Add some lost games
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 97 additions and 91 deletions
@ -137,97 +137,99 @@ ________________| Haunts my Dreams |________________| :| PC | Tr
| 3DS | Bravely Default | :| PC | Stardew Valley |
| PC | Pyre | :| PC | Worms Ultimate Mayhem |
| PC | Neon White | :| PC | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
|______|________________________________________________________| :| PC | The Beginner's Guide |
| :| PC | Stanley's Parable |
____________________________________ | :| PC | What Remains of Edith Finch |
____________// \\____________| :| PC | Ori and the Blind Forest |
____________| Not Yet Owned (Wishlist) |____________| :| PC | Realm of the Mad God |
\\____________________________________// | :| PC | Raft |
| :| NX | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |
______ ________________________________________________________| :| NX | Mario Odyssey |
|======|========================================================| :| NX | Snake Pass |
| PC | Hollow Knight: Silksong | :| NX | Mario Kart 8: Deluxe |
| PC | Starfetchers - Episode 1 | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PC | Ghost Song | :|
| PC | Slay the Spire | :| ________________
| PC | The Pinball Wizard | :|______________________// \\______________________
| PC | V Rising | :|______________________| 2020 |______________________
| PC | Beacon Pines | :| \\________________//
| PC | Switchcars | :|
| PC | Into the Breach | :|______ ________________________________________________________
| PC | Death's Door | :|======|========================================================|
| PS1 | Parasite Eve | :| PC | NieR: Automata |
| PC | Sifu | :| PC | Celeste |
| PS4 | Dark Souls 2 | :| PC | Monster Hunter: World |
| PS4 | Dark Souls 3 | :| PC | A Short Hike |
| PC | Griftlands | :| PC | Risk of Rain 2 |
| PC | Tunic | :| PC | Subnautica |
| PC | Nine Sols | :| PC | Among Us |
| PC | Psychonauts | :| PC | Phasmophobia |
| PC | Psychonauts 2 | :| PC | Helltaker |
| PC | Cave Story+ | :| PC | For The King |
| PS2 | God Hand | :| PC | Poppy Kart |
| PC | Shovel Knight | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PS3 | Assassin's Creed | :|
| PC | Astalon: Tears of the Earth | :| ________________
| PC | Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon | :|______________________// \\______________________
| PC | Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night | :|______________________| 2021 |______________________
| PC | Death Trash | :| \\________________//
| PC | Trails Rising | :|
| PC | Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice | :|______ ________________________________________________________
| PC | Factorio | :|======|========================================================|
| PC | VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action | :| PS4 | Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep |
| PC | Katana Zero | :| PC | NieR: Replicant ver.1.22474487139... |
| PC | Manifold Garden | :| PC | Portal Reloaded |
| PC | art of rally | :| GBA | Pokemon Gaia v3.2 |
| PC | Ooblets | :| PC | Titan Souls |
| PC | Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive | :| PC | Midnight Castle Succubus |
| PC | Journey | :| PC | Valheim |
| PC | Baba Is You | :| PC | Bad North |
| PC | Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | :| PC | Star Fetchers Prologue |
| PC | Ikenfell | :| PC | Glyph |
| PC | Moonscars | :| PC | The Hex |
| PC | Control: Ultimate Edition | :| PC | Deepest Sword |
| PC | Carrion | :| PC | Prologue For A Vacant Kingdom |
| PC | Haven | :| PC | Unsighted |
| PC | The Unliving | :| PC | Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars |
| PC | Persona 4 Golden | :| PC | To The Moon |
| PC | Signs of the Sojourner | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PC | A Space for the Unbound | :|
| PC | Card Shark | :| ________________
| PC | Strange Horticulture | :|______________________// \\______________________
