2022-06-26 18:05:50 +02:00

5772 lines
223 KiB

/* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */
* Chat plugin.
* Provides regular admin commands.
* Updated by Xymph
* Dependencies: requires plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.uptodate.php
* uses plugin.autotime.php, plugin.donate.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.rpoints.php
* used by plugin.matchsave.php
// these cannot be included in aseco.php because of their events registration
require_once('includes/rasp.funcs.php'); // functions for the RASP plugins
require_once('includes/'); // provides ManiaLinks windows
// handles action id's "2201"-"2400" for /admin warn
// handles action id's "2401"-"2600" for /admin ignore
// handles action id's "2601"-"2800" for /admin unignore
// handles action id's "2801"-"3000" for /admin kick
// handles action id's "3001"-"3200" for /admin ban
// handles action id's "3201"-"3400" for /admin unban
// handles action id's "3401"-"3600" for /admin black
// handles action id's "3601"-"3800" for /admin unblack
// handles action id's "3801"-"4000" for /admin addguest
// handles action id's "4001"-"4200" for /admin removeguest
// handles action id's "4201"-"4400" for /admin forcespec
// handles action id's "4401"-"4600" for /admin unignore in listignores
// handles action id's "4601"-"4800" for /admin unban in listbans
// handles action id's "4801"-"5000" for /admin unblack in listblacks
// handles action id's "5001"-"5200" for /admin removeguest in listguests
// handles action id's "-7901"-"-8100" for /admin unbanip
Aseco::registerEvent('onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer', 'event_admin');
Aseco::addChatCommand('admin', 'Provides admin commands (see: /admin help)');
Aseco::addChatCommand('ad', 'Provides admin commands (see: /ad help)');
function chat_ad($aseco, $command) { chat_admin($aseco, $command); }
Aseco::addChatCommand('help', 'Shows all available /admin commands', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('helpall', 'Displays help for available /admin commands', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setservername', 'Changes the name of the server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setcomment', 'Changes the server comment', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setpwd', 'Changes the player password', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setspecpwd', 'Changes the spectator password', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setrefpwd', 'Changes the referee password', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setmaxplayers', 'Sets a new maximum of players', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setmaxspecs', 'Sets a new maximum of spectators', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setgamemode', 'Sets next mode {ta,rounds,team,laps,stunts,cup}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('setrefmode', 'Sets referee mode {0=top3,1=all}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('nextmap/next', 'Forces server to load next track', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('skipmap/skip', 'Forces server to load next track', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('previous/prev', 'Forces server to load previous track', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('nextenv', 'Loads next track in same environment', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('restartmap/res', 'Restarts currently running track', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('replaymap/replay', 'Replays current track (via jukebox)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('dropjukebox/djb', 'Drops a track from the jukebox', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('clearjukebox/cjb', 'Clears the entire jukebox', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('clearhist', 'Clears (part of) track history', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('add', 'Adds tracks directly from TMX (<ID>... {sec})', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('addthis', 'Adds current /add-ed track permanently', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('addlocal', 'Adds a local track (<filename>)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('warn', 'Sends a kick/ban warning to a player', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('kick', 'Kicks a player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('kickghost', 'Kicks a ghost player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('ban', 'Bans a player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('unban', 'UnBans a player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('banip', 'Bans an IP address from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('unbanip', 'UnBans an IP address from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('black', 'Blacklists a player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('unblack', 'UnBlacklists a player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('addguest', 'Adds a guest player to server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('removeguest', 'Removes a guest player from server', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('pass', 'Passes a chat-based or TMX /add vote', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('cancel/can', 'Cancels any running vote', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('endround/er', 'Forces end of current round', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('players', 'Displays list of known players {string}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('showbanlist/listbans', 'Displays current ban list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('showiplist/listips', 'Displays current banned IPs list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('showblacklist/listblacks', 'Displays current black list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('showguestlist/listguests', 'Displays current guest list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('writeiplist', 'Saves current banned IPs list (def: bannedips.xml)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('readiplist', 'Loads current banned IPs list (def: bannedips.xml)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('writeblacklist', 'Saves current black list (def: blacklist.txt)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('readblacklist', 'Loads current black list (def: blacklist.txt)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('writeguestlist', 'Saves current guest list (def: guestlist.txt)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('readguestlist', 'Loads current guest list (def: guestlist.txt)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('cleanbanlist', 'Cleans current ban list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('cleaniplist', 'Cleans current banned IPs list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('cleanblacklist', 'Cleans current black list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('cleanguestlist', 'Cleans current guest list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('mergegbl', 'Merges a global black list {URL}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('access', 'Handles player access control (see: /admin access help)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('writetracklist', 'Saves current track list (def: tracklist.txt)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('readtracklist', 'Loads current track list (def: tracklist.txt)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('shuffle/shufflemaps', 'Randomizes current track list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('listdupes', 'Displays list of duplicate tracks', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('remove', 'Removes a track from rotation', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('erase', 'Removes a track from rotation & deletes track file', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('removethis', 'Removes this track from rotation', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('erasethis', 'Removes this track from rotation & deletes track file', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('mute/ignore', 'Adds a player to global mute/ignore list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('unmute/unignore', 'Removes a player from global mute/ignore list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('mutelist/listmutes', 'Displays global mute/ignore list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('ignorelist/listignores', 'Displays global mute/ignore list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('cleanmutes/cleanignores', 'Cleans global mute/ignore list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('addadmin', 'Adds a new admin', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('removeadmin', 'Removes an admin', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('addop', 'Adds a new operator', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('removeop', 'Removes an operator', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('listmasters', 'Displays current masteradmin list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('listadmins', 'Displays current admin list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('listops', 'Displays current operator list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('adminability', 'Shows/changes admin ability {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('opability', 'Shows/changes operator ability {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('listabilities', 'Displays current abilities list', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('writeabilities', 'Saves current abilities list (def: adminops.xml)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('readabilities', 'Loads current abilities list (def: adminops.xml)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('wall/mta', 'Displays popup message to all players', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('delrec', 'Deletes specific record on current track', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('prunerecs', 'Deletes records for specified track', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('rpoints', 'Sets custom Rounds points (see: /admin rpoints help)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('match', '{begin/end} to start/stop match tracking', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('acdl', 'Sets AllowChallengeDownload {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('autotime', 'Sets Auto TimeLimit {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('disablerespawn', 'Disables respawn at CPs {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('forceshowopp', 'Forces to show opponents {##/ALL/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('scorepanel', 'Shows automatic scorepanel {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('roundsfinish', 'Shows rounds panel upon first finish {ON/OFF}', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('forceteam', 'Forces player into {Blue} or {Red} team', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('forcespec', 'Forces player into free spectator', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('specfree', 'Forces spectator into free mode', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('panel', 'Selects admin panel (see: /admin panel help)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('style', 'Selects default window style', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('admpanel', 'Selects default admin panel', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('donpanel', 'Selects default donate panel', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('recpanel', 'Selects default records panel', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('votepanel', 'Selects default vote panel', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('coppers', 'Shows server\'s coppers amount', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('pay', 'Pays server coppers to login', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('relays', 'Displays relays list or shows relay master', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('server', 'Displays server\'s detailed settings', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('pm', 'Sends private message to all available admins', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('pmlog', 'Displays log of recent private admin messages', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('call', 'Executes direct server call (see: /admin call help)', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('unlock', 'Unlocks admin commands & features', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('debug', 'Toggles debugging output', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('shutdown', 'Shuts down XASECO', true);
Aseco::addChatCommand('shutdownall', 'Shuts down Server & XASECO', true);
//Aseco::addChatCommand('uptodate', 'Checks current version of XASECO', true); // already defined in plugin.uptodate.php
global $pmbuf; // pm history buffer
global $pmlen; // length of pm history
global $lnlen; // max length of pm line
$pmbuf = array();
$pmlen = 30;
$lnlen = 40;
global $method_results, $auto_scorepanel, $rounds_finishpanel;
$auto_scorepanel = true;
$rounds_finishpanel = true;
function chat_admin($aseco, $command) {
global $jukebox; // from plugin.rasp_jukebox.php
$admin = $command['author'];
$login = $admin->login;
// split params into arrays & insure optional parameters exist
$arglist = explode(' ', $command['params'], 2);
if (!isset($arglist[1])) $arglist[1] = '';
$command['params'] = explode(' ', preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $command['params']));
if (!isset($command['params'][1])) $command['params'][1] = '';
// check if chat command was allowed for a masteradmin/admin/operator
if ($aseco->isMasterAdmin($admin)) {
$logtitle = 'MasterAdmin';
$chattitle = $aseco->titles['MASTERADMIN'][0];
} else {
if ($aseco->isAdmin($admin) && $aseco->allowAdminAbility($command['params'][0])) {
$logtitle = 'Admin';
$chattitle = $aseco->titles['ADMIN'][0];
} else {
if ($aseco->isOperator($admin) && $aseco->allowOpAbility($command['params'][0])) {
$logtitle = 'Operator';
$chattitle = $aseco->titles['OPERATOR'][0];
} else {
// write warning in console
$aseco->console($login . ' tried to use admin chat command (no permission!): ' . $arglist[0] . ' ' . $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#error}You don\'t have the required admin rights to do that!'), $login);
return false;
// check for unlocked password (or unlock command)
if ($aseco->settings['lock_password'] != '' && !$admin->unlocked &&
$command['params'][0] != 'unlock') {
// write warning in console
$aseco->console($login . ' tried to use admin chat command (not unlocked!): ' . $arglist[0] . ' ' . $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#error}You don\'t have the required admin rights to do that!'), $login);
return false;
* Show admin help.
