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<TITLE>TrackMania Nations - XASECO upgrade history</TITLE>
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<META NAME="author" CONTENT="Frans P. de Vries">
<META NAME="generator" CONTENT="vi :)">
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<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="TrackMania, Forever, United, Nations, Original, Sunrise, racing, games, XASECO, ASECO, RASP, Jfreu, plugins, records, jukebox, Nadeo">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Information on the XASECO system for TrackMania Forever and Nations (& Original/Sunrise), racing games by Nadeo">
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<A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""><IMG SRC="banner.jpg" ALT="TrackMania Nations" BORDER="0" WIDTH="590" HEIGHT="149"></A>
<H3>Earlier upgrades:</H3>
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.15 to v1.15b</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v1.15b: aseco.php,
includes/, rasp.funcs.php,,,
plugins/chat.songmod.php, plugin.autotime.php, plugin.track.php,
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.15.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.14 to v1.15</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v1.15: aseco.php, config.xml,
dedimania.xml, rasp.xml, includes/GbxRemote.bem.php,,,, jfreu.config.php,,, rasp.funcs.php,
votes.config.php,,,, panels/VoteBottomCenterTransp.xml,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php, chat.players.php,
chat.players2.php, chat.records.php, chat.records2.php,
chat.recrels.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.donate.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.panels.php,
plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php, plugin.rpoints.php,, plugin.tmxinfo.php, plugin.track.php.
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <a href="#official">official
site</a> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <a target="_blank"
href="">page for
<LI>Open port <b>8002</b> on your firewall/router for communication
with the central Dedimania server.
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are located
inside the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you <u>must</u>
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory, or
compare them and <u>add</u> any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and move
all *.XML files into the main directory (next to aseco.php), all *.PHP
files into the includes/ directory, and Aseco.bat||
also into the main directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.13 to v1.14</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v1.14: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, includes/GbxRemote.bem.php,,, rasp.funcs.php,,,,, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php,
chat.records.php, chat.records2.php, chat.recrels.php, chat.server.php,
plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_irc.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php,
plugin.rasp_nextmap.php, plugin.rasp_nextrank.php, plugin.rpoints.php,
plugin.track.php, plugin.uptodate.php,,
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.11.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.12 to v1.13</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v1.13: chat.lastwin.php.
The following files were updated in v1.13: aseco.php, config.xml,
dedimania.xml, plugins.xml, rasp.xml, includes/,
GbxRemote.bem.php,,,, rasp.funcs.php,,,,,, votes.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.dedimania.php, chat.laston.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.panels.php,
plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php, localdb/*.sql.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.11.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.11 to v1.12</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v1.12: aseco.php,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, rasp.xml, localdb/*.sql,
includes/GbxRemote.response.php,, rasp.funcs.php,
rasp.settings.php,,,,, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.dedimania.php, chat.players.php, chat.players2.php,
chat.records.php, chat.records2.php, chat.recrels.php, chat.server.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.access.php, plugin.autotime.php,
plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.muting.php, plugin.panels.php,
plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_karma.php, plugin.rasp_nextmap.php,
plugin.rasp_nextrank.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rpoints.php,, plugin.track.php,
The following files were removed from v1.12 (actually moved to the
DOCS/OLD/ directory for posterity): plugins/, and the
votes.sql section of localdb/aseco.sql.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.11.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.10 to v1.11</u>:<br><br>
The following file was renamed in v1.11: plugins/ to
The following files were updated in v1.11: aseco.php,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, plugins.xml, includes/,, jfreu.config.php,,
rasp.funcs.php, rasp.settings.php,,,,,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.autotime.php, plugin.chatlog.php,
plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.donate.php,
plugin.ml_howto.php, plugin.msglog.php, plugin.musicserver.php,
plugin.muting.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rpoints.php,,
plugin.track.php, plugin.uptodate.php,, jfreu.lite.php,
The following files were removed from v1.11 (actually moved to the
DOCS/OLD/ directory for posterity): includes/,
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open port <b>8002</b> on your firewall/router for communication
with the central Dedimania server.
