~~
- Add : autoRankMinPlayer : autorank disabled when not enough
players then limit = Ranklimit.
autoRankMinPlayer value can be changed ingame (by admins)
Autorank limit = Ranklimit when not enough players
- Add : admin can add VIP ingame (deleted when aseco restarts)
- Add : admin can force Autorank limit (until a new player comes)
~~[ v0.10b ]~~
- Add : admin command : /admin player {login} {message}
- Fix : bug with AutoRank Offset.
- Fix : bug timeOut crash.
~~[ v0.09e ]~~
- Add : RankLimit can be turned on/off ingame (by an admin)
- Add : AutoRank offset value can be changed ingame (by an admin)
- Add : AutoRankLimit is changed when a player left the game
~~[ v0.08 ]~~
- Rank limit (new player with a rank over the limit is kicked)
- AutoRankLimit (DynaRank) : server's rank + offset = ranklimit
- Change the server's name when the limit is changed :
- Server's messages in chat : "[ServerName] your message"
- fake rec : ">> XXX took the 1. rank with a time of... !
- informations on account : IP/port/login/nick/score/rank
- AutoRankLimit can be turned on/off ingame (by an admin)
- Rank limit value can be changed ingame (by an admin)
- ...