if ($command['params'][0] == 'help') {
// build list of currently active commands
$active_commands = array();
foreach ($aseco->chat_commands as $cc) {
// strip off optional abbreviation
$name = preg_replace('/\/.*/', '', $cc->name);
// check if admin command is within this admin's tier
if ($cc->isadmin && $aseco->allowAbility($admin, $name)) {
$active_command = new ChatCommand($cc->name, $cc->help, true);
$active_commands[] = $active_command;
// show active admin commands on command line
showHelp($admin, $active_commands, $logtitle, true, false);
* Display admin help.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'helpall') {
// build list of currently active commands
$active_commands = array();
foreach ($aseco->chat_commands as $cc) {
// strip off optional abbreviation
$name = preg_replace('/\/.*/', '', $cc->name);
// check if admin command is within this admin's tier
if ($cc->isadmin && $aseco->allowAbility($admin, $name)) {
$active_command = new ChatCommand($cc->name, $cc->help, true);
$active_commands[] = $active_command;
// display active admin commands in popup with descriptions
showHelp($admin, $active_commands, $logtitle, true, true, 0.42);
* Sets a new server name (on the fly).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setservername' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// set a new servername
$aseco->client->query('SetServerName', $arglist[1]);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new server name [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets servername to {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $arglist[1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Sets a new server comment (on the fly).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setcomment' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// set a new server comment
$aseco->client->query('SetServerComment', $arglist[1]);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new server comment [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets server comment to {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $arglist[1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Sets a new player password (on the fly).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setpwd') {
// set a new player password
$aseco->client->query('SetServerPassword', $arglist[1]);
if ($arglist[1] != '') {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new player password [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets player password to {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $arglist[1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] disabled player password', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} disables player password',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Sets a new spectator password (on the fly).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setspecpwd') {
// set a new spectator password
$aseco->client->query('SetServerPasswordForSpectator', $arglist[1]);
if ($arglist[1] != '') {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new spectator password [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets spectator password to {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $arglist[1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] disabled spectator password', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} disables spectator password',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Sets a new referee password (on the fly).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setrefpwd') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// set a new referee password
$aseco->client->query('SetRefereePassword', $arglist[1]);
if ($arglist[1] != '') {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new referee password [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $arglist[1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets referee password to {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $arglist[1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] disabled referee password', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} disables referee password',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Sets a new player maximum that is able to connect to the server.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setmaxplayers' && is_numeric($command['params'][1]) && $command['params'][1] > 0) {
// tell server to set new player max
$aseco->client->query('SetMaxPlayers', (int) $command['params'][1]);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new player maximum [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets new player maximum to {#highlite}{3}{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Sets a new spectator maximum that is able to connect to the server.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setmaxspecs' && is_numeric($command['params'][1]) && $command['params'][1] >= 0) {
// tell server to set new spectator max
$aseco->client->query('SetMaxSpectators', (int) $command['params'][1]);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new spectator maximum [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets new spectator maximum to {#highlite}{3}{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Sets new game mode that will be active upon the next track:
* ta,rounds,team,laps,stunts
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setgamemode' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// check mode parameter
switch (strtolower($command['params'][1])) {
case 'ta':
$mode = Gameinfo::TA;
case 'round': // permit shortcut
case 'rounds':
$mode = Gameinfo::RNDS;
case 'team':
$mode = Gameinfo::TEAM;
case 'laps':
$mode = Gameinfo::LAPS;
case 'stunts':
$mode = Gameinfo::STNT;
case 'cup':
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
$mode = Gameinfo::CUP;
$mode = -1;
$mode = -1;
if ($mode >= 0) {
if ($aseco->changingmode || $mode != $aseco->server->gameinfo->mode) {
// tell server to set new game mode
$aseco->client->query('SetGameMode', $mode);
$aseco->changingmode = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new game mode [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, strtoupper($command['params'][1]));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets next game mode to {#highlite}{3}{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, strtoupper($command['params'][1]));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$aseco->changingmode = false;
$message = '{#server}> Same game mode {#highlite}' . strtoupper($command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Invalid game mode {#highlite}$i ' . strtoupper($command['params'][1]) . '$z$s {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Sets new referee mode (0 = top3, 1 = all).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'setrefmode') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (($mode = $command['params'][1]) != '') {
if (is_numeric($mode) && ($mode == 0 || $mode == 1)) {
// tell server to set new referee mode
$aseco->client->query('SetRefereeMode', (int) $mode);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new referee mode [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, strtoupper($mode));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} sets referee mode to {#highlite}{3}{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $mode);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Invalid referee mode {#highlite}$i ' . strtoupper($mode) . '$z$s {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// tell server to get current referee mode
$mode = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}Referee mode is set to {#highlite}{1}',
($mode == 1 ? 'All' : 'Top-3'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Forces the server to load next track.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'nextmap' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'next' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'skipmap' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'skip') {
// load the next map
// don't clear scores if in TMF Cup mode
if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::CUP)
$aseco->client->query('NextChallenge', true);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] skips challenge!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} skips challenge!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Forces the server to load previous track.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'previous' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'prev') {
// get current track
$current = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// check if not the first track
if ($current > 0) {
// find previous track
$aseco->client->query('GetChallengeList', 1, --$current);
$track = $aseco->client->getResponse();
$prev = array();
$prev['name'] = $track[0]['Name'];
$prev['environment'] = $track[0]['Environnement'];
$prev['filename'] = $track[0]['FileName'];
$prev['uid'] = $track[0]['UId'];
} else {
// dummy player to easily obtain entire track list
$list = new Player();
getAllChallenges($list, '*', '*');
// find last track
$prev = end($list->tracklist);
// prepend previous challenge to start of jukebox
$uid = $prev['uid'];
$jukebox = array_reverse($jukebox, true);
$jukebox[$uid]['FileName'] = $prev['filename'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Name'] = $prev['name'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Env'] = $prev['environment'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Login'] = $admin->login;
$jukebox[$uid]['Nick'] = $admin->nickname;
$jukebox[$uid]['source'] = 'Previous';
$jukebox[$uid]['tmx'] = false;
$jukebox[$uid]['uid'] = $uid;
$jukebox = array_reverse($jukebox, true);
if ($aseco->debug) {
$aseco->console_text('/admin prev jukebox:' . CRLF .
print_r($jukebox, true));
// load the previous track
// don't clear scores if in TMF Cup mode
if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::CUP)
$aseco->client->query('NextChallenge', true);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] revisits previous challenge!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} revisits previous challenge!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('previous', $jukebox[$uid]));
* Loads the next track in the same environment.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'nextenv') {
// check for TMF United
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF' &&
$aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') {
// dummy player to easily obtain environment track list
$list = new Player();
getAllChallenges($list, '*', $aseco->server->challenge->environment);
// search for current track
$next = null;
$found = false;
foreach ($list->tracklist as $track) {
if ($found) {
$next = $track;
if ($track['uid'] == $aseco->server->challenge->uid)
$found = true;
// check for last track and loop back to first
if ($next === null)
$next = $list->tracklist[0];
// prepend next env challenge to start of jukebox
$uid = $next['uid'];
$jukebox = array_reverse($jukebox, true);
$jukebox[$uid]['FileName'] = $next['filename'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Name'] = $next['name'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Env'] = $next['environment'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Login'] = $admin->login;
$jukebox[$uid]['Nick'] = $admin->nickname;
$jukebox[$uid]['source'] = 'Previous';
$jukebox[$uid]['tmx'] = false;
$jukebox[$uid]['uid'] = $uid;
$jukebox = array_reverse($jukebox, true);
if ($aseco->debug) {
$aseco->console_text('/admin nextenv jukebox:' . CRLF .
print_r($jukebox, true));
// load the next environment track
// don't clear scores if in TMF Cup mode
if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::CUP)
$aseco->client->query('NextChallenge', true);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] skips to next {3} challenge!', $logtitle, $login, $aseco->server->challenge->environment);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} skips to next {#highlite}{3}{#admin} challenge!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $aseco->server->challenge->environment);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('nextenv', $jukebox[$uid]));
} else { // TMN(F)
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Command only available on TMU Forever!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Restarts the currently running map.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'restartmap' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'res') {
global $atl_restart; // from plugin.autotime.php
// restart the track
if (isset($atl_restart)) $atl_restart = true;
// don't clear scores if in TMF Cup mode
if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::CUP)
$aseco->client->query('ChallengeRestart', true);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] restarts challenge!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} restarts challenge!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Replays the current map (queues it at start of jukebox).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'replaymap' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'replay') {
global $chatvote; // from plugin.rasp_votes.php
// cancel possibly ongoing replay/restart vote
if (!empty($chatvote) && $chatvote['type'] == 2) {
$chatvote = array();
// disable all vote panels
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
// check if track already in jukebox
if (!empty($jukebox) && array_key_exists($aseco->server->challenge->uid, $jukebox)) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Track is already getting replayed!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// prepend current challenge to start of jukebox
$uid = $aseco->server->challenge->uid;
$jukebox = array_reverse($jukebox, true);
$jukebox[$uid]['FileName'] = $aseco->server->challenge->filename;
$jukebox[$uid]['Name'] = $aseco->server->challenge->name;
$jukebox[$uid]['Env'] = $aseco->server->challenge->environment;
$jukebox[$uid]['Login'] = $admin->login;
$jukebox[$uid]['Nick'] = $admin->nickname;
$jukebox[$uid]['source'] = 'AdminReplay';
$jukebox[$uid]['tmx'] = false;
$jukebox[$uid]['uid'] = $uid;
$jukebox = array_reverse($jukebox, true);
if ($aseco->debug) {
$aseco->console_text('/admin replay jukebox:' . CRLF .