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are now located
inside the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you <u>must</u>
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory,
or compare them and <u>add</u> any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.09 to v1.10</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v1.10: panels/DonateBelowCPListRM.xml,
The following files were updated in v1.10: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, rasp.xml, includes/,
rasp.funcs.php, rasp.settings.php,,,, votes.config.php,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php, chat.records.php,
chat.server.php, chat.stats.php, plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rpoints.php,,
plugin.tmxinfo.php, plugin.uptodate.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.05b.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.08 to v1.09</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v1.09: access.xml,
The following files were updated in v1.09: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, musicserver.xml, plugins.xml,
rasp.xml, includes/GbxRemote.bem.php,,,, rasp.settings.php,,,,, localdb/aseco.sql, rasp.sql, plugins/chat.admin.php,
plugin.autotime.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php,
plugin.rounds.php, plugin.track.php, plugin.uptodate.php,
jfreu.plugin.php, mistral.idlekick.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.05b.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.06 to v1.08</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v1.08: includes/
The following files were updated in v1.08: aseco.php, config.xml,
includes/, GbxRemote.bem.php,,,, rasp.funcs.php,,,,,,,
localdb/aseco.sql, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php,
chat.players.php, chat.players2.php, chat.records.php,
chat.records2.php, chat.stats.php, plugin.autotime.php,
plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.muting.php, plugin.panels.php,
plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_nextmap.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php,
plugin.sminfo.php,, plugin.tmxinfo.php,
plugin.track.php,, jfreu.lite.php, jfreu.plugin.php,
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.05b.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.05b to v1.06</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v1.06: localdb/extra.sql,
panels/StatsNations.xml, StatsUnited.xml.
The following files were updated in v1.06: aseco.php,
config.xml, includes/,,, jfreu.config.php, localdb/aseco.sql, rasp.sql,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php, chat.server.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,,
jfreu.lite.php, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.05b.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.05 to v1.05b</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v1.05b: aseco.php, dedimania.xml,
includes/, plugins/plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.msglog.php, plugin.musicserver.php,
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open ports 8003, 8006, 8007, 8011, 8012, 8013 and <b>8016 through
8021</b> on your firewall/router for communication with the central
Dedimania server (if that's not possible, the system falls back on
port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are now located
inside the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you <u>must</u>
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory,
or compare them and <u>add</u> any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.04 to v1.05</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v1.05: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, musicserver.xml, includes/,,, votes.config.php,, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php,
chat.players.php, plugin.autotime.php, plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rpoints.php, plugin.uptodate.php,, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.03.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.03 to v1.04</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v1.04: autotime.xml,
plugins/plugin.autotime.php, plugin.rpoints.php.
The following files were updated in v1.04: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, musicserver.xml, plugins.xml, rasp.xml,
includes/,, rasp.funcs.php,,,,
votes.config.php, jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.dedimania.php, chat.laston.php, chat.players.php,
chat.records.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.muting.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php,
plugin.rasp_nextmap.php, plugin.rasp_nextrank.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php, plugin.sminfo.php,
plugin.tmxinfo.php, plugin.track.php, jfreu.lite.php,,
jfreu.plugin.php, plugins/jfreu/jfreu.vips.xml.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.03.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.02 to v1.03</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v1.03: bannedips.xml.
The following files were updated in v1.03: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, rasp.xml, includes/,, rasp.settings.php, votes.config.php,, jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.players.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.msglog.php, plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.muting.php,
plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.track.php,
plugin.uptodate.php,, jfreu.lite.php, jfreu.plugin.php,
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open ports 8003, 8006, 8007, 8011, 8012 and 8013 on your
firewall/router for communication with the central Dedimania server
(if that's not possible, the system falls back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are now located
inside the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you <u>must</u>
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory,
or compare them and <u>add</u> any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.01 to v1.02</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v1.02: includes/,
plugins/plugin.msglog.php, panels/AdminAboveSpeed2.xml,
DonateLeftSmall.xml, DonateRightSmall.xml, VoteBottomCenterTransp.xml,
The following files were updated in v1.02: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, dedimania.xml, plugins.xml, rasp.xml,
includes/,, jfreu.config.php,
rasp.funcs.php, rasp.settings.php, votes.config.php,,,,, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php,, chat.players.php, chat.players2.php, chat.records.php,
chat.records2.php, chat.recrels.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.donate.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.ml_howto.php, plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.muting.php,
plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_irc.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php,
plugin.rounds.php, plugin.sminfo.php,,
plugin.tmxinfo.php,, jfreu.lite.php, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v1.01.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v1.00 to v1.01</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v1.01: includes/,, plugins/plugin.sminfo.php, panels/Donate*.xml.
