2022-06-26 18:05:50 +02:00

202 lines
6.7 KiB

/* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */
* Style plugin (TMF).
* Selects ManiaLink window style templates.
* Created by Xymph
* Dependencies: none
Aseco::registerEvent('onStartup', 'style_default');
Aseco::registerEvent('onPlayerConnect', 'init_playerstyle');
// handles action id's "49"-"100" for selecting from max. 50 style templates
Aseco::registerEvent('onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer', 'event_style');
Aseco::addChatCommand('style', 'Selects window style (see: /style help)');
// called @ onStartup
function style_default($aseco) {
// check for non-TMN style
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $aseco->settings['window_style'] != '') {
$style_file = 'styles/' . $aseco->settings['window_style'] . '.xml';
$aseco->console('Load default style [{1}]', $style_file);
// load default style
if (($aseco->style = $aseco->xml_parser->parseXml($style_file)) && isset($aseco->style['STYLES'])) {
$aseco->style = $aseco->style['STYLES'];
} else {
// Could not parse XML file
trigger_error('Could not read/parse style file ' . $style_file . ' !', E_USER_ERROR);
} // style_default
// called @ onPlayerConnect
function init_playerstyle($aseco, $player) {
if ($style = ldb_getStyle($aseco, $player->login)) {
// load player's personal style
$style_file = 'styles/' . $style . '.xml';
if (($player->style = $aseco->xml_parser->parseXml($style_file)) && isset($player->style['STYLES'])) {
$player->style = $player->style['STYLES'];
} else {
// Could not parse XML file
trigger_error('Could not read/parse style file ' . $style_file . ' !', E_USER_WARNING);
} // init_playerstyle
function chat_style($aseco, $command) {
$player = $command['author'];
$login = $player->login;
if ($aseco->server->getGame() != 'TMF') {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
if ($command['params'] == 'help') {
$header = '{#black}/style$g will change the window style:';
$help = array();
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}help',
'Displays this help information');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}list',
'Displays available styles');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}default',
'Resets style to server default');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}off',
'Disables TMF window style');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}xxx',
'Selects window style xxx');
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($login, $header, array('Icons64x64_1', 'TrackInfo', -0.01), $help, array(0.8, 0.05, 0.15, 0.6), 'OK');
elseif ($command['params'] == 'list') {
$player->tracklist = array();
// read list of style files
$styledir = 'styles/';
$dir = opendir($styledir);
$files = array();
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if (strtolower(substr($file, -4)) == '.xml')
$files[] = substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-4);
sort($files, SORT_STRING);
if (count($files) > 50) {
$files = array_slice($files, 0, 50); // maximum 50 templates
trigger_error('Too many style templates - maximum 50!', E_USER_WARNING);
// sneak in standard entries
$files[] = 'default';
$files[] = 'off';
$head = 'Currently available window styles:';
$list = array();
$sid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$player->msgs = array();
$player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.8, 0.1, 0.7), array('Icons64x64_1', 'Windowed'));
foreach ($files as $file) {
// store style in player object for jukeboxing
$trkarr = array();
$trkarr['style'] = $file;
$player->tracklist[] = $trkarr;
$list[] = array(str_pad($sid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
array('{#black}' . $file, $sid+48)); // action id
if (++$lines > 14) {
$player->msgs[] = $list;
$lines = 0;
$list = array();
// add if last batch exists
if (!empty($list))
$player->msgs[] = $list;
// display ManiaLink message
elseif ($command['params'] != '') {
$style = $command['params'];
if (is_numeric($style) && $style > 0) {
$sid = ltrim($style, '0');
if (array_key_exists($sid, $player->tracklist) &&
isset($player->tracklist[$sid]['style'])) {
$style = $player->tracklist[$sid]['style'];
if ($style == 'off') {
$player->style = array();
$message = '{#server}> TMF window style disabled!';
ldb_setStyle($aseco, $login, '');
elseif ($style == 'default') {
$player->style = $aseco->style;
$message = '{#server}> Style reset to server default {#highlite}' . $aseco->settings['window_style'] . '{#server} !';
ldb_setStyle($aseco, $login, $aseco->settings['window_style']);
else {
$style_file = 'styles/' . $style . '.xml';
// load new style
if (($styledata = $aseco->xml_parser->parseXml($style_file)) && isset($styledata['STYLES'])) {
$player->style = $styledata['STYLES'];
$message = '{#server}> Style {#highlite}' . $command['params'] . '{#server} selected!';
ldb_setStyle($aseco, $login, $style);
} else {
// Could not parse XML file
trigger_error('Could not read/parse style file ' . $style_file . ' !', E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No valid style file, use {#highlite}$i /style list {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No style specified, use {#highlite}$i /style help {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} // chat_style
// called @ onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer
// Handles ManiaLink style responses
// [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Answer
function event_style($aseco, $answer) {
// leave actions outside 49 - 100 to other handlers
if ($answer[2] >= 49 && $answer[2] <= 100) {
// get player & style
$player = $aseco->server->players->getPlayer($answer[1]);
$style = $player->tracklist[$answer[2]-49]['style'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/style {2}"',
$player->login, $style);
// select new style & refresh list
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = $style;
chat_style($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/style list"', $player->login);
// display restyled list
$command['params'] = 'list';
chat_style($aseco, $command);
} // event_style