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This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 84 additions and 69 deletions
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ ___________| Currently Playing |__________| :| ____
\\_____________________________// [S001] | :|______________// \\_____________| :| PC | Hollow Knight: Silksong |
| :|______________| Early Days |_____________| :| PC | Starfetchers - Episode 1 |
______ ______________________________________________| :| \\______________________// [P001] | :| PC | Ghost Song |
|======|==============================================| :| | :| PC | Slay the Spire |
| PC | Kingdom Two Crowns | :|______ ______________________________________________| :| PC | V Rising |
|======|==============================================| :| | :| PC | Gloomwood |
| PC | Kingdom Two Crowns | :|______ ______________________________________________| :| PC | Slay the Spire |
| PC | Nioh: Complete Edition | :|======|==============================================| :| PC | Beacon Pines |
| PSP | Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy | :| GBC | Pokemon Silver | :| PC | Switchcars |
|______|______________________________________________| :| GBC | Jungle Book: Mowgli's Adventure | :| PC | Into the Breach |
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ _____________| Soon(TM) 2023 |____________| :| PS2 | Dragon Quest
__________________________ | :| PS2 | Kingdom Hearts 2 | :| PC | Baba Is You |
____________// \\____________| :| GBA | Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories | :| PC | Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch |
____________| Unknown Future |____________| :| PS2 | Kingdom Hearts | :| PC | Ikenfell |
\\__________________________// [S004] | :| PSP | Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters | :| PC | Moonscars |
| :| PSP | Exit | :| PC | Control: Ultimate Edition |
______ ______________________________________________| :| PC | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) | :| PC | Carrion |
|======|==============================================| :| GBA | The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap | :| PC | Haven |
| PS4 | Theatrythm Final Fantasy: Final Bar Line | :| PC | Moorhuhn 3: ...Es Gibt Huhn! | :| PC | The Unliving |
\\__________________________// [S004] | :| PSP | Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters | :| PC | Chicory: A Colorful Tale |
| :| PSP | Exit | :| PC | Moonscars |
______ ______________________________________________| :| PC | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) | :| PC | Control: Ultimate Edition |
|======|==============================================| :| GBA | The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap | :| PC | Carrion |
| PS4 | Theatrythm Final Fantasy: Final Bar Line | :| PC | Moorhuhn 3: ...Es Gibt Huhn! | :| PC | Haven |
| PC | Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen | :| GBA | Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire | :| PC | Persona 4 Golden |
| PC | Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition | :| NDS | Mario Kart DS | :| PC | Signs of the Sojourner |
| PC | Hades | :| GBA | Pokemon Leaf Green | :| PC | A Space for the Unbound |
@ -78,62 +78,62 @@ ____________| Unknown Future |____________| :| PS2 | Kingdom Hear
| PC | Dishonored | :| PC | Spy Fox in: Some Assembly Required | :| PC | Solar Ash |
| PC | LIMBO | :| PC | Spy Fox in: Operation Ozone | :| PC | Nightingale |
| PC | Rayman: Redemption | :| NDS | Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | :| PC | Nara: Facing Fire |
|______|______________________________________________| :| NDS | Mario Hoops 3-on-3 | :| PC | Death's Gambit: Afterlife |
____________________________ | :| PC | N++ | :| PC | SEASON: A letter to the future |
___________// \\___________| :| NDS | Naruto: Ninja Council 3 | :| PC | Unbound: Worlds Apart |
___________| Haunts my Dreams |___________| :| PSP | Sid Meier's Pirates | :| PC | Gloomwood |
\\____________________________// [S005] | :| NDS | Pokemon Soul Silver | :| PC | The Outbound Ghost |
| :| NDS | Pokemon Ranger | :| PC | Cassette Beasts |
______ ______________________________________________| :| NDS | Professor Layton and the Curious Village | :| PC | DREDGE |
|======|==============================================| :| NDS | Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box | :| PC | Sackboy: A Big Adventure |
| NDS | The World Ends With You | :| PC | Tachyon: The Fringe | :| PC | Buck Up and Drive! |
| PC | Return of the Obra Dinn | :| NDS | The Simpsons | :| PC | Mandragora |
| PC | Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden | :| NDS | Spectrobes | :| PC | Return to Monkey Island |
| PC | Distance | :| PC | Trackmania Original | :| PC | Escape: The Endless Dogwatch |