print_r($jukebox, true));
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] requeues challenge!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} queues challenge for replay!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('replay', $jukebox[$uid]));
* Drops a track from the jukebox (for use with rasp jukebox plugin).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'dropjukebox' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'djb') {
// verify parameter
if (is_numeric($command['params'][1]) &&
$command['params'][1] >= 1 && $command['params'][1] <= count($jukebox)) {
$i = 1;
foreach ($jukebox as $item) {
if ($i++ == $command['params'][1]) {
$name = stripColors($item['Name']);
$uid = $item['uid'];
$drop = $jukebox[$uid];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] drops track {3} from jukebox!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($name, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} drops track {#highlite}{3}{#admin} from jukebox!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('drop', $drop));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Jukebox entry not found! Type {#highlite}$i /jukebox list{#error} or {#highlite}$i /jukebox display{#error} for its contents.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Clears the jukebox (for use with rasp jukebox plugin).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'clearjukebox' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'cjb') {
// clear jukebox
$jukebox = array();
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] clears jukebox!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} clears jukebox!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('clear', null));
* Clears (part of) track history.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'clearhist') {
global $buffersize, $jb_buffer; // from rasp.settings.php
// check for optional portion (pos = newest, neg = oldest)
if ($command['params'][1] != '' && is_numeric($command['params'][1]) && $command['params'][1] != 0) {
$clear = intval($command['params'][1]);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] clears {3} track{4} from history!', $logtitle, $login,
($clear > 0 ? 'newest ' : 'oldest ') . abs($clear),
abs($clear) == 1 ? '' : 's');
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} clears {3}{#admin} track{4} from history!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
($clear > 0 ? 'newest {#highlite}' : 'oldest {#highlite}') . abs($clear),
abs($clear) == 1 ? '' : 's');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} elseif (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'all') { // entire history
$clear = $buffersize;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] clears entire track history!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} clears entire track history!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}The track history contains {#highlite}{3}{#admin} track{4}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, count($jb_buffer),
(count($jb_buffer) == 1 ? '' : 's'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// clear track history (portion)
$i = 0;
if ($clear > 0) {
if ($clear > $buffersize) $clear = $buffersize;
while ($i++ < $clear) array_pop($jb_buffer);
} else {
if ($clear < -$buffersize) $clear = -$buffersize;
while ($i-- > $clear) array_shift($jb_buffer);
* Adds TMX tracks to the track rotation.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'add') {
global $rasp, $tmxdir, $jukebox_adminadd; // from plugin.rasp.php, rasp.settings.php
$sections = array('TMO' => 'original',
'TMS' => 'sunrise',
'TMN' => 'nations',
'TMU' => 'united',
'TMNF' => 'tmnforever');
// check last parameter
$last = strtoupper(end($command['params']));
// try to load the track(s) from TMX
$source = 'TMX';
$section = $aseco->server->getGame();
if ($section == 'TMF' && count($command['params']) > 2 &&
substr($last, 0, 2) == 'TM') {
$section = $last;
if (!array_key_exists($section, $sections)) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No such section on TMX!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else { // TMN/TMS/TMO or no section
if ($section == 'TMF') {
if ($aseco->server->packmask == 'Stadium')
$section = 'TMNF';
$section = 'TMU';
$remotelink = 'http://' . $sections[$section] . '';
if (count($command['params']) == 1) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}You must include a TMX Track_ID!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// try all specified tracks
for ($id = 1; $id < count($command['params']); $id++) {
// check for valid TMX ID
if (is_numeric($command['params'][$id]) && $command['params'][$id] >= 0) {
$trkid = ltrim($command['params'][$id], '0');
$file = http_get_file($remotelink . $trkid);
if ($file === false || $file == -1) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error downloading, or wrong TMX section, or TMX is down!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// check for maximum online track size (256 KB)
if (strlen($file) >= 256 * 1024) {
$message = formatText($rasp->messages['TRACK_TOO_LARGE'][0],
round(strlen($file) / 1024));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$sepchar = substr($aseco->server->trackdir, -1, 1);
$partialdir = $tmxdir . $sepchar . $trkid . '.Challenge.gbx';
$localfile = $aseco->server->trackdir . $partialdir;
if ($nocasepath = file_exists_nocase($localfile)) {
if (!unlink($nocasepath)) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error erasing old file - unable to erase {#highlite}$i ' . $localfile;
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
if (!$lfile = @fopen($localfile, 'wb')) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error creating file - unable to create {#highlite}$i ' . $localfile;
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
if (!fwrite($lfile, $file)) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error saving file - unable to write data';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$newtrk = getChallengeData($localfile, false); // 2nd parm is whether or not to get players & votes required
if ($newtrk['votes'] == 500 && $newtrk['name'] == 'Not a GBX file') {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No such track on ' . $source;
if ($source == 'TMX' && $aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
$message .= ' section ' . $section;
$message .= '!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// dummy player to easily obtain entire track list
$list = new Player();
getAllChallenges($list, '*', '*');
// check for track presence on server
foreach ($list->tracklist as $key) {
if ($key['uid'] == $newtrk['uid']) {
$message = $rasp->messages['ADD_PRESENT'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
continue 2; // outer for loop
// rename ID filename to track's name
$md5new = md5_file($localfile);
$filename = trim(utf8_decode(stripColors($newtrk['name'])));
$filename = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 \'#=+~_,.-]/', '_', $filename);
$filename = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', preg_replace('/_+/', '_', $filename));
$partialdir = $tmxdir . $sepchar . $filename . '_' . $trkid . '.Challenge.gbx';
// insure unique filename by incrementing sequence number,
// if not a duplicate track
$i = 1;
$dupl = false;
while ($nocasepath = file_exists_nocase($aseco->server->trackdir . $partialdir)) {
$md5old = md5_file($nocasepath);
if ($md5old == $md5new) {
$dupl = true;
$partialdir = str_replace($aseco->server->trackdir, '', $nocasepath);
} else {
$partialdir = $tmxdir . $sepchar . $filename . '_' . $trkid . '-' . $i++ . '.Challenge.gbx';
if ($dupl) {
} else {
rename($localfile, $aseco->server->trackdir . $partialdir);
// check track vs. server settings
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('CheckChallengeForCurrentServerParams', $partialdir);
$rtn = true;
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] CheckChallengeForCurrentServerParams - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = formatText($rasp->messages['JUKEBOX_IGNORED'][0],
stripColors($newtrk['name']), $aseco->client->getErrorMessage());
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// permanently add the track to the server list
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('AddChallenge', $partialdir);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] AddChallenge - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$aseco->client->query('GetChallengeInfo', $partialdir);
$track = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetChallengeInfo - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Error getting info on track {#highlite}$i {1} {#error}!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$track['Name'] = stripNewlines($track['Name']);
// check whether to jukebox as well
// overrules /add-ed but not yet played track
if ($jukebox_adminadd) {
$uid = $track['UId'];
$jukebox[$uid]['FileName'] = $track['FileName'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Name'] = $track['Name'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Env'] = $track['Environnement'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Login'] = $login;
$jukebox[$uid]['Nick'] = $admin->nickname;
$jukebox[$uid]['source'] = $source;
$jukebox[$uid]['tmx'] = false;
$jukebox[$uid]['uid'] = $uid;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds track "{3}" from {4}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($track['Name'], false), $source);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}adds {3}track: {#highlite}{4} {#admin}from {5}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
($jukebox_adminadd ? '& jukeboxes ' : ''),
stripColors($track['Name']), $source);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('add', $partialdir));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
if ($jukebox_adminadd)
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('add', $jukebox[$uid]));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a valid TMX Track_ID!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Adds current /add-ed track permanently to server's track list
* by preventing its removal that normally occurs afterwards
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addthis') {
global $tmxplayed, $tmxdir, $tmxtmpdir; // from plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, rasp.settings.php
// check for TMX /add-ed track
if ($tmxplayed) {
// remove track with old path
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('RemoveChallenge', $tmxplayed);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] RemoveChallenge - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// move the track file
$tmxnew = str_replace($tmxtmpdir, $tmxdir, $tmxplayed);
if (!rename($aseco->server->trackdir . $tmxplayed,
$aseco->server->trackdir . $tmxnew)) {
trigger_error('Could not rename TMX track ' . $tmxplayed . ' to ' . $tmxnew, E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// add track with new path
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('AddChallenge', $tmxnew);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] AddChallenge - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else { // store new path
$aseco->server->challenge->filename = $tmxnew;
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('rename', $tmxnew));
// disable track removal afterwards
$tmxplayed = false;
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}permanently adds current track: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Current track {#highlite}$i {1} {#error}already permanently in track list!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Add a local track to the track rotation.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addlocal') {
global $rasp, $jukebox_adminadd; // from plugin.rasp.php, rasp.settings.php
// check for local track file
if ($arglist[1] != '') {
$sepchar = substr($aseco->server->trackdir, -1, 1);
$partialdir = 'Challenges' . $sepchar . 'Downloaded' . $sepchar . $arglist[1];
if (!stristr($partialdir, '.Challenge.gbx')) {
$partialdir .= '.Challenge.gbx';
$localfile = $aseco->server->trackdir . $partialdir;
if ($nocasepath = file_exists_nocase($localfile)) {
// check for maximum online track size (256 KB)
if (filesize($nocasepath) >= 256 * 1024) {
$message = formatText($rasp->messages['TRACK_TOO_LARGE'][0],
round(filesize($nocasepath) / 1024));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$partialdir = str_replace($aseco->server->trackdir, '', $nocasepath);
// check track vs. server settings
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('CheckChallengeForCurrentServerParams', $partialdir);
$rtn = true;
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] CheckChallengeForCurrentServerParams - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = formatText($rasp->messages['JUKEBOX_IGNORED'][0],
stripColors(str_replace('Challenges' . $sepchar . 'Downloaded' . $sepchar, '', $partialdir)), $aseco->client->getErrorMessage());
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// permanently add the track to the server list
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('AddChallenge', $partialdir);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] AddChallenge - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$aseco->client->query('GetChallengeInfo', $partialdir);
$track = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetChallengeInfo - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Error getting info on track {#highlite}$i {1} {#error}!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$track['Name'] = stripNewlines($track['Name']);
// check whether to jukebox as well
// overrules /add-ed but not yet played track
if ($jukebox_adminadd) {
$uid = $track['UId'];
$jukebox[$uid]['FileName'] = $track['FileName'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Name'] = $track['Name'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Env'] = $track['Environnement'];
$jukebox[$uid]['Login'] = $login;
$jukebox[$uid]['Nick'] = $admin->nickname;
$jukebox[$uid]['source'] = 'Local';
$jukebox[$uid]['tmx'] = false;
$jukebox[$uid]['uid'] = $uid;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds local track {3} !', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($track['Name'], false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}adds {3}track: {#highlite}{4}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
($jukebox_adminadd ? '& jukeboxes ' : ''),
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('add', $partialdir));
// throw 'jukebox changed' event
if ($jukebox_adminadd)
$aseco->releaseEvent('onJukeboxChanged', array('add', $jukebox[$uid]));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $partialdir . '{#error} not found!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}You must include a local track filename!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Warns a player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'warn' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// display warning message
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('WARNING');
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$message = preg_split('/{br}/', $aseco->formatColors($message));
foreach ($message as &$line)
$line = array($line);
display_manialink($target->login, $aseco->formatColors('{#welcome}WARNING:'), array('Icons64x64_1', 'TV'),
$message, array(0.8), 'OK');
} else { // TMN
$message = str_replace('{br}', LF, $aseco->formatColors($message));
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $target->login, $message, 'OK', '', 0);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] warned player {3}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} warned {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Kicks a player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'kick' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] kicked player {3}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} kicked {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// kick the player
$aseco->client->query('Kick', $target->login);
* Kicks a ghost player with the specified login.