The following files were updated in v1.01: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, dedimania.xml, plugins.xml,
rasp.xml, includes/,,, rasp.funcs.php,,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.donate.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.musicserver.php,
plugin.muting.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_irc.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_nextmap.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php,, plugin.tmxinfo.php,, jfreu.plugin.php, panels/00README.txt.
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open ports 8003, 8006, 8007, <b>8011, 8012 and 8013</b> on your
firewall/router for communication with the central Dedimania server
(if that's not possible, the system falls back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are now located
inside the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you <u>must</u>
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory,
or compare them and <u>add</u> any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.99b to v1.00</u>:<br><br>
The following directories were added in v1.00: <b>panels/</b> and
The following files were added in v1.00: panels/00README.txt,
panels/*.xml, style/00README.txt, styles/*.xml,
plugins/plugin.panels.php, (TMN admins can remove
these from plugins.xml).
The following files were updated in v1.00: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, plugins.xml, includes/,, jfreu.config.php,,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php, chat.players.php,
chat.records2.php, chat.recrels.php, chat.server.php,,
chat.stats.php, plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.musicserver.php,
plugin.muting.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php,
plugin.tmxinfo.php, plugin.track.php, plugin.uptodate.php,, jfreu.plugin.php, mistral.idlekick.php.
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open ports 8003, 8006 and 8007 on your firewall/router for
communication with the central Dedimania server (if that's not
possible, the system falls back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are now located
inside the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you <u>must</u>
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory,
or compare them and <u>add</u> any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.99 to v0.99b</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v0.99b: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, musicserver.xml, includes/,
plugins/chat.admin.php, plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.musicserver.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.uptodate.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.98.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.98 to v0.99</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v0.99: musicserver.xml,
plugins/plugin.donate.php, plugin.musicserver.php.
The following files were updated in v0.99: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, localdatabase.xml, plugins.xml, rasp.xml,
includes/, GbxRemote.bem.php,,, rasp.funcs.php,,,, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.dedimania.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.muting.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php,
plugin.tmxinfo.php, plugin.track.php, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.98.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.97 to v0.98</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.98: plugins/plugin.ml_howto.php.
The following files were updated in v0.98: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
dedimania.xml, localdatabase.xml, includes/,, rasp.funcs.php,,,, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php,
chat.players.php, chat.players2.php, chat.records.php,
chat.records2.php, chat.recrels.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.muting.php,
plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_karma.php, plugin.track.php, plugin.uptodate.php,, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open ports 8003, 8006 and 8007 on your firewall/router for
communication with the central Dedimania server (if that's not
possible, the system falls back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and config files are now located inside
the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you should be able
to unzip the download and replace all the code files (unless you made
changes to any) without worrying about overwriting your customized
config files. However, for every XML/config file that was updated
(see above), you <u>must</u> replace your version with the one from
the newinstall/ directory, or compare them and add any new/changed
configuration settings to your version to insure the system remains
working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.96b to v0.97</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v0.97: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, dedimania.xml, rasp.xml, includes/,, rasp.funcs.php,,,, jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.dedimania.php, chat.players.php, chat.players2.php,
chat.records.php, chat.records2.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.muting.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php,
plugin.tmxinfo.php,, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open port 8003 on your firewall/router for communication with the
central Dedimania server (if that's not possible, the system falls
back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and config files are now located inside
the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you should be able
to unzip the download and replace all the code files (unless you made
changes to any) without worrying about overwriting your customized
config files. However, for every XML/config file that was updated
(see above), you <u>must</u> replace your version with the one from
the newinstall/ directory, or compare them and add any new/changed
configuration settings to your version to insure the system remains
working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.96 to v0.96b</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v0.96b: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
matchsave.xml, rasp.xml, includes/,,
rasp.settings.php, votes.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_nextmap.php,
<LI>See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.96.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.95 to v0.96</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.96: includes/
The following files were updated in v0.96: aseco.php, config.xml,
includes/, rasp.funcs.php, rasp.settings.php,,,,
jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.dedimania.php,, chat.players.php, chat.players2.php, chat.records.php,
chat.records2.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php, plugin.chatlog.php,
plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.muting.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_chat.php plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_nextmap.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php, plugin.tmxinfo.php,
plugin.track.php, plugin.uptodate.php,
The following files were removed from v0.96: publicdatabase.xml,
includes/, plugins/plugin.publicdatabase.php
(the old public database ceased operations long ago, and has now been
superceded by Dedimania).
