where i log my game activity
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2023-01-19 16:47:48 +01:00
src Drop CrossCode. Shame! 2023-01-19 16:47:48 +01:00
.gitignore add env to gitignore 2022-12-11 22:45:23 +01:00
build.py source got fucked up a little, changed name width 2023-01-17 19:51:50 +01:00
gamelog.txt Drop CrossCode. Shame! 2023-01-19 16:47:48 +01:00
README.txt Rework to support more than 2 lists 2023-01-17 19:37:53 +01:00
requirements.txt Initial Commit 2022-07-08 11:25:57 +02:00

               _________________________              |   :|                 ____________________                |   :|               _________________________              
_____________//                         \\____________|   :|_______________//                    \\______________|   :|_____________//                         \\____________
_____________|       List of Pride       |____________|   :|_______________|       Wishlist       |______________|   :|_____________|       List of Shame       |____________
             \\_________________________//            |   :|               \\____________________//              |   :|             \\_________________________//            
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
 - Early Days                                  [P001] |   :| - Not Yet Owned                              [W001] |   :| - Currently Playing                           [S001] 
 - First PC                                    [P002] |   :|                                                     |   :| - Upcoming                                    [S002] 
 - The Multiplayer Phase                       [P003] |   :|              _________________________              |   :| - Soon(TM) 2022                               [S003] 
 - 2020                                        [P004] |   :|____________//                         \\____________|   :| - Unknown Future                              [S004] 
 - 2021                                        [P005] |   :|____________|       Not Yet Owned       |____________|   :| - Haunts my Dreams                            [S005] 
 - 2022                                        [P006] |   :|            \\_________________________//     [W001] |   :|                                                      
 - 2023                                        [P007] |   :|                                                     |   :|             _____________________________            
                                                      |   :|______ ______________________________________________|   :|___________//                             \\__________
                ______________________                |   :|======|==============================================|   :|___________|       Currently Playing       |__________
______________//                      \\______________|   :| PC   | Hollow Knight: Silksong                      |   :|           \\_____________________________//   [S001] 
______________|       Early Days       |______________|   :| PC   | Starfetchers - Episode 1                     |   :|                                                      
              \\______________________//       [P001] |   :| PC   | Ghost Song                                   |   :|______ ______________________________________________ 
                                                      |   :| PC   | Slay the Spire                               |   :|======|==============================================|
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :| PC   | V Rising                                     |   :| PC   | Kingdom Two Crowns                           |
|======|==============================================|   :| PC   | Beacon Pines                                 |   :|______|______________________________________________|
| GBC  | Pokemon Silver                               |   :| PC   | Switchcars                                   |   :|                 ____________________                 
| GBC  | Jungle Book: Mowgli's Adventure              |   :| PC   | Into the Breach                              |   :|_______________//                    \\_______________
| GBA  | Pokemon Sapphire                             |   :| PS1  | Parasite Eve                                 |   :|_______________|       Upcoming       |_______________
| GBC  | Pokemon Trading Card Game                    |   :| PC   | Sifu                                         |   :|               \\____________________//        [S002] 
| GBC  | Pokemon Crystal                              |   :| PS4  | Dark Souls 2                                 |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Colin McRae Rally 2.0                        |   :| PS4  | Dark Souls 3                                 |   :|______ ______________________________________________ 
| PC   | Anno 1602                                    |   :| PC   | Griftlands                                   |   :|======|==============================================|
| GBA  | Pokemon Emerald                              |   :| PC   | Tunic                                        |   :| PS4  | Persona 5 Royal                              |
| PC   | Need for Speed: Underground                  |   :| PC   | Nine Sols                                    |   :| PC   | Gnosia                                       |
| PC   | Need for Speed: Underground 2                |   :| PC   | Psychonauts                                  |   :| PC   | Nioh: Complete Edition                       |
| PC   | Robin Hood: Legend of Sherwood               |   :| PC   | Psychonauts 2                                |   :| PC   | Death's Door                                 |
| PC   | Driver                                       |   :| PC   | Cave Story+                                  |   :| PC   | SNKRX                                        |
| PSP  | Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker                |   :| PS2  | God Hand                                     |   :|______|______________________________________________|
| PSX  | Metal Gear Solid                             |   :| PC   | Shovel Knight                                |   :|               _________________________              
| PC   | F1 '02                                       |   :| PS3  | Assassin's Creed                             |   :|_____________//                         \\____________
| GBA  | Kim Possible: Revenge of the Monkey Fist     |   :| PC   | Astalon: Tears of the Earth                  |   :|_____________|       Soon(TM) 2022       |____________
| PS2  | Dragon Quest VIII                            |   :| PC   | Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night            |   :|             \\_________________________//     [S003] 
| NDS  | Final Fantasy III                            |   :| PC   | Death Trash                                  |   :|                                                      
| GBA  | Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls          |   :| PC   | Trails Rising                                |   :|______ ______________________________________________ 
| NDS  | Final Fantasy IV                             |   :| PC   | Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice                 |   :|======|==============================================|
| GBA  | Final Fantasy V Advance                      |   :| PC   | Factorio                                     |   :| PS4  | Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drops Distance HD      |
| GBA  | Final Fantasy VI Advance                     |   :| PC   | VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action     |   :| PC   | Wandersong                                   |
| PSP  | Lego Star Wars                               |   :| PC   | Katana Zero                                  |   :| PC   | Outer Wilds                                  |
| PSP  | Lego Star Wars II                            |   :| PC   | art of rally                                 |   :| PS4  | Gravity Rush: Remastered                     |
| PSP  | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite                 |   :| PC   | Ooblets                                      |   :| PC   | LISA                                         |