| PC | Crowsworn | :|______________________| 2022 |______________________
| PC | MO: Astray | :| \\________________//
| PC | SNKRX | :|
| PC | Against The Storm | :|______ ________________________________________________________
| PC | Urbek City Builder | :|======|========================================================|
| PC | Hyper Light Breaker | :| PC | Hollow Knight |
| PC | Crypt of the Necrodancer | :| PC | Black Mesa |
| PC | Just Shapes & Beats | :| PC | Warhammer: Vermintide 2 |
| PC | Minit | :| PS4 | 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim |
| PC | A Short Hike | :| PS4 | Bloodborne |
| PC | Dysmantle | :| PC | Vampire Survivors |
| PC | Omori | :| PC | Elden Ring |
| PC | Sea of Stars | :| PC | OPUS: Echo of Starsong |
| PC | The Last Faith | :| PC | Stacklands |
| PC | Arctic Awakening | :| PC | Paradise Killer |
| PC | Stray | :| PC | Webbed |
| PC | The Lords of the Fallen | :| GBA | Pokemon Unbound |
| PC | Hunt the Night | :| PC | Dark Souls: Remastered |
| PC | Bad End Theater | :| PC | Portal 2 |
| PC | Solar Ash | :| PC | Inscryption |
| PC | Nightingale | :| PC | There is no Game: Wrong Dimension |
| PC | Nara: Facing Fire | :| GBA | Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow |
| PC | Death's Gambit: Afterlife | :| PC | Half-Life 2 |
| PC | Nioh | :| PS3 | Drakengard 3 |
| PC | SEASON: A letter to the future | :| PC | Blasphemous |
| PC | Unbound: Worlds Apart | :| PC | Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice (Demon Bell) |
| PC | Gloomwood | :| PC | The Pedestrian |
| PC | The Outbound Ghost | :| GBA | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team |
| PC | Cassette Beasts | :| PC | Final Fantasy VII: New Threat 2.0 |
| PC | DREDGE | :| PC | OPUS: The Day We Found Earth |
| PC | Sackboy: A Big Adventure | :| PC | Need For Speed: Underground 2 |
| PC | Buck Up and Drive! | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PC | Dungreed | :| PC | The Beginner's Guide |
| PC | Everspace | :| PC | Stanley's Parable |
|______|________________________________________________________| :| PC | What Remains of Edith Finch |
| :| PC | Ori and the Blind Forest |
____________________________________ | :| PC | Realm of the Mad God |
____________// \\____________| :| PC | Raft |
____________| Not Yet Owned (Wishlist) |____________| :| NX | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild |
\\____________________________________// | :| NX | Mario Odyssey |
| :| NX | Snake Pass |
______ ________________________________________________________| :| NX | Mario Kart 8: Deluxe |
|======|========================================================| :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PC | Hollow Knight: Silksong | :|
| PC | Starfetchers - Episode 1 | :| ________________
| PC | Ghost Song | :|______________________// \\______________________
| PC | Slay the Spire | :|______________________| 2020 |______________________
| PC | The Pinball Wizard | :| \\________________//
| PC | V Rising | :|
| PC | Beacon Pines | :|______ ________________________________________________________
| PC | Switchcars | :|======|========================================================|
| PC | Into the Breach | :| PC | NieR: Automata |
| PC | Death's Door | :| PC | Celeste |
| PS1 | Parasite Eve | :| PC | Monster Hunter: World |
| PC | Sifu | :| PC | A Short Hike |
| PS4 | Dark Souls 2 | :| PC | Risk of Rain 2 |
| PS4 | Dark Souls 3 | :| PC | Subnautica |
| PC | Griftlands | :| PC | Among Us |
| PC | Tunic | :| PC | Phasmophobia |
| PC | Nine Sols | :| PC | Helltaker |
| PC | Psychonauts | :| PC | For The King |
| PC | Psychonauts 2 | :| PC | Poppy Kart |
| PC | Cave Story+ | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PS2 | God Hand | :|
| PC | Shovel Knight | :| ________________
| PS3 | Assassin's Creed | :|______________________// \\______________________
| PC | Astalon: Tears of the Earth | :|______________________| 2021 |______________________