* This variant for ghost players that got disconnected doesn't
* check the login for validity and doesn't work with Player_IDs.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'kickghost' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player login without validation
$target = $command['params'][1];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] kicked ghost player {3}!', $logtitle, $login, $target);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} kicked ghost {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $target);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// kick the ghost player
$aseco->client->query('Kick', $target);
* Ban a player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'ban' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] bans player {3}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} bans {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// update banned IPs file
$aseco->bannedips[] = $target->ip;
// ban the player and also kick him
$aseco->client->query('Ban', $target->login);
* Un-bans player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unban' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
$bans = get_banlist($aseco);
// unban the player
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('UnBan', $target->login);
if (!$rtn) {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a banned player!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
if (($i = array_search($bans[$target->login][2], $aseco->bannedips)) !== false) {
// update banned IPs file
$aseco->bannedips[$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] unbans player {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} un-bans {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Ban a player with the specified IP address.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'banip' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// check for valid IP not already banned
$ipaddr = $command['params'][1];
if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/', $ipaddr)) {
if (empty($aseco->bannedips) || !in_array($ipaddr, $aseco->bannedips)) {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] banned IP {3}!', $logtitle, $login, $ipaddr);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} bans IP {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $ipaddr);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// update banned IPs file
$aseco->bannedips[] = $ipaddr;
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is already banned!',
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a valid IP address!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Un-bans player with the specified IP address.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unbanip' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// check for banned IP
if (($i = array_search($command['params'][1], $aseco->bannedips)) === false) {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a banned IP address!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// update banned IPs file
$aseco->bannedips[$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] unbans IP {3}', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} un-bans IP {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Blacklists a player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'black' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] blacklists player {3}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} blacklists {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// blacklist the player and then kick him
$aseco->client->query('BlackList', $target->login);
$aseco->client->query('Kick', $target->login);
// update blacklist file
$filename = $aseco->settings['blacklist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveBlackList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveBlackList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
* Un-blacklists player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unblack' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
$target = false;
$param = $command['params'][1];
// get new list of all blacklisted players
$blacks = get_blacklist($aseco);
// check as login
if (array_key_exists($param, $blacks)) {
$target = new Player();
// check as player ID
} elseif (is_numeric($param) && $param > 0) {
if (empty($admin->playerlist)) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Use {#highlite}$i/players {#error}first (optionally {#highlite}$i/players <string>{#error})';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
return false;
$pid = ltrim($param, '0');
// find player by given #
if (array_key_exists($pid, $admin->playerlist)) {
$param = $admin->playerlist[$pid]['login'];
$target = new Player();
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Player_ID not found! Type {#highlite}$i/players {#error}to see all players.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
return false;
// check for valid param
if ($target !== false) {
$target->login = $param;
$target->nickname = $aseco->getPlayerNick($param);
if ($target->nickname == '')
$target->nickname = $param;
// unblacklist the player
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('UnBlackList', $target->login);
if (!$rtn) {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a blacklisted player!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] unblacklists player {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} un-blacklists {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// update blacklist file
$filename = $aseco->settings['blacklist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveBlackList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveBlackList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $param . ' {#error}is not a valid player! Use {#highlite}$i/players {#error}to find the correct login or Player_ID.';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Adds a guest player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addguest' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// add the guest player
$aseco->client->query('AddGuest', $target->login);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds guest player {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} adds guest {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// update guestlist file
$filename = $aseco->settings['guestlist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveGuestList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveGuestList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
* Removes a guest player with the specified login/PlayerID.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'removeguest' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// remove the guest player
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('RemoveGuest', $target->login);
if (!$rtn) {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a guest player!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] removes guest player {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} removes guest {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// update guestlist file
$filename = $aseco->settings['guestlist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveGuestList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveGuestList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
* Passes a chat-based or TMX /add vote.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'pass') {
global $tmxadd, $chatvote, $plrvotes; // from plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php
// pass any TMX and chat vote
if (!empty($tmxadd)) {
// force required votes down to the last one
$tmxadd['votes'] = 1;
elseif (!empty($chatvote)) {
$chatvote['votes'] = 1;
else { // no vote in progress
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}There is no vote right now!'), $login);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] passes vote!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} passes vote!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// bypass double vote check
$plrvotes = array();
// enter the last vote
chat_y($aseco, $command);
* Cancels any vote.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cancel' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'can') {
global $tmxadd, $chatvote; // from plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php
// cancel any CallVote, TMX and chat vote
$tmxadd = array();
$chatvote = array();
// disable all vote panels
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] cancels vote!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} cancels vote!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Forces end of current round.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'endround' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'er') {
global $chatvote; // from plugin.rasp_votes.php
// cancel possibly ongoing endround vote
if (!empty($chatvote) && $chatvote['type'] == 0) {
$chatvote = array();
// disable all vote panels
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
// end this round
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] forces round end!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} forces round end!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Displays the live or known players (on/offline) list.
* TMF player management inspired by Mistral.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'players') {
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// remember players parameter for possible refresh
$admin->panels['plyparam'] = $command['params'][1];
$onlineonly = (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'live');
// get current ignore/ban/black/guest lists
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$ignores = get_ignorelist($aseco);
$bans = get_banlist($aseco);
$blacks = get_blacklist($aseco);
$guests = get_guestlist($aseco);
// create new list of online players
$onlinelist = array();
// get current players on the server (hardlimited to 300)
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
$aseco->client->query('GetPlayerList', 300, 0, 1);
$aseco->client->query('GetPlayerList', 300, 0);
$players = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetPlayerList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
foreach ($players as $pl)
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// on relay, check for player from master server
if (!$aseco->server->isrelay || floor($pl['Flags'] / 10000) % 10 == 0)
$onlinelist[$pl['Login']] = array('login' => $pl['Login'],
'nick' => $pl['NickName'],
'spec' => $pl['SpectatorStatus']);
} else {
$onlinelist[$pl['Login']] = array('login' => $pl['Login'],
'nick' => $pl['NickName'],
'spec' => $pl['IsSpectator']);
// use online list?
if ($onlineonly) {
$playerlist = $onlinelist;
} else {
// search for known players
$query = 'SELECT login,nickname FROM players
WHERE login LIKE ' . quotedString('%' . $arglist[1] . '%') .
' OR nickname LIKE ' . quotedString('%' . $arglist[1] . '%') .
' LIMIT 5000'; // prevent possible memory overrun
$result = mysql_query($query);
$playerlist = array();
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
// skip any LAN logins
if (!isLANLogin($row[0]))
$playerlist[$row[0]] = array('login' => $row[0],
'nick' => $row[1],
'spec' => false);
if (!empty($playerlist)) {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = ($onlineonly ? 'Online' : 'Known') . ' Players On This Server:' . LF .