| PSP  | Dissidia: Final Fantasy                      |   :| PC   | Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive              |   :|______|______________________________________________|
| PSP  | duodecim Dissidia: Final Fantasy             |   :| PC   | Journey                                      |   :|              __________________________              
| PS2  | Kingdom Hearts 2                             |   :| PC   | Baba Is You                                  |   :|____________//                          \\____________
| GBA  | Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories            |   :| PC   | Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch         |   :|____________|       Unknown Future       |____________
| PS2  | Kingdom Hearts                               |   :| PC   | Ikenfell                                     |   :|            \\__________________________//     [S004] 
| PSP  | Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters              |   :| PC   | Moonscars                                    |   :|                                                      
| PSP  | Exit                                         |   :| PC   | Control: Ultimate Edition                    |   :|______ ______________________________________________ 
| PC   | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005)           |   :| PC   | Carrion                                      |   :|======|==============================================|
| GBA  | The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap              |   :| PC   | Haven                                        |   :| PS4  | Theatrythm Final Fantasy: Final Bar Line     |
| PC   | Moorhuhn 3: ...Es Gibt Huhn!                 |   :| PC   | The Unliving                                 |   :| PC   | Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen                  |
| GBA  | Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire             |   :| PC   | Persona 4 Golden                             |   :| PC   | Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition                |
| NDS  | Mario Kart DS                                |   :| PC   | Signs of the Sojourner                       |   :| PC   | Hades                                        |
| GBA  | Pokemon Leaf Green                           |   :| PC   | A Space for the Unbound                      |   :| PC   | Final Fantasy VIII                           |
| GBA  | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team     |   :| PC   | Card Shark                                   |   :| PC   | Dungeon Munchies                             |
| PC   | Shrek 2                                      |   :| PC   | Strange Horticulture                         |   :| PC   | A Hat in Time                                |
| NDS  | SimCity Builder                              |   :| PC   | Crowsworn                                    |   :| 3DS  | Dragon Quest VIII                            |
| NDS  | Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends             |   :| PC   | MO: Astray                                   |   :| PC   | Ori and the Will of the Wisps                |
| PC   | Yeti Sports                                  |   :| PC   | Against The Storm                            |   :| PC   | Wizard of Legend                             |
| PC   | Asterix & Obelix XXL                         |   :| PC   | Urbek City Builder                           |   :| PC   | Disco Elysium (Director's Cut)               |
| GBA  | Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga                |   :| PC   | Hyper Light Breaker                          |   :| PC   | Cuphead                                      |
| NDS  | Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Story                |   :| PC   | Crypt of the Necrodancer                     |   :| PC   | Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe                |
| NDS  | Bomberman Story DS                           |   :| PC   | Just Shapes & Beats                          |   :| PC   | Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc             |
| NDS  | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky    |   :| PC   | Minit                                        |   :| PC   | Yuppie Psycho                                |
| NDS  | Pokemon Pearl                                |   :| PC   | A Short Hike                                 |   :| PC   | Children of Morta                            |
| PSP  | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII               |   :| PC   | Dysmantle                                    |   :| PS4  | Kingdom Hearts 3                             |
| PSP  | Cars                                         |   :| PC   | Omori                                        |   :| PC   | Hyper Light Drifter                          |
| NDS  | Pokemon Platinum                             |   :| PC   | Sea of Stars                                 |   :| PC   | Titanfall 2                                  |
| GBA  | Sonic Battle                                 |   :| PC   | The Last Faith                               |   :| PC   | Kingdom Two Crowns                           |
| NDS  | Hotel Dusk: Room 215                         |   :| PC   | Arctic Awakening                             |   :| PC   | Beyond Good and Evil                         |
| PC   | Curse of Monkey Island                       |   :| PC   | Stray                                        |   :| PC   | Rayman Origins                               |
| PC   | Edna & Harvey: The Breakout                  |   :| PC   | The Lords of the Fallen                      |   :| PC   | Asterix & Obelix XXL: Romastered             |
| PC   | Spy Fox in: Dry Cereal                       |   :| PC   | Hunt the Night                               |   :| PC   | Dishonored                                   |
| PC   | Spy Fox in: Some Assembly Required           |   :| PC   | Solar Ash                                    |   :|______|______________________________________________|
| PC   | Spy Fox in: Operation Ozone                  |   :| PC   | Nightingale                                  |   :|             ____________________________             
| NDS  | Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days                    |   :| PC   | Nara: Facing Fire                            |   :|___________//                            \\___________
| NDS  | Mario Hoops 3-on-3                           |   :| PC   | Death's Gambit: Afterlife                    |   :|___________|       Haunts my Dreams       |___________
| PC   | N++                                          |   :| PC   | SEASON: A letter to the future               |   :|           \\____________________________//    [S005] 
| NDS  | Naruto: Ninja Council 3                      |   :| PC   | Unbound: Worlds Apart                        |   :|                                                      
| PSP  | Sid Meier's Pirates                          |   :| PC   | Gloomwood                                    |   :|______ ______________________________________________ 
| NDS  | Pokemon Soul Silver                          |   :| PC   | The Outbound Ghost                           |   :|======|==============================================|
| NDS  | Pokemon Ranger                               |   :| PC   | Cassette Beasts                              |   :| NDS  | The World Ends With You                      |
| NDS  | Professor Layton and the Curious Village     |   :| PC   | DREDGE                                       |   :| PC   | Return of the Obra Dinn                      |
| NDS  | Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box      |   :| PC   | Sackboy: A Big Adventure                     |   :| PC   | Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden          |
| PC   | Tachyon: The Fringe                          |   :| PC   | Buck Up and Drive!                           |   :| PC   | Distance                                     |
| NDS  | The Simpsons                                 |   :| PC   | Mandragora                                   |   :| PC   | Forager                                      |
| NDS  | Spectrobes                                   |   :| PC   | Return to Monkey Island                      |   :| PC   | The Secret of Monkey Island                  |
