# Magitek Armor ![Magitek Armor](images/M-Tek_Armor.PNG.webp) **LV 15 Construct** ``` Armored Vehicle being operated by one person. Able to utilize several Magitek-infused launchers. ``` **Traits:** loyal or mind-controlled, ruthless, army ## Attributes DEX: `d8` INS: `d10` MIG: `d8` WLP: `d6` Init: `9` HP: `80 || 40` MP: `60` Def: `8` M.Def: `10 +2` Checks: +0 Damage: +0 ## Affinities Physical: - Air: - Bolt: Vulnerable Dark: - Earth: Resistance Fire: - Ice: - Light: - Poison: Immune ## Basic Attacks ``` Magitek Laser: Ranged [INS + INS] +1 || [HR + 5] Roll 1 d6: 1-2 fire damage, 3-4 bolt damage, 5-6 ice damage ``` ``` Metal Kick: Melee [MIG + MIG] +1 || [HR + 7] physical ``` ## Spells ``` Magitek Bio: Ranged [INS + INS] +1 || 20 MP || 2 Targets || Instant Target suffers [HR + 5] poison damage. ``` ## Special Rules **Construct:** Magitek Armor is immune to **poison** damage, resistant to **earth** damage and immune to **poisoned**.