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login and password values in the
<CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE> section from your
server's dedicated.cfg (TMN) or dedicated_cfg.txt (TMF) file into
the corresponding section of the dedimania.xml file, and add
the 3-character nation abbreviation. Instead of the password
you can also use the community code for your server by using
the server login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official
site</A> for your game (TMO/TMS/TMN) or on this <A TARGET="_blank"
HREF="">page for
<LI>Open port 8003 on your firewall/router for communication with the
central Dedimania server (if that's not possible, the system falls
back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and config files are now located inside
the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you should be able
to unzip the download and replace all the code files (unless you made
changes to any) without worrying about overwriting your customized
config files. However, for every XML/config file that was updated
(see above), you <u>must</u> replace your version with the one from
the newinstall/ directory, or compare them and add any new/changed
configuration settings to your version to insure the system remains
working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.93 to v0.95</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v0.95: dedimania.xml,
includes/GbxRemote.bem.php, GbxRemote.response.php, urlsafebase64.php,,, plugins/chat.dedimania.php,
The following files were updated in v0.95: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, localdatabase.xml, plugins.xml, rasp.xml,
rasp.funcs.php,,,, votes.config.php,,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.players2.php, chat.records2.php,
chat.server.php,, plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_nextrank.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.tmxinfo.php,
plugin.track.php, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>To register your server with the central Dedimania database, you
must copy the three values in the <CODE>&lt;masterserver_account&gt;</CODE>
section from your server's dedicated.cfg file into the corresponding
section of the dedimania.xml file. Instead of the password you
can also use the community code for your server by using the server
login/password on the <A HREF="/tmn/#official">official site</A> for your
game (TMO/TMS/TMN).
<LI>Open port 8003 on your firewall/router for communication with the
central Dedimania server (if that's not possible, the system falls
back on port 80).
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and config files are now located inside
the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you should be able
to unzip the download and replace all the code files (unless you made
changes to any) without worrying about overwriting your customized
config files. However, for every XML/config file that was updated
(see above), you <u>must</u> replace your version with the one from
the newinstall/ directory, or compare them and add any new/changed
configuration settings to your version to insure the system remains
working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.92b to v0.93</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v0.93:
plugins/, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.tmxinfo.php.
The following file was renamed in v0.93: includes/
to includes/
The following files were updated in v0.93: aseco.php,
adminops.xml, config.xml, plugins.xml, includes/,
rasp.funcs.php, jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.stats.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.matchsave.php,
plugin.publicdatabase.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php, jfreu.plugin.php. The
remaining code files were updated too, but only for the dependency
comments and occasional layout tweaks.
<LI>In the zip file, all *.XML and config files are now located inside
the <b>newinstall/</b> directory. This means that you should be able
to unzip the download and replace all the code files (unless you made
changes to any) without worrying about overwriting your customized
config files. However, for every XML/config file that was updated
(see above), you <u>must</u> replace your version with the one from
the newinstall/ directory, or compare them and add any new/changed
configuration settings to your version to insure the system remains
working correctly.