| PC | Forager | :| GBA | Wario Ware | :| PC | Aero GPX |
| PC | The Secret of Monkey Island | :| NDS | Yu-Gi-Oh!: World Championship 2008 | :| PC | Final Fantasy XVI |
| PC | Monkey Island 2 | :| PC | Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 | :| PC | Replaced |
| GBA | Fire Emblem | :| PC | Crashday | :| PC | Earthblade |
| PC | Deus Ex: Game of the Year | :|______|______________________________________________| :|______|______________________________________________|
| PS2 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | :| ____________________ | :|
| PC | Bravery Network Online | :|_______________// \\______________| :|
| NES | Ninja Gaiden | :|_______________| First PC |______________| :|
| PS3 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater | :| \\____________________// [P002] | :|
| PS2 | Devil May Cry 3 | :| | :|
| PC | It Takes Two | :|______ ______________________________________________| :|
| PC | Potion Craft | :|======|==============================================| :|
| PC | Grim Fandango Remastered | :| PC | Terraria | :|
| PC | Hypnospace Outlaw | :| PC | Minecraft | :|
| PC | FEZ | :| PS3 | Little Big Planet | :|
| PC | Tales of Arise | :| PS3 | F1 2015 | :|
| PC | One Step from Eden | :| PC | Portal | :|
| PC | Death and Taxes | :| PC | Far Cry 3 | :|
| PC | Quantum Protocol | :| PC | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | :|
| PC | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | :| PSP | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep | :|
| PC | Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of the Patriots | :| PSP | Wipeout Pulse | :|
| PC | Lovely Planet | :| PC | Worms 3D | :|
| PC | Darkest Dungeon | :| PC | League of Legends | :|
| PC | Kindred Spirits on the Roof | :| PC | Airmech | :|
| PC | Owlboy | :| PC | Trackmania United Forever | :|
| PC | Ys IX | :| PC | Party Hard | :|
| PC | Faster Than Light | :| PC | Hotline Miami | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy Type-0 | :| PC | Papers, Please | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy IX | :| SNES | Super Metroid | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy X | :| SNES | Super Mario RPG | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy XII | :|______|______________________________________________| :|
| PS3 | Final Fantasy XIII | :| _________________________________ | :|
| PC | Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII | :|________// \\________| :|
| PC | Bastion | :|________| The Multiplayer Phase |________| :|
| PC | Crashlands | :| \\_________________________________// [P003] | :|
| NX | Xenoblade Chronicles | :| | :|
| PC | Octopath Traveler | :|______ ______________________________________________| :|
| 3DS | Bravely Default | :|======|==============================================| :|
| PC | Neon White | :| PC | Rocket League | :|
| PC | Dungreed | :| PC | Castle Crashers | :|
| PC | Everspace | :| PC | FEAR 3 | :|
| PC | CrossCode | :| PC | McPixel | :|
|______|______________________________________________| :| PC | 12 Is Better Than 6 | :|
| :| PC | Stardew Valley | :|
| PC | V Rising | :| NDS | Mario Hoops 3-on-3 | :| PC | Death's Gambit: Afterlife |
|______|______________________________________________| :| PC | N++ | :| PC | SEASON: A letter to the future |
____________________________ | :| NDS | Naruto: Ninja Council 3 | :| PC | Unbound: Worlds Apart |
___________// \\___________| :| PSP | Sid Meier's Pirates | :| PC | The Outbound Ghost |
___________| Haunts my Dreams |___________| :| NDS | Pokemon Soul Silver | :| PC | Cassette Beasts |
\\____________________________// [S005] | :| NDS | Pokemon Ranger | :| PC | DREDGE |
| :| NDS | Professor Layton and the Curious Village | :| PC | Sackboy: A Big Adventure |
______ ______________________________________________| :| NDS | Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box | :| PC | Buck Up and Drive! |
|======|==============================================| :| PC | Tachyon: The Fringe | :| PC | Mandragora |
| NDS | The World Ends With You | :| NDS | The Simpsons | :| PC | Return to Monkey Island |
| PC | Return of the Obra Dinn | :| NDS | Spectrobes | :| PC | Escape: The Endless Dogwatch |
| PC | Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden | :| PC | Trackmania Original | :| PC | Aero GPX |
| PC | Distance | :| GBA | Wario Ware | :| PC | Final Fantasy XVI |
| PC | Forager | :| NDS | Yu-Gi-Oh!: World Championship 2008 | :| PC | Replaced |
| PC | The Secret of Monkey Island | :| PC | Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 | :| PC | Earthblade |
| PC | Monkey Island 2 | :| PC | Crashday | :| PC | GeneRally 2 |
| GBA | Fire Emblem | :|______|______________________________________________| :| PC | Shadows Over Loathing |