'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($playerlist as $pl) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $pl['login'];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. str_ireplace('$w', '', $pl['nick']) . '$z / '
. ($aseco->isAnyAdminL($pl['login']) ? '{#logina}' : '{#login}' )
. $pl['login'] . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = ($onlineonly ? 'Online' : 'Known') . ' Players On This Server:';
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', 'Warn', 'Ignore', 'Kick', 'Ban', 'Black', 'Guest', 'Spec');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.49, 0.15, 0.5, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Buddies'));
foreach ($playerlist as $lg => $pl) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $lg;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $pl['nick']) . '$z / '
. ($aseco->isAnyAdminL($pl['login']) ? '{#logina}' : '{#login}' )
. $pl['login'];
// define colored column strings
$wrn = '$ff3Warn';
$ign = '$f93Ignore';
$uig = '$d93UnIgn';
$kck = '$c3fKick';
$ban = '$f30Ban';
$ubn = '$c30UnBan';
$blk = '$f03Black';
$ubk = '$c03UnBlack';
$gst = '$3c3Add';
$ugt = '$393Remove';
$frc = '$09fForce';
$off = '$09cOffln';
$spc = '$09cSpec';
// always add clickable buttons
if ($pid <= 200) {
$ply = array($ply, $pid+2000);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $onlinelist)) {
// determine online operations
$wrn = array($wrn, $pid+2200);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $ignores))
$ign = array($uig, $pid+2600);
$ign = array($ign, $pid+2400);
$kck = array($kck, $pid+2800);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $bans))
$ban = array($ubn, $pid+3200);
$ban = array($ban, $pid+3000);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $blacks))
$blk = array($ubk, $pid+3600);
$blk = array($blk, $pid+3400);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $guests))
$gst = array($ugt, $pid+4000);
$gst = array($gst, $pid+3800);
if (!$onlinelist[$lg]['spec'])
$spc = array($frc, $pid+4200);
} else {
// determine offline operations
if (array_key_exists($lg, $ignores))
$ign = array($uig, $pid+2600);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $bans))
$ban = array($ubn, $pid+3200);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $blacks))
$blk = array($ubk, $pid+3600);
$blk = array($blk, $pid+3400);
if (array_key_exists($lg, $guests))
$gst = array($ugt, $pid+4000);
$gst = array($gst, $pid+3800);
$spc = $off;
} else {
// no more buttons
if (array_key_exists($lg, $ignores))
$ign = $uig;
if (array_key_exists($lg, $bans))
$ban = $ubn;
if (array_key_exists($lg, $blacks))
$blk = $ubk;
if (array_key_exists($lg, $guests))
$gst = $ugt;
if (array_key_exists($lg, $onlinelist)) {
if (!$onlinelist[$lg]['spec'])
$spc = $frc;
} else {
$spc = $off;
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply,
$wrn, $ign, $kck, $ban, $blk, $gst, $spc);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login', 'Warn', 'Ignore', 'Kick', 'Ban', 'Black', 'Guest', 'Spec');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
} else {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No player(s) found!'), $login);
* Displays the ban list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'showbanlist' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'listbans') {
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// get new list of all banned players
$newlist = get_banlist($aseco);
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Currently Banned Players:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1]) . '$z / {#login}' . $player[0] . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No banned player(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Currently Banned Players:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnBan)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons64x64_1', 'NotBuddy'));
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1])
. '$z / {#login}' . $player[0];
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $pid <= 200)
$ply = array($ply, $pid+4600); // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnBan)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No banned player(s) found!'), $login);
* Displays the banned IPs list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'showiplist' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'listips') {
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// get new list of all banned IPs
$newlist = $aseco->bannedips;
if (empty($newlist)) {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No banned IP(s) found!'), $login);
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Currently Banned IPs:' . LF . 'Id {#login}IP' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($newlist as $ip) {
if ($ip != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['ip'] = $ip;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#login}' . $ip . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No banned IP(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Currently Banned IPs:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}IP$g (click to UnBan)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}IP');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.6, 0.1, 0.5), array('Icons64x64_1', 'NotBuddy'));
foreach ($newlist as $ip) {
if ($ip != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['ip'] = $ip;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format IP
$ply = '{#black}' . $ip;
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $pid <= 200)
$ply = array($ply, -7900-$pid); // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#login}IP$g (click to UnBan)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#login}IP');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No banned IP(s) found!'), $login);
* Displays the black list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'showblacklist' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'listblacks') {
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// get new list of all blacklisted players
$newlist = get_blacklist($aseco);
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Currently Blacklisted Players:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1]) . '$z / {#login}' . $player[0] . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No blacklisted player(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Currently Blacklisted Players:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnBlack)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons64x64_1', 'NotBuddy'));
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1])
. '$z / {#login}' . $player[0];
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $pid <= 200)
$ply = array($ply, $pid+4800); // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnBlack)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No blacklisted player(s) found!'), $login);
* Displays the guest list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'showguestlist' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'listguests') {
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// get new list of all guest players
$newlist = get_guestlist($aseco);
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Current Guest Players:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1]) . '$z / {#login}' . $player[0] . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No guest player(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Current Guest Players:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to Remove)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Invite'));
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1])
. '$z / {#login}' . $player[0];
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $pid <= 200)
$ply = array($ply, $pid+5000); // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to Remove)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No guest player(s) found!'), $login);
* Saves the banned IPs list to bannedips.xml (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writeiplist') {
// write banned IPs file
$filename = $aseco->settings['bannedips_file'];
if (!$aseco->writeIPs()) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error writing {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] wrote ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}written';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Loads the banned IPs list from bannedips.xml (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readiplist') {
// read banned IPs file
$filename = $aseco->settings['bannedips_file'];
if (!$aseco->readIPs()) {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#error}not found, or error reading!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] read ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}read';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Saves the black list to blacklist.txt (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writeblacklist') {
$filename = $aseco->settings['blacklist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveBlackList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveBlackList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error writing {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] wrote ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}written';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Loads the black list from blacklist.txt (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readblacklist') {
$filename = $aseco->settings['blacklist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('LoadBlackList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] LoadBlackList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#error}not found, or error reading!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] read ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}read';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Saves the guest list to guestlist.txt (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writeguestlist') {
$filename = $aseco->settings['guestlist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveGuestList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveGuestList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error writing {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] wrote ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}written';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Loads the guest list from guestlist.txt (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readguestlist') {
$filename = $aseco->settings['guestlist_file'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('LoadGuestList', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] LoadGuestList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#error}not found, or error loading!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] read ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}read';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Cleans the ban list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cleanbanlist') {
// clean server ban list
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] cleaned ban list!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Cleaned ban list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Cleans the banned IPs list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cleaniplist') {
// clean banned IPs file
$aseco->bannedips = array();
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] cleaned banned IPs list!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Cleaned banned IPs list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Cleans the black list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cleanblacklist') {
// clean server black list
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] cleaned black list!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Cleaned black list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Cleans the guest list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cleanguestlist') {
// clean server guest list
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] cleaned guest list!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Cleaned guest list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Merges a global black list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'mergegbl') {
global $globalbl_url; // from rasp.settings.php
if (function_exists('admin_mergegbl')) {
if (isset($command['params'][1]) && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if (preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[-\w:.]+\//i', $command['params'][1])) {
admin_mergegbl($aseco, $logtitle, $login, true, $command['params'][1]); // from plugin.uptodate.php
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $command['params'][1] . ' {#error}is an invalid HTTP URL!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
admin_mergegbl($aseco, $logtitle, $login, true, $globalbl_url);
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Merge Global BL unavailable - include plugins.uptodate.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows/reloads player access control.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'access') {
if (function_exists('admin_access')) {
$command['params'] = $command['params'][1];
admin_access($aseco, $command); // from plugin.access.php
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Access control unavailable - include plugins.access.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Saves the track list to tracklist.txt (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writetracklist') {
$filename = $aseco->settings['default_tracklist'];
// check for optional alternate filename
if ($command['params'][1] != '') {
$filename = $command['params'][1];
if (!stristr($filename, '.txt')) {
$filename .= '.txt';
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('SaveMatchSettings', 'MatchSettings/' . $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveMatchSettings - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error writing {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// should a random filter be added?
if ($aseco->settings['writetracklist_random']) {
$tracksfile = $aseco->server->trackdir . 'MatchSettings/' . $filename;
// read the match settings file
if (!$list = @file_get_contents($tracksfile)) {
trigger_error('Could not read match settings file ' . $tracksfile . ' !', E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// insert random filter after <gameinfos> section
$list = preg_replace('/<\/gameinfos>/', '$0' . CRLF . CRLF .
"\t<filter>" . CRLF .
"\t\t<random_map_order>1</random_map_order>" . CRLF .
"\t</filter>", $list);
// write out the match settings file
if (!@file_put_contents($tracksfile, $list)) {
trigger_error('Could not write match settings file ' . $tracksfile . ' !', E_USER_WARNING);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] wrote track list: {3} !', $logtitle, $login, $filename);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . '{#admin} written';
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('write', null));
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Loads the track list from tracklist.txt (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readtracklist') {
$filename = $aseco->settings['default_tracklist'];
// check for optional alternate filename
if ($command['params'][1] != '') {
$filename = $command['params'][1];
if (!stristr($filename, '.txt')) {
$filename .= '.txt';
if (file_exists($aseco->server->trackdir . 'MatchSettings/' . $filename)) {
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('LoadMatchSettings', 'MatchSettings/' . $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] LoadMatchSettings - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error reading {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// get track count
$cnt = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] read track list: {3} ({4} tracks)!', $logtitle, $login, $filename, $cnt);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . '{#admin} read with {#highlite}' . $cnt . '{#admin} track' . ($cnt == 1 ? '' : 's');
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('read', null));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Cannot find {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Randomizes current track list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'shuffle' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'shufflemaps') {
global $autosave_matchsettings; // from rasp.settings.php
if ($aseco->settings['writetracklist_random']) {
if ($autosave_matchsettings) {
if (file_exists($aseco->server->trackdir . 'MatchSettings/' . $autosave_matchsettings)) {
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('LoadMatchSettings', 'MatchSettings/' . $autosave_matchsettings);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] LoadMatchSettings - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error reading {#highlite}$i ' . $autosave_matchsettings . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// get track count
$cnt = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] shuffled track list: {3} ({4} tracks)!', $logtitle, $login, $autosave_matchsettings, $cnt);
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} shuffled track list with {#highlite}{3}{#admin} track{4}!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $cnt, ($cnt == 1 ? '' : 's'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Cannot find autosave matchsettings file {#highlite}$i ' . $autosave_matchsettings . ' {#error}!';
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No autosave matchsettings file defined in {#highlite}$i rasp.settings.php {#error}!';
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No tracklist randomization defined in {#highlite}$i config.xml {#error}!';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Displays list of duplicate tracks.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listdupes') {
$admin->tracklist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
// get new list of all tracks
$dupelist = array();
$newlist = array();
$done = false;
$size = 300;
$i = 0;
while (!$done) {
$aseco->client->query('GetChallengeList', $size, $i);
$tracks = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if (!empty($tracks)) {
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
// warning if no tracks found
if (empty($newlist))
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetChallengeList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage() . ' - No tracks found!', E_USER_WARNING);
$done = true;
foreach ($tracks as $trow) {
$trow['Name'] = stripNewlines($trow['Name']);
// store duplicate track
if (isset($newlist[$trow['UId']])) {
$dupelist[] = $trow;
} else {
$newlist[$trow['UId']] = $trow;
if (count($tracks) < $size) {
// got less than 300 tracks, might as well leave
$done = true;
} else {
$i += $size;
} else {
$done = true;
// check for duplicate tracks
if (!empty($dupelist)) {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Duplicate Tracks On This Server:' . LF . 'Id Name' . LF;
$msg = '';
$tid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($dupelist as $row) {
$trackname = $row['Name'];
if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'])
$trackname = stripColors($trackname);
// store track in player object for remove/erase
$trkarr = array();
$trkarr['name'] = $row['Name'];
$trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName'];
$trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId'];
$admin->tracklist[] = $trkarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}' . $trackname . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} else { // > 2
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Duplicate Tracks On This Server:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium')
$msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Env');
$msg[] = array('Id', 'Name');
$tid = 1;
$lines = 0;
// reserve extra width for $w tags
$extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0);
if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium')
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.90+$extra, 0.15, 0.6+$extra, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Challenge'));
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.75+$extra, 0.15, 0.6+$extra), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Challenge'));
foreach ($dupelist as $row) {
$trackname = stripColors($row['Name']);
if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'])
$trackname = stripColors($trackname);
// store track in player object for remove/erase
$trkarr = array();
$trkarr['name'] = $row['Name'];
$trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement'];
$trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName'];
$trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId'];
$admin->tracklist[] = $trkarr;
if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium')
$msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
'{#black}' . $trackname,
$msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
'{#black}' . $trackname);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium')
$msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Env');
$msg[] = array('Id', 'Name');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
} else {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No duplicate track(s) found!'), $login);
* Remove a track from the active rotation, optionally erase track file too.