| PC | Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon | :| \\________________//
| PC | Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night | :|
| PC | Death Trash | :|______ ________________________________________________________
| PC | Trails Rising | :|======|========================================================|
| PC | Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice | :| PS4 | Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep |
| PC | Factorio | :| PC | NieR: Replicant ver.1.22474487139... |
| PC | VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action | :| PC | Portal Reloaded |
| PC | Katana Zero | :| GBA | Pokemon Gaia v3.2 |
| PC | Manifold Garden | :| PC | Titan Souls |
| PC | art of rally | :| PC | Midnight Castle Succubus |
| PC | Ooblets | :| PC | Valheim |
| PC | Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive | :| PC | Bad North |
| PC | Journey | :| PC | Star Fetchers Prologue |
| PC | Baba Is You | :| PC | Glyph |
| PC | Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | :| PC | The Hex |
| PC | Ikenfell | :| PC | Deepest Sword |
| PC | Moonscars | :| PC | Prologue For A Vacant Kingdom |
| PC | Control: Ultimate Edition | :| PC | Unsighted |
| PC | Carrion | :| PC | Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars |
| PC | Haven | :| PC | To The Moon |
| PC | The Unliving | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PC | Persona 4 Golden | :|
| PC | Signs of the Sojourner | :| ________________
| PC | A Space for the Unbound | :|______________________// \\______________________
| PC | Card Shark | :|______________________| 2022 |______________________
| PC | Strange Horticulture | :| \\________________//
| PC | Crowsworn | :|
| PC | MO: Astray | :|______ ________________________________________________________
| PC | SNKRX | :|======|========================================================|
| PC | Against The Storm | :| PC | Hollow Knight |
| PC | Urbek City Builder | :| PC | Black Mesa |
| PC | Hyper Light Breaker | :| PC | Warhammer: Vermintide 2 |
| PC | Crypt of the Necrodancer | :| PS4 | 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim |
| PC | Just Shapes & Beats | :| PS4 | Bloodborne |
| PC | Minit | :| PC | Vampire Survivors |
| PC | A Short Hike | :| PC | Elden Ring |
| PC | Dysmantle | :| PC | OPUS: Echo of Starsong |
| PC | Omori | :| PC | Stacklands |
| PC | Sea of Stars | :| PC | Paradise Killer |
| PC | The Last Faith | :| PC | Webbed |
| PC | Arctic Awakening | :| GBA | Pokemon Unbound |
| PC | Stray | :| PC | Dark Souls: Remastered |
| PC | The Lords of the Fallen | :| PC | Portal 2 |
| PC | Hunt the Night | :| PC | Inscryption |
| PC | Bad End Theater | :| PC | There is no Game: Wrong Dimension |
| PC | Solar Ash | :| GBA | Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow |
| PC | Nightingale | :| PC | Half-Life 2 |
| PC | Nara: Facing Fire | :| PS3 | Drakengard 3 |
| PC | Death's Gambit: Afterlife | :| PC | Blasphemous |
| PC | Nioh | :| PC | Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice (Demon Bell) |
| PC | SEASON: A letter to the future | :| PC | The Pedestrian |
| PC | Unbound: Worlds Apart | :| GBA | Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team |
| PC | Gloomwood | :| PC | Final Fantasy VII: New Threat 2.0 |
| PC | The Outbound Ghost | :| PC | OPUS: The Day We Found Earth |
| PC | Cassette Beasts | :| PC | Need For Speed: Underground 2 |
| PC | DREDGE | :|______|________________________________________________________|
| PC | Sackboy: A Big Adventure | :|
| PC | Buck Up and Drive! | :|
| PC | Mandragora | :|
| PC | Return to Monkey Island | :|
| PC | Escape: The Endless Dogwatch | :|
@ -176,6 +176,10 @@
platform: "PC"
- name: "Neon White"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Dungreed"
platform: "PC"
- name: "Everspace"
platform: "PC"
- title: "Not Yet Owned (Wishlist)"
- name: "Hollow Knight: Silksong"
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