| PC | Deus Ex: Game of the Year | :| ____________________ | :| PC | Terra Nil |
| PS2 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | :|_______________// \\______________| :| PC | Crystal Project |
| PC | Bravery Network Online | :|_______________| First PC |______________| :| PC | The Pathless |
| NES | Ninja Gaiden | :| \\____________________// [P002] | :| PC | Depersonalization |
| PS3 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater | :| | :| PC | Hyper Light Breaker |
| PS2 | Devil May Cry 3 | :|______ ______________________________________________| :|______|______________________________________________|
| PC | It Takes Two | :|======|==============================================| :|
| PC | Potion Craft | :| PC | Terraria | :|
| PC | Grim Fandango Remastered | :| PC | Minecraft | :|
| PC | Hypnospace Outlaw | :| PS3 | Little Big Planet | :|
| PC | FEZ | :| PS3 | F1 2015 | :|
| PC | Tales of Arise | :| PC | Portal | :|
| PC | One Step from Eden | :| PC | Far Cry 3 | :|
| PC | Death and Taxes | :| PC | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | :|
| PC | Quantum Protocol | :| PSP | Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep | :|
| PC | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | :| PSP | Wipeout Pulse | :|
| PC | Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of the Patriots | :| PC | Worms 3D | :|
| PC | Lovely Planet | :| PC | League of Legends | :|
| PC | Darkest Dungeon | :| PC | Airmech | :|
| PC | Kindred Spirits on the Roof | :| PC | Trackmania United Forever | :|
| PC | Owlboy | :| PC | Party Hard | :|
| PC | Ys IX | :| PC | Hotline Miami | :|
| PC | Faster Than Light | :| PC | Papers, Please | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy Type-0 | :| SNES | Super Metroid | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy IX | :| SNES | Super Mario RPG | :|
| PC | Final Fantasy X | :|______|______________________________________________| :|
| PC | Final Fantasy XII | :| _________________________________ | :|
| PS3 | Final Fantasy XIII | :|________// \\________| :|
| PC | Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII | :|________| The Multiplayer Phase |________| :|
| PC | Bastion | :| \\_________________________________// [P003] | :|
| PC | Crashlands | :| | :|
| NX | Xenoblade Chronicles | :|______ ______________________________________________| :|
| PC | Octopath Traveler | :|======|==============================================| :|
| 3DS | Bravely Default | :| PC | Rocket League | :|
| PC | Neon White | :| PC | Castle Crashers | :|
| PC | Dungreed | :| PC | FEAR 3 | :|
| PC | Everspace | :| PC | McPixel | :|
| PC | CrossCode | :| PC | 12 Is Better Than 6 | :|
|______|______________________________________________| :| PC | Stardew Valley | :|
| :| PC | Worms Ultimate Mayhem | :|
| :| PC | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | :|
| :| PC | The Beginner's Guide | :|
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ sections:
platform: "PC"
- name: "Rayman: Redemption"
platform: "PC"
- name: "V Rising"
platform: "PC"
- title: "Haunts my Dreams"
- name: "The World Ends With You"
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ sections:
platform: "PC"
- name: "Ghost Song"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Slay the Spire"
- name: "Gloomwood"
platform: "PC"
- name: "V Rising"
- name: "Slay the Spire"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Beacon Pines"
platform: "PC"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ sections:
platform: "PC"
- name: "Ikenfell"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Chicory: A Colorful Tale"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Moonscars"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Control: Ultimate Edition"
@ -83,8 +85,6 @@ sections:
platform: "PC"
- name: "Haven"
platform: "PC"
- name: "The Unliving"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Persona 4 Golden"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Signs of the Sojourner"
@ -141,8 +141,6 @@ sections:
platform: "PC"
- name: "Unbound: Worlds Apart"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Gloomwood"
platform: "PC"
- name: "The Outbound Ghost"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Cassette Beasts"
@ -167,3 +165,18 @@ sections:
platform: "PC"
- name: "Earthblade"
platform: "PC"
- name: "GeneRally 2"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Shadows Over Loathing"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Terra Nil"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Crystal Project"
platform: "PC"
- name: "The Pathless"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Depersonalization"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Hyper Light Breaker"
platform: "PC"
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