<LI>For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and
move all *.XML files into the main directory, next to aseco.php,
and *.PHP files into the includes/ directory.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.92 to v0.92b</u>:<br><br>
The following files were updated in v0.92b: aseco.php,
includes/jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.stats.php,,
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.91 to v0.92</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.92: includes/
The following files were updated in v0.92: aseco.php, rasp.xml,
includes/,, rasp.funcs.php,
rasp.settings.php, jfreu.config.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.laston.php, chat.players2.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_nextrank.php, plugin.uptodate.php,,
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.90 to v0.91</u>:<br><br>
The following file was moved in v0.91: plugins/jfreu.config.php
to includes/jfreu.config.php.
The following files were added in v0.91: includes/votes.config.php
(containing the configuration options previously embedded in
plugins/plugin.rasp_votes.php), plugins/chat.laston.php, and
plugins/jfreu/jfreu.config.xml (by default containing the same settings
as includes/jfreu.config.php).
The following file was removed in v0.91: plugins/jfreu.unspec.php
(it was integrated into plugins/jfreu.plugin.php).
The following files were updated in v0.91: aseco.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, plugins.xml, rasp.xml, includes/jfreu.config.php,
rasp.funcs.php, rasp.settings.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.server.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
plugin.rasp_nextmap.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php,,
jfreu.lite.php, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>Because jfreu.unspec.php was integrated into the main plugin, you
must remove the file from an existing installation and not include it
in plugins.xml anymore if you used it together with jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>If you allow TMX <i>/add</i> votes (<CODE>$feature_tmxadd</CODE>
is <CODE>true</CODE>), you must created a new
'GameData/Tracks/Challenges/TMXtmp/' directory along the required
'GameData/Tracks/Challenges/TMX/' directory. Tracks downloaded via
<i>/add</i> are saved to the former directory, but if permanently
added to the server's track list via <i>/admin addthis</i>, they are
moved into the latter.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.89 to v0.90</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.90 (although by default not enabled
in plugins.xml): plugins/plugin.muting.php.
All *.php files were updated in v0.90 for various reasons (if only to
add more comments), so it's strongly recommended to replace them all.
Further, adminops.xml, config.xml, localdatabase.xml, rasp.xml were
also updated.
<LI>If you use a blacklist or guestlist file (in the "GameData/"
directory), or a tracklist file (in "GameData/Tracks/MatchSettings/"),
rename their extensions from .xml back to .txt.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.88 to v0.89</u>:<br><br>
The following file was renamed in v0.89: plugins/jfreu.player.php
to plugins/jfreu.lite.php.
Almost all *.php files were updated in v0.89 for various reasons, so
it's strongly recommended to replace them all. Further, config.xml,
rasp.xml and adminops.xml were also updated.
<LI>If you use a blacklist or guestlist file (in the "GameData/"
directory), rename its extension from .txt to .xml.
<LI>If you use a tracklist / match settings file, the default file
is now at "GameData/Tracks/MatchSettings/tracklist.xml" (previously
"GameData/Tracks/rasp-tracklist.txt"), and alternate files should
also be in the "GameData/Tracks/MatchSettings/" directory with the
.xml extension.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.86 to v0.88</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.88: adminops.xml.
The following file was renamed in v0.88: plugins/jfreu/jfreu.lists.xml
into plugins/jfreu/jfreu.vips.xml.
The following files were updated in v0.88: aseco.php, config.xml,
rasp.xml, includes/, rasp.settings.php, rasp.funcs.php,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.players.php, chat.records2.php,
chat.server.php, chat.stats.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_irc.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php,
plugin.rasp_nextmap.php, plugin.rasp_nextrank.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php,, jfreu.config.php,
jfreu.player.php, jfreu.plugin.php.
<LI>In config.xml the <CODE>&lt;admins&gt;</CODE> section has been
renamed to <CODE>&lt;masteradmins&gt;</CODE>, along with adding a
new <CODE>&lt;adminops_file&gt;</CODE> definition. If you use your
previous config.xml file, you <u>must</u> make these changes yourself.
<LI>The <CODE>&lt;masteradmins&gt;</CODE> section of config.xml should
contain only those logins you want to have <u>all</u> admin rights,
and it should also contain the server owner's LAN login (with IP and
port), if applicable.
