#!/bin/env python3 from yaml import safe_load from glob import glob from os.path import dirname BASE = dirname(__file__) + '/src' FILES = sorted(glob(f'{BASE}/*.yaml')) # GLOBAL VARIABLES global CORNER_LEFT, CORNER_RIGHT, WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT # CONSTANTS MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM = 4 MAX_WIDTH_NAME = 44 MAX_WIDTH_TITLE = MAX_WIDTH_NAME - 20 MAX_WIDTH = 1 + MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM + 3 + MAX_WIDTH_NAME + 1 TITLE_PADDING = 7 DELIMITER = "| :|" # FUNCTIONS # split strings longer than length into a list # strings are split at last index of delim def split_to_list(str, length, delim=' '): l = [] while len(str) > length: sep = str.rfind(delim, 0, length) l.append(str[0:sep]) str = str[sep+1:] l.append(str) return l def len_wall(wl, wr): return len(wl + wr) def build_header(s_title, add_index=False, index=None): global CORNER_LEFT, CORNER_RIGHT, WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT # split title to list if it's too long if len(s_title) > MAX_WIDTH_TITLE: l_title = split_to_list(s_title, MAX_WIDTH_TITLE) else: l_title = [s_title] header = [] # prepare left and right padding to center title len_title = len(l_title[0]) pad, pad_left = divmod((MAX_WIDTH + len_wall(WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT)) - (len_title + (TITLE_PADDING * 2)) - 2, 2) len_border = len_title + ((TITLE_PADDING * 2) - 2) # upper part header.append(' ' * (pad + pad_left + 2) + '_' * len_border + ' ' * (pad + 2)) header.append('_' * (pad + pad_left) + '//' + ' ' * len_border + '\\\\' + '_' * pad) # ' ' padded Title for title_index, title in enumerate(l_title): char_pad = '_' if title_index+1 == len(l_title) else ' ' pad_right = len_title - len(title) header.append(char_pad * (pad + pad_left) + '|' + ' ' * TITLE_PADDING + title + ' ' * (TITLE_PADDING + pad_right) + '|' + char_pad * pad) # lower part # optional navigation tag if add_index == True and index != None: header.append(' ' * (pad + pad_left) + '\\\\' + '_' * len_border + '//' + ' ' * (pad - 7) + f'[{index}] ') else: header.append(' ' * (pad + pad_left) + '\\\\' + '_' * len_border + '//' + ' ' * pad) header.append(' ' * (MAX_WIDTH + len_wall(WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT))) return header def index_identifier(prefix, index): return f'{prefix}{index:>03d}' def build_index(titles, prefix): global CORNER_LEFT, CORNER_RIGHT, WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT index = [ ' - ' + item.ljust((MAX_WIDTH + len_wall(WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT)) - 10) + '[' + index_identifier(prefix, i+1) + '] ' for i, item in enumerate(titles) ] # add one line of blank space for aesthetic reasons index += [' ' * (MAX_WIDTH + len_wall(WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT))] return index def build_game(name, platform): return f' {platform.ljust(MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM)} | {name.ljust(MAX_WIDTH_NAME)} ' def build_table(index, games): global CORNER_LEFT, CORNER_RIGHT, WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT # top of table table_result = [ CORNER_LEFT + '_' * (MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM + 2) + ' ' + '_' * (MAX_WIDTH_NAME + 2) + CORNER_RIGHT , WALL_LEFT + '=' * (MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM + 2) + '|' + '=' * (MAX_WIDTH_NAME + 2) + WALL_RIGHT ] # actual game text for game in games: name = game.get('name') platform = game.get('platform') or "" if len(platform) > MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM: raise Exception(f"Platform shortcode for {name} is longer than {MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM} characters. Invalid.") if len(name) > MAX_WIDTH_NAME: for i,i_name in enumerate(split_to_list(name, MAX_WIDTH_NAME)): table_result += [ WALL_LEFT + build_game(i_name, platform if i == 0 else '') + WALL_RIGHT ] else: table_result += [ WALL_LEFT + build_game(name, platform) + WALL_RIGHT ] # bottom of table table_result += [ WALL_LEFT + '_' * (MAX_WIDTH_PLATFORM + 2) + '|' + '_' * (MAX_WIDTH_NAME + 2) + WALL_RIGHT ] return table_result def get_border_for_index(index): last_index = len(FILES) - 1 if index == 0: return ' ', '', '|', '' elif index == last_index: return '', ' ', '', '|' else: return '', '', '', '' ######## # MAIN # ######## def main(): print('go') lists = [] result = [] # parse every file into list for file_index, file_item in enumerate(FILES): with open(file_item, 'r') as file: yaml = safe_load(file) # prepare corners and walls global CORNER_LEFT, CORNER_RIGHT, WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT CORNER_LEFT, CORNER_RIGHT, WALL_LEFT, WALL_RIGHT = get_border_for_index(file_index) # create list by opening with header list_result = build_header(yaml['title']) # add index right after list_result += build_index([ i['title'] for i in yaml['sections'] ], yaml['prefix']) # build sections for section_index, section in enumerate(yaml['sections']): list_result += build_header(section['title'], add_index=True, index=index_identifier(yaml['prefix'], section_index+1)) list_result += build_table(file_index, section['games']) lists.insert(file_index, list_result) max_length = len(max(lists, key=len)) for list_index, list_item in enumerate(lists): if len(list_item) < max_length: _, _, wl, wr = get_border_for_index(list_index) list_item += [' ' * (MAX_WIDTH + len_wall(wl, wr))] * (max_length - len(list_item)) if list_index == 0: result = list_item continue # add list to result line by line for game_index, game_item in enumerate(list_item): result[game_index] += ( DELIMITER + game_item ) with open('gamelog.txt', 'w') as file: for line in result: file.write(f"{line}\n") print('done') return if __name__ == "__main__": main()