* Doesn't update match settings unfortunately - command 'writetracklist' will though.
} elseif (($command['params'][0] == 'remove' && $command['params'][1] != '') ||
($command['params'][0] == 'erase' && $command['params'][1] != '')) {
global $rasp; // from plugin.rasp.php
// verify parameter
$param = $command['params'][1];
if (is_numeric($param) && $param >= 0) {
if (empty($admin->tracklist)) {
$message = $rasp->messages['LIST_HELP'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// find track by given #
$tid = ltrim($param, '0');
if (array_key_exists($tid, $admin->tracklist)) {
$name = stripColors($admin->tracklist[$tid]['name']);
$filename = $aseco->server->trackdir . $admin->tracklist[$tid]['filename'];
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('RemoveChallenge', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] RemoveChallenge - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Error removing track {#highlite}$i {1} {#error}!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}removes track: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
if ($command['params'][0] == 'erase' && is_file($filename)) {
if (unlink($filename)) {
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}erases track: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Delete file {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . '{#error} failed';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}erase track failed: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] ' . $command['params'][0] . 'd track {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($name, false));
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('remove', $filename));
} else {
$message = $rasp->messages['JUKEBOX_NOTFOUND'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $rasp->messages['JUKEBOX_HELP'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Remove current track from the active rotation, optionally erase track file too.
* Doesn't update match settings unfortunately - command 'writetracklist' will though.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'removethis' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'erasethis') {
// get current track info and remove it from rotation
$name = stripColors($aseco->server->challenge->name);
$filename = $aseco->server->trackdir . $aseco->server->challenge->filename;
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('RemoveChallenge', $filename);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] RemoveChallenge - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Error removing track {#highlite}$i {1} {#error}!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}removes current track: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
if ($command['params'][0] == 'erasethis' && is_file($filename)) {
if (unlink($filename)) {
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}erases current track: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Delete file {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . '{#error} failed';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}erase track failed: {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $name);
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] ' . $command['params'][0] . '-ed track {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($name, false));
// throw 'tracklist changed' event
$aseco->releaseEvent('onTracklistChanged', array('remove', $filename));
* Adds a player to global mute/ignore list
} elseif (($command['params'][0] == 'mute' || $command['params'][0] == 'ignore')
&& $command['params'][1] != '') {
global $muting_available; // from plugin.muting.php
if ($aseco->server->getGame() != 'TMF') {
// check for muting plugin
if ($muting_available) {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// check if not yet in global mute/ignore list
if (!in_array($target->login, $aseco->server->mutelist)) {
// mute this player
$aseco->server->mutelist[] = $target->login;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] mutes player [{3} : {4}]!', $logtitle, $login, $target->login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} mutes {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Player {#highlite}$i ' . stripColors($target->nickname) . '{#error} is already in global mute/ignore list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Player muting not available!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else { // TMF
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// ignore the player
$aseco->client->query('Ignore', $target->login);
// check if in global mute/ignore list
if (!in_array($target->login, $aseco->server->mutelist)) {
// add player to list
$aseco->server->mutelist[] = $target->login;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] ignores player {3}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} ignores {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
* Removes a player from global mute/ignore list
} elseif (($command['params'][0] == 'unmute' || $command['params'][0] == 'unignore')
&& $command['params'][1] != '') {
global $muting_available; // from plugin.muting.php
if ($aseco->server->getGame() != 'TMF') {
// check for muting plugin
if ($muting_available) {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// check if already in global mute/ignore list
if (($i = array_search($target->login, $aseco->server->mutelist)) !== false) {
// unmute this player
$aseco->server->mutelist[$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] unmutes player [{3} : {4}]!', $logtitle, $login, $target->login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} unmutes {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Player {#highlite}$i ' . stripColors($target->nickname) . '{#error} is not in global mute/ignore list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Player muting not available!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else { // TMF
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// unignore the player
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('UnIgnore', $target->login);
if (!$rtn) {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not an ignored player!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// check if in global mute/ignore list
if (($i = array_search($target->login, $aseco->server->mutelist)) !== false) {
// remove player from list
$aseco->server->mutelist[$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] unignores player {3}', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} un-ignores {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Displays the global mute/ignore list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'mutelist' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'listmutes' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'ignorelist' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'listignores') {
global $muting_available; // from plugin.muting.php
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
// check for muting plugin
if ($muting_available) {
// check for muted players
if (empty($aseco->server->mutelist)) {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No muted/ignored players found!'), $login);
$head = 'Globally Muted/Ignored Players:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($aseco->server->mutelist as $pl) {
if ($pl != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $pl;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $aseco->getPlayerNick($pl) . '$z / {#login}' . $pl . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No muted/ignored players found!'), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Player muting not available!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// get new list of all ignored players
$newlist = get_ignorelist($aseco);
$head = 'Globally Muted/Ignored Players:';
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnIgnore)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Padlock', 0.01));
foreach ($newlist as $player) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player[0];
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
// format nickname & login
$ply = '{#black}' . str_ireplace('$w', '', $player[1])
. '$z / {#login}' . $player[0];
// add clickable button
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $pid <= 200)
$ply = array($ply, $pid+4400); // action id
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $ply);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'])
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login$g (click to UnIgnore)');
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No muted/ignored players found!'), $login);
* Cleans the global mute/ignore list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'cleanmutes' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'cleanignores') {
// clean internal and server list
$aseco->server->mutelist = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF')
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] cleaned global mute/ignore list!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Cleaned global mute/ignore list!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Adds a new admin.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addadmin' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// check if player not already admin
if (!$aseco->isAdminL($target->login)) {
// add the new admin
$aseco->admin_list['TMLOGIN'][] = $target->login;
$aseco->admin_list['IPADDRESS'][] = ($aseco->settings['auto_admin_addip'] ? $target->ip : '');
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds admin [{3} : {4}]!', $logtitle, $login, $target->login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} adds new {3}$z$s{#admin}: {#highlite}{4}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->titles['ADMIN'][0], $target->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Login {#highlite}$i {1}{#error} is already in Admin List!', $target->login);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Removes an admin.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'removeadmin' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// check if player is indeed admin
if ($aseco->isAdminL($target->login)) {
$i = array_search($target->login, $aseco->admin_list['TMLOGIN']);
$aseco->admin_list['TMLOGIN'][$i] = '';
$aseco->admin_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] removes admin [{3} : {4}]!', $logtitle, $login, $target->login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} removes {3}$z$s{#admin}: {#highlite}{4}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->titles['ADMIN'][0], $target->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Login {#highlite}$i {1}{#error} is not in Admin List!', $target->login);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Adds a new operator.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'addop' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// check if player not already operator
if (!$aseco->isOperatorL($target->login)) {
// add the new operator
$aseco->operator_list['TMLOGIN'][] = $target->login;
$aseco->operator_list['IPADDRESS'][] = ($aseco->settings['auto_admin_addip'] ? $target->ip : '');
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] adds operator [{3} : {4}]!', $logtitle, $login, $target->login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} adds new {3}$z$s{#admin}: {#highlite}{4}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->titles['OPERATOR'][0], $target->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Login {#highlite}$i {1}{#error} is already in Operator List!', $target->login);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Removes an operator.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'removeop' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1], true)) {
// check if player is indeed operator
if ($aseco->isOperatorL($target->login)) {
$i = array_search($target->login, $aseco->operator_list['TMLOGIN']);
$aseco->operator_list['TMLOGIN'][$i] = '';
$aseco->operator_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] = '';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] removes operator [{3} : {4}]!', $logtitle, $login, $target->login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} removes {3}$z$s{#admin}: {#highlite}{4}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname,
$aseco->titles['OPERATOR'][0], $target->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}Login {#highlite}$i {1}{#error} is not in Operator List!', $target->login);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Displays the masteradmins list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listmasters') {
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Current MasterAdmins:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($aseco->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN'] as $player) {
// skip any LAN logins
if ($player != '' && !isLANLogin($player)) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $aseco->getPlayerNick($player) . '$z / {#login}' . $player . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No masteradmin(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Current MasterAdmins:';
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Solo'));
foreach ($aseco->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN'] as $player) {
// skip any LAN logins
if ($player != '' && !isLANLogin($player)) {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
'{#black}' . $aseco->getPlayerNick($player)
. '$z / {#login}' . $player);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No masteradmin(s) found!'), $login);
* Displays the admins list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listadmins') {
if (empty($aseco->admin_list['TMLOGIN'])) {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No admin(s) found!'), $login);
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Current Admins:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($aseco->admin_list['TMLOGIN'] as $player) {