| PC   | Trackmania Original                          |   :| PC   | Escape: The Endless Dogwatch                 |   :| PC   | Monkey Island 2                              |
| GBA  | Wario Ware                                   |   :| PC   | Aero GPX                                     |   :| GBA  | Fire Emblem                                  |
| NDS  | Yu-Gi-Oh!: World Championship 2008           |   :| PC   | Final Fantasy XVI                            |   :| PC   | Deus Ex: Game of the Year                    |
| PC   | Rollercoaster Tycoon 2                       |   :| PC   | Replaced                                     |   :| PS2  | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty          |
| PC   | Crashday                                     |   :| PC   | Earthblade                                   |   :| PC   | Bravery Network Online                       |
|______|______________________________________________|   :|______|______________________________________________|   :| NES  | Ninja Gaiden                                 |
                 ____________________                 |   :|                                                     |   :| PS3  | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater              |
_______________//                    \\_______________|   :|                                                     |   :| PS2  | Devil May Cry 3                              |
_______________|       First PC       |_______________|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | It Takes Two                                 |
               \\____________________//        [P002] |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Potion Craft                                 |
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Grim Fandango Remastered                     |
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Hypnospace Outlaw                            |
|======|==============================================|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | FEZ                                          |
| PC   | Terraria                                     |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Tales of Arise                               |
| PC   | Minecraft                                    |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | One Step from Eden                           |
| PS3  | Little Big Planet                            |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Death and Taxes                              |
| PS3  | F1 2015                                      |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Quantum Protocol                             |
| PC   | Portal                                       |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain         |
| PC   | Far Cry 3                                    |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of the Patriots    |
| PC   | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2               |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Lovely Planet                                |
| PSP  | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep               |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Darkest Dungeon                              |
| PSP  | Wipeout Pulse                                |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Kindred Spirits on the Roof                  |
| PC   | Worms 3D                                     |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Owlboy                                       |
| PC   | League of Legends                            |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Ys IX                                        |
| PC   | Airmech                                      |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Faster Than Light                            |
| PC   | Trackmania United Forever                    |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Final Fantasy Type-0                         |
| PC   | Party Hard                                   |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Final Fantasy IX                             |
| PC   | Hotline Miami                                |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Final Fantasy X                              |
| PC   | Papers, Please                               |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Final Fantasy XII                            |
| SNES | Super Metroid                                |   :|                                                     |   :| PS3  | Final Fantasy XIII                           |
| SNES | Super Mario RPG                              |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII        |
|______|______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Bastion                                      |
           _________________________________          |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Crashlands                                   |
_________//                                 \\________|   :|                                                     |   :| NX   | Xenoblade Chronicles                         |
_________|       The Multiplayer Phase       |________|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Octopath Traveler                            |
         \\_________________________________// [P003] |   :|                                                     |   :| 3DS  | Bravely Default                              |
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Neon White                                   |
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Dungreed                                     |
|======|==============================================|   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | Everspace                                    |
| PC   | Rocket League                                |   :|                                                     |   :| PC   | CrossCode                                    |
| PC   | Castle Crashers                              |   :|                                                     |   :|______|______________________________________________|
| PC   | FEAR 3                                       |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | McPixel                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | 12 Is Better Than 6                          |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Stardew Valley                               |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Worms Ultimate Mayhem                        |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive             |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | The Beginner's Guide                         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Stanley's Parable                            |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | What Remains of Edith Finch                  |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Ori and the Blind Forest                     |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Realm of the Mad God                         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Raft                                         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| NX   | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| NX   | Mario Odyssey                                |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| NX   | Snake Pass                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| NX   | Mario Kart 8: Deluxe                         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|______|______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                   ________________                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________//                \\_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________|       2020       |_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                 \\________________//          [P004] |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|======|==============================================|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | NieR: Automata                               |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Celeste                