<LI>Any other admin logins should be moved from config.xml into the
<CODE>&lt;admins&gt;</CODE> (or <CODE>&lt;operators&gt;</CODE>)
section of adminsops.xml, or they can be re-added later via the
<i>/admin addadmin</i> (or <i>addop</i>) command.
<LI>If you use Jfreu's vip/team_vip abilities, rename your existing
plugins/jfreu/jfreu.lists.xml file to plugins/jfreu/jfreu.vips.xml.
<LI>The <CODE>&lt;admin_list&gt;</CODE> section in jfreu.vips.xml
is obsolete, and its contents should also be moved into the
<CODE>&lt;admins&gt;</CODE> section of adminops.xml <i>before</i>
starting v0.88+, because it will no longer be written back into the
file after the next vip/team_vip change.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.85 to v0.86</u>:<br><br>
The following file was renamed in v0.86: chat.jfreu.php into
The following files were updated in v0.86: aseco.php,
config.xml, rasp.xml, includes/rasp.funcs.php, rasp.settings.php,, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.players.php,
chat.players2.php, chat.records.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_karma.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php,
plugin.uptodate.php, jfreu.config.php, jfreu.plugin.php,
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.84 to v0.85</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.85: plugins/plugin.uptodate.php.
The following files were updated in v0.85: plugins.xml,
rasp.xml, localdatabase.xml, aseco.php, includes/rasp.settings.php,
rasp.funcs.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,, chat.records2.php,
chat.server.php, chat.stats.php, plugin.localdatabase.php,
plugin.matchsave.php, plugin.rasp.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php,
plugin.rasp_votes.php, jfreu.config.php, jfreu.plugin.php,
mistral.idlekick.php, plus layout tweaks in others.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.82 to v0.84</u>:<br><br>
The following file was added in v0.84: plugins/plugin.rasp_votes.php.
Once again, many other *.php files were updated for various reasons, so
it's strongly recommended to replace them all. Further, plugins.xml,
config.xml, localdatabase.xml and rasp.xml were also updated.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.8 to v0.82</u>:<br><br>
The following files were added in v0.81/0.82:
plugins/plugin.chatlog.php, plugin.rasp_nextrank.php, jfreu.player.php
and jfreu.unspec.php (previously known as jfreu.hack.php).
Almost all other *.php files were updated for the '&amp;'
pass-by-reference fixes, so it's strongly recommended to replace them
all. Further, plugins.xml, config.xml and rasp.xml were also updated.
<LI><u>Upgrading from v0.7 to v0.8+</u>:<br><br>
Because of the extent of the changes in v1.14, upgrading from v0.7 and
older versions is best done by renaming your ASECO directory to another
name, following the instructions for a new installation (above),
and then copying over your configuration settings into the pertaining
config files, as well as updating the new options to your liking.
Subsequently, you can port over any code changes and plugins specific
to your server, or <A HREF="index.html#feedback">let me know</A> if you think
they might be of general interest, then I'll see whether they can be
incorporated in the next release.
<u>Note on upgrading from versions prior to v0.8, and v2.0 and beyond</u>:<br>
This release, when first run, will automatically rename the
'trackID' column in the <b>rs_times</b> table in your ASECO database
to 'challengeID' for consistency with all the other tables.
This means that if you ever want to downgrade to v0.7, you'll
need to manually rename that column back by entering the following
command in your database (via PhpMyAdmin, the MySQL command prompt,
or similar):<br><br>
<CODE>ALTER TABLE rs_times CHANGE challengeID trackID mediumint(9) NOT NULL default 0</CODE>
Aseco/Rasp versions 2.0 and beyond include additional columns in some
tables, but they are ignored.
Copyright &copy; 2007-2013 &ndash; Frans P. de Vries <A HREF="mailto:tm&#64;&#103;&#97;&#109;&#101;&#114;&#115;&#46;&#111;&#114;&#103;">&lt;tm&#64;&#103;&#97;&#109;&#101;&#114;&#115;&#46;&#111;&#114;&#103;&gt;</A>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Last updated 09-Mar-2013