if ($player != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $aseco->getPlayerNick($player) . '$z / {#login}' . $player . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No admin(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Current Admins:';
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Solo'));
foreach ($aseco->admin_list['TMLOGIN'] as $player) {
if ($player != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
'{#black}' . $aseco->getPlayerNick($player)
. '$z / {#login}' . $player);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No admin(s) found!'), $login);
* Displays the operators list.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listops') {
if (empty($aseco->operator_list['TMLOGIN'])) {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No operator(s) found!'), $login);
$admin->playerlist = array();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Current Operators:' . LF . 'Id {#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login' . LF;
$msg = '';
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($aseco->operator_list['TMLOGIN'] as $player) {
if ($player != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $aseco->getPlayerNick($player) . '$z / {#login}' . $player . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif (count($admin->msgs) > 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No operator(s) found!'), $login);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Current Operators:';
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
$pid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.1, 0.8), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Solo'));
foreach ($aseco->operator_list['TMLOGIN'] as $player) {
if ($player != '') {
$plarr = array();
$plarr['login'] = $player;
$admin->playerlist[] = $plarr;
$msg[] = array(str_pad($pid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
'{#black}' . $aseco->getPlayerNick($player)
. '$z / {#login}' . $player);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', '{#nick}Nick $g/{#login} Login');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
if (count($admin->msgs) > 1) {
} else { // == 1
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No operator(s) found!'), $login);
* Show/change an admin ability
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'adminability') {
// check for ability parameter
if ($command['params'][1] != '') {
// map to uppercase before checking list
$ability = strtoupper($command['params'][1]);
// check for valid ability
if (isset($aseco->adm_abilities[$ability])) {
if (isset($command['params'][2]) && $command['params'][2] != '') {
// update ability
if (strtoupper($command['params'][2]) == 'ON') {
$aseco->adm_abilities[$ability][0] = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new Admin ability: {3} ON', $logtitle, $login, strtolower($ability));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][2]) == 'OFF') {
$aseco->adm_abilities[$ability][0] = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new Admin ability: {3} OFF', $logtitle, $login, strtolower($ability));
} // else ignore bogus parameter
// show current/new ability message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#admin}ability {#highlite}{2}{#admin} is: {#highlite}{3}',
$aseco->titles['ADMIN'][0], strtolower($ability),
($aseco->adm_abilities[$ability][0] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}No ability {#highlite}$i {1}{#error} known!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No ability specified - see {#highlite}$i /admin helpall{#error} and {#highlite}$i /admin listabilities{#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Show/change an operator ability
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'opability') {
// check for ability parameter
if ($command['params'][1] != '') {
// map to uppercase before checking list
$ability = strtoupper($command['params'][1]);
// check for valid ability
if (isset($aseco->op_abilities[$ability])) {
if (isset($command['params'][2]) && $command['params'][2] != '') {
// update ability
if (strtoupper($command['params'][2]) == 'ON') {
$aseco->op_abilities[$ability][0] = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new Operator ability: {3} ON', $logtitle, $login, strtolower($ability));
elseif (strtoupper($command['params'][2]) == 'OFF') {
$aseco->op_abilities[$ability][0] = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set new Operator ability: {3} OFF', $logtitle, $login, strtolower($ability));
} // else ignore bogus parameter
// show current/new ability message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#admin}ability {#highlite}{2}{#admin} is: {#highlite}{3}',
$aseco->titles['OPERATOR'][0], strtolower($ability),
($aseco->op_abilities[$ability][0] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#error}No ability {#highlite}$i {1}{#error} known!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No ability specified - see {#highlite}$i /admin helpall{#error} and {#highlite}$i /admin listabilities{#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Displays Admin and Operator abilities
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'listabilities') {
$master = false;
if ($aseco->isMasterAdminL($login)) {
if ($command['params'][1] == '') {
$master = true;
$abilities = $aseco->adm_abilities;
$title = 'MasterAdmin';
} else {
if (stripos('admin', $command['params'][1]) === 0) {
$abilities = $aseco->adm_abilities;
$title = 'Admin';
elseif (stripos('operator', $command['params'][1]) === 0) {
$abilities = $aseco->op_abilities;
$title = 'Operator';
// all three above fall through to listing below
else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1}{#error} is not a valid administrator tier!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
elseif ($aseco->isAdminL($login)) {
$abilities = $aseco->adm_abilities;
$title = 'Admin';
else { // isOperator
$abilities = $aseco->op_abilities;
$title = 'Operator';
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
// compile current ability listing
$help = 'Current ' . $title . ' abilities:' . LF . LF;
$chat = false;
foreach ($abilities as $ability => $value) {
switch (strtolower($ability)) {
case 'chat_pma':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_pma : {#black}/pma$g sends a PM to player & admins' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_bestworst':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_bestworst : {#black}/best$g & {#black}/worst$g accept login/Player_ID' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_statsip':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_statsip : {#black}/stats$g includes IP address' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_summary':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_summary : {#black}/summary$g accepts login/Player_ID' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_jb_multi':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_jb_multi : {#black}/jukebox$g adds more than one track' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_jb_recent':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_jb_recent : {#black}/jukebox$g adds recently played track' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_add_tref':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_add_tref : {#black}/add trackref$g writes TMX trackref file' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_match':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_match : {#black}/match$g allows match control' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_tc_listen':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_tc_listen : {#black}/tc$g will copy team chat to admins' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'chat_jfreu':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'chat_jfreu : use all {#black}/jfreu$g commands' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'noidlekick_play':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'noidlekick_play : no idlekick when {#black}player$g' . LF;
$chat = true;
case 'noidlekick_spec':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help .= 'noidlekick_spec: no idlekick when {#black}spectator$g' . LF;
$chat = true;
if ($chat) $help .= LF;
$help .= 'See {#black}/admin helpall$g for available /admin commands';
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $aseco->formatColors($help), 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// compile current ability listing
$header = 'Current ' . $title . ' abilities:';
$help = array();
$chat = false;
foreach ($abilities as $ability => $value) {
switch (strtolower($ability)) {
case 'chat_pma':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_pma', '{#black}/pma$g sends a PM to player & admins');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_bestworst':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_bestworst', '{#black}/best$g & {#black}/worst$g accept login/Player_ID');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_statsip':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_statsip', '{#black}/stats$g includes IP address');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_summary':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_summary', '{#black}/summary$g accepts login/Player_ID');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_jb_multi':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_jb_multi', '{#black}/jukebox$g adds more than one track');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_jb_recent':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_jb_recent', '{#black}/jukebox$g adds recently played track');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_add_tref':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_add_tref', '{#black}/add trackref$g writes TMX trackref file');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_match':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_match', '{#black}/match$g allows match control');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_tc_listen':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_tc_listen', '{#black}/tc$g will copy team chat to admins');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_jfreu':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_jfreu', 'use all {#black}/jfreu$g commands');
$chat = true;
case 'chat_musicadmin':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('chat_musicadmin', 'use {#black}/music$g admin commands');
$chat = true;
case 'noidlekick_play':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('noidlekick_play', 'no idlekick when {#black}player$g');
$chat = true;
case 'noidlekick_spec':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('noidlekick_spec', 'no idlekick when {#black}spectator$g');
$chat = true;
case 'server_coppers':
if ($value[0] || $master) {
$help[] = array('server_coppers', 'view coppers amount in {#black}/server$g');
$chat = true;
if ($chat) $help[] = array();
$help[] = array('See {#black}/admin helpall$g for available /admin commands');
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($login, $header, array('Icons128x128_1', 'ProfileAdvanced', 0.02), $help, array(1.0, 0.3, 0.7), 'OK');
* Saves the admins/operators/abilities list to adminops.xml (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'writeabilities') {
// write admins/operators file
$filename = $aseco->settings['adminops_file'];
if (!$aseco->writeLists()) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Error writing {#highlite}$i ' . $filename . ' {#error}!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] wrote ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}written';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Loads the admins/operators/abilities list from adminops.xml (default).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'readabilities') {
// read admins/operators file
$filename = $aseco->settings['adminops_file'];
if (!$aseco->readLists()) {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#error}not found, or error reading!';
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] read ' . $filename . '!', $logtitle, $login);
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $filename . ' {#admin}read';
// show chat message
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Display message in pop-up to all players
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'wall' ||
$command['params'][0] == 'mta') {
// check for non-empty message
if ($arglist[1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$message = $aseco->formatColors('{#black}') . $chattitle . ' ' . $admin->nickname . '$z :' . LF;
// insure window doesn't become too wide
$message .= wordwrap($aseco->formatColors('{#welcome}') . $arglist[1], 30, LF);
// display popup message to all players
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessage', $message, 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$header = '{#black}' . $chattitle . ' ' . $admin->nickname . '$z :';
// insure window doesn't become too wide
$message = wordwrap('{#welcome}' . $arglist[1], 40, LF . '{#welcome}');
$message = explode(LF, $aseco->formatColors($message));
foreach ($message as &$line)
$line = array($line);
// display ManiaLink message to all players
foreach ($aseco->server->players->player_list as $target)
display_manialink($target->login, $header, array('Icons64x64_1', 'Inbox'), $message, array(0.8), 'OK');
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] sent wall message: {3}', $logtitle, $login, $arglist[1]);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No message!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Delete records/rs_times database entries for specific record & sync.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'delrec' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
global $rasp; // from plugin.rasp.php
// verify parameter
$param = $command['params'][1];
if (is_numeric($param) && $param > 0 && $param <= $aseco->server->records->count()) {
$param = ltrim($param, '0');
// get record info
$record = $aseco->server->records->getRecord($param);
$pid = $aseco->getPlayerId($record->player->login);
// remove times before record
if (method_exists($rasp, 'deleteTime'))