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Monster Hunter: World                        |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | A Short Hike                                 |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Risk of Rain 2                               |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Subnautica                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Among Us                                     |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Phasmophobia                                 |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Helltaker                                    |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | For The King                                 |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Poppy Kart                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|______|______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                   ________________                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________//                \\_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________|       2021       |_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                 \\________________//          [P005] |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|======|==============================================|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PS4  | Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep            |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | NieR: Replicant ver.1.22474487139...         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Portal Reloaded                              |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| GBA  | Pokemon Gaia v3.2                            |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Titan Souls                                  |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Midnight Castle Succubus                     |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Valheim                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Bad North                                    |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Star Fetchers Prologue                       |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Glyph                                        |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | The Hex                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Deepest Sword                                |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Prologue For A Vacant Kingdom                |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Unsighted                                    |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars        |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | To The Moon                                  |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|______|______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                   ________________                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________//                \\_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________|       2022       |_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                 \\________________//          [P006] |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|======|==============================================|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Hollow Knight                                |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Black Mesa                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Warhammer: Vermintide 2                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PS4  | 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PS4  | Bloodborne                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Vampire Survivors                            |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Elden Ring                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | OPUS: Echo of Starsong                       |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Stacklands                                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Paradise Killer                              |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Webbed                                       |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| GBA  | Pokemon Unbound                              |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Dark Souls: Remastered                       |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Portal 2                                     |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Inscryption                                  |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | There is no Game: Wrong Dimension            |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| GBA  | Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow                 |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Half-Life 2                                  |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PS3  | Drakengard 3                                 |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Blasphemous                                  |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice (Demon Bell)      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | The Pedestrian                               |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| GBA  | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team     |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Final Fantasy VII: New Threat 2.0            |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | OPUS: The Day We Found Earth                 |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Need For Speed: Underground 2                |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | OPUS: Rocket of Whispers                     |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Need for Speed: Undergound                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Loop Hero                                    |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (Demon Bell)       |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|      | (again)                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- REUNION      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PS4  | Bloodborne (again)                           |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|______|______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                   ________________                   |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________//                \\_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
_________________|       2023       |_________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                 \\________________//          [P007] |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
                                                      |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
 ______ ______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|======|==============================================|   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Pyre                                         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | The Pinball Wizard                           |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Sayonara Wild Hearts                         |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Manifold Garden                              |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon              |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | Undertale                                    |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | The Sexy Brutale                             |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
| PC   | BAD END THEATER                              |   :|                                                     |   :|                                                      
|______|______________________________________________|   :|                                                     |   :|