2022-06-26 18:05:50 +02:00

133 lines
4.4 KiB

/* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */
* Rounds plugin.
* Reports finishes in each individual round.
* Created by Xymph
* Sorting improved by .anDy
* Dependencies: none
Aseco::registerEvent('onSync', 'reset_rounds');
Aseco::registerEvent('onNewChallenge', 'reset_rounds');
Aseco::registerEvent('onRestartChallenge', 'reset_rounds');
Aseco::registerEvent('onEndRound', 'report_round');
Aseco::registerEvent('onPlayerFinish', 'store_time');
global $rounds_count, $round_times, $round_pbs;
// called @ onSync, onNewChallenge, onRestartChallenge
function reset_rounds($aseco, $data) {
global $rounds_count, $round_times, $round_pbs;
// reset counter, times & PBs
$rounds_count = 0;
$round_times = array();
$round_pbs = array();
} // reset_rounds
// called @ onEndRound
function report_round($aseco) {
global $rounds_count, $round_times, $round_pbs;
// if someone finished (in Rounds/Team/Cup mode), then report this round
if (!empty($round_times)) {
// sort by times, PBs & PIDs
$round_scores = array();
foreach ($round_times as &$item){
// sort only times which were driven more than once
if (count($item) > 1) {
$scores = array();
$pbs = array();
$pids = array();
foreach ($item as $key => &$row) {
$scores[$key] = $row['score'];
$pbs[$key] = $round_pbs[$row['login']];
$pids[$key] = $row['playerid'];
// sort order: SCORE, PB and PID, like the game does
array_multisort($scores, SORT_NUMERIC, $pbs, SORT_NUMERIC, $pids, SORT_NUMERIC, $item);
// merge all score arrays
$round_scores = array_merge($round_scores, $item);
$pos = 1;
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('ROUND'), $rounds_count);
// report all new records, first 'show_min_recs' w/ time, rest w/o
foreach ($round_scores as $tm) {
// check if player still online
if ($player = $aseco->server->players->getPlayer($tm['login']))
$nick = stripColors($player->nickname);
else // fall back on login
$nick = $tm['login'];
$new = false;
// go through each record
for ($i = 0; $i < $aseco->server->records->count(); $i++) {
$cur_record = $aseco->server->records->getRecord($i);
// if the record is new on this track then check if it's in this round
if ($cur_record->new && $cur_record->player->login == $tm['login'] && $cur_record->score == $tm['score']) {
$new = true;
if ($new) {
$message .= formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('RANKING_RECORD_NEW'),
$pos, $nick, formatTime($tm['score']));
} elseif ($pos <= $aseco->settings['show_min_recs']) {
$message .= formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('RANKING_RECORD'),
$pos, $nick, formatTime($tm['score']));
} else {
$message .= formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('RANKING_RECORD2'),
$pos, $nick);
// show chat message
$message = substr($message, 0, strlen($message)-2); // strip trailing ", "
$message = $aseco->formatColors($message);
$aseco->console_text(stripColors($message, false));
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $aseco->settings['rounds_in_window'] &&
send_window_message($aseco, $message, false);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $message);
// reset times
$round_times = array();
} // report_round
// called @ onPlayerFinish
function store_time($aseco, $finish_item) {
global $round_times, $round_pbs;
// if Rounds/Team/Cup mode & actual finish, then store time & PB
if (($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::RNDS ||
$aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::TEAM ||
$aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::CUP) && $finish_item->score > 0) {
$round_times[$finish_item->score][] = array(
'playerid' => $finish_item->player->pid,
'login' => $finish_item->player->login,
'score' => $finish_item->score,
if (isset($round_pbs[$finish_item->player->login])) {
if ($round_pbs[$finish_item->player->login] > $finish_item->score) {
$round_pbs[$finish_item->player->login] = $finish_item->score;
} else {
$round_pbs[$finish_item->player->login] = $finish_item->score;
} // store_time