$rasp->deleteTime($aseco->server->challenge->id, $pid);
// remove record and fill up if necessary
ldb_removeRecord($aseco, $aseco->server->challenge->id, $pid, $param);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] removed record {3} by {4} !', $logtitle, $login, $param, $record->player->login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s {#admin}removes record {#highlite}{3}{#admin} by {#highlite}{4}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $param, stripColors($record->player->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No such record {#highlite}$i ' . $param . ' {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Prune records/rs_times database entries for specific track.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'prunerecs' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
global $rasp; // from plugin.rasp.php
// verify parameter
$param = $command['params'][1];
if (is_numeric($param) && $param >= 0) {
if (empty($admin->tracklist)) {
$message = $rasp->messages['LIST_HELP'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
// find track by given #
$jid = ltrim($param, '0');
if (array_key_exists($jid, $admin->tracklist)) {
$uid = $admin->tracklist[$jid]['uid'];
$name = stripColors($admin->tracklist[$jid]['name']);
$track = $aseco->getChallengeId($uid);
if ($track > 0) {
// delete the records and rs_times
$query = 'DELETE FROM records WHERE ChallengeID=' . $track;
$query = 'DELETE FROM rs_times WHERE challengeID=' . $track;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] pruned records/times for track {3} !', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($name, false));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Deleted all records & times for track: {#highlite}' . $name;
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Can\'t find ChallengeId for track: {#highlite}$i ' . $name . ' / ' . $uid;
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $rasp->messages['JUKEBOX_NOTFOUND'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $rasp->messages['JUKEBOX_HELP'][0];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Sets custom rounds points.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'rpoints' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (function_exists('admin_rpoints')) {
admin_rpoints($aseco, $admin, $logtitle, $chattitle, $arglist[1]); // from plugin.rpoints.php
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Custom Rounds points unavailable - include plugins.rpoints.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Start or stop match tracking.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'match') {
global $MatchSettings; // from plugin.matchsave.php
if (function_exists('match_loadsettings')) {
if ($command['params'][1] == 'begin') {
match_loadsettings(); // from plugin.matchsave.php
$MatchSettings['enable'] = true;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] started match!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} has started the match',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
elseif ($command['params'][1] == 'end') {
$MatchSettings['enable'] = false;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] ended match!', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} has ended the match',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Match is currently ' . ($MatchSettings['enable'] ? 'Running' : 'Stopped');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Match tracking unavailable - include plugins.matchsave.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows or sets AllowChallengeDownload status.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'acdl') {
$param = strtolower($command['params'][1]);
if ($param == 'on' || $param == 'off') {
$enabled = ($param == 'on');
$aseco->client->query('AllowChallengeDownload', $enabled);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set AllowChallengeDownload {3} !', $logtitle, $login, ($enabled ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}AllowChallengeDownload set to ' . ($enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$enabled = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}AllowChallengeDownload is currently ' . ($enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows or sets Auto TimeLimit status.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'autotime') {
global $atl_active; // from plugin.autotime.php
// check for autotime plugin
if (isset($atl_active)) {
$param = strtolower($command['params'][1]);
if ($param == 'on' || $param == 'off') {
$atl_active = ($param == 'on');
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set Auto TimeLimit {3} !', $logtitle, $login, ($atl_active ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Auto TimeLimit set to ' . ($atl_active ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Auto TimeLimit is currently ' . ($atl_active ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Auto TimeLimit unavailable - include plugins.autotime.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows or sets DisableRespawn status (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'disablerespawn') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$param = strtolower($command['params'][1]);
if ($param == 'on' || $param == 'off') {
$enabled = ($param == 'on');
$aseco->client->query('SetDisableRespawn', $enabled);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set DisableRespawn {3} !', $logtitle, $login, ($enabled ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}>> {#admin}DisableRespawn set to ' . ($enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') . ' on the next track';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$enabled = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}DisableRespawn is currently ' . ($enabled['CurrentValue'] ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows or sets ForceShowAllOpponents status (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'forceshowopp') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$param = strtolower($command['params'][1]);
if ($param == 'all' || $param == 'off') {
$enabled = ($param == 'all' ? 1 : 0);
$aseco->client->query('SetForceShowAllOpponents', $enabled);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set ForceShowAllOpponents {3} !', $logtitle, $login, ($enabled ? 'ALL' : 'OFF'));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}>> {#admin}ForceShowAllOpponents set to {#highlite}' . ($enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled') . '{#admin} on the next track';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} elseif (is_numeric($param) && $param > 1) {
$enabled = intval($param);
$aseco->client->query('SetForceShowAllOpponents', $enabled);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set ForceShowAllOpponents to {3} !', $logtitle, $login, $enabled);
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}>> {#admin}ForceShowAllOpponents set to {#highlite}' . $enabled . '{#admin} on the next track';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$enabled = $aseco->client->getResponse();
$enabled = $enabled['CurrentValue'];
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}ForceShowAllOpponents is set to: {#highlite}' . ($enabled != 0 ? ($enabled > 1 ? $enabled : 'All') : 'Off');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows or sets Automatic ScorePanel status (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'scorepanel') {
global $auto_scorepanel;
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$param = strtolower($command['params'][1]);
if ($param == 'on' || $param == 'off') {
$auto_scorepanel = ($param == 'on');
scorepanel_off($aseco, null);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set Automatic ScorePanel {3} !', $logtitle, $login, ($auto_scorepanel ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}>> {#admin}Automatic ScorePanel set to ' . ($auto_scorepanel ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Automatic ScorePanel is currently ' . ($auto_scorepanel ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows or sets Rounds Finishpanel status (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'roundsfinish') {
global $rounds_finishpanel;
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$param = strtolower($command['params'][1]);
if ($param == 'on' || $param == 'off') {
$rounds_finishpanel = ($param == 'on');
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] set Rounds Finishpanel {3} !', $logtitle, $login, ($rounds_finishpanel ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}>> {#admin}Rounds Finishpanel set to ' . ($rounds_finishpanel ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Rounds Finishpanel is currently ' . ($rounds_finishpanel ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Forces a player into Blue or Red team (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'forceteam' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// check for Team mode
if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::TEAM) {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
// get player's team
$aseco->client->query('GetPlayerInfo', $target->login);
$info = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// check for new team
if (isset($command['params'][2]) && $command['params'][2] != '') {
$team = strtolower($command['params'][2]);
if (strpos('blue', $team) === 0) {
if ($info['TeamId'] != 0) {
// set player to Blue team
$aseco->client->query('ForcePlayerTeam', $target->login, 0);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] forces {3} into Blue team!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} forces {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} into $00fBlue{#admin} team!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Player {#highlite}' .
stripColors($target->nickname) .
'{#admin} is already in $00fBlue{#admin} team';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} elseif (strpos('red', $team) === 0) {
if ($info['TeamId'] != 1) {
// set player to Red team
$aseco->client->query('ForcePlayerTeam', $target->login, 1);
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] forces {3} into Red team!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} forces {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} into $f00Red{#admin} team!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Player {#highlite}' .
stripColors($target->nickname) .
'{#admin} is already in $f00Red{#admin} team';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $team . '$z$s{#error} is not a valid team!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// show current team
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Player {#highlite}' .
stripColors($target->nickname) . '{#admin} is in ' .
($info['TeamId'] == 0 ? '$00fBlue' : '$f00Red') .
'{#admin} team';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Command only available in {#highlite}$i Team {#error}mode!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Forces player into free camera spectator (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'forcespec' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
if (!$aseco->isSpectator($target)) {
// force player into free spectator
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('ForceSpectator', $target->login, 1);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] ForceSpectator - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// allow spectator to switch back to player
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('ForceSpectator', $target->login, 0);
// force free camera mode on spectator
$aseco->client->addCall('ForceSpectatorTarget', array($target->login, '', 2));
// free up player slot
$aseco->client->addCall('SpectatorReleasePlayerSlot', array($target->login));
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] forces player {3} into spectator!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} forces player {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} into spectator!',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1} {#error}is already a spectator!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Forces a spectator into free camera mode (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'specfree' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// get player information
if ($target = $aseco->getPlayerParam($admin, $command['params'][1])) {
if ($aseco->isSpectator($target)) {
// force free camera mode on spectator
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('ForceSpectatorTarget', $target->login, '', 2);
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] ForceSpectatorTarget - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] forces spectator free mode on {3}!', $logtitle, $login, stripColors($target->nickname, false));
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} forces spectator free mode on {#highlite}{3}$z$s{#admin} !',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, str_ireplace('$w', '', $target->nickname));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#highlite}{1} {#error}is not a spectator!',
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Selects default window style (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'panel') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (function_exists('admin_panel')) {
$command['params'] = $command['params'][1];
admin_panel($aseco, $command); // from plugin.panels.php
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Admin panel unavailable - include plugins.panels.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Selects default window style (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'style' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'off') {
$aseco->style = array();
$aseco->settings['window_style'] = 'Off';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] reset default window style', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} reset default window style',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
$style_file = 'styles/' . $command['params'][1] . '.xml';
// load default style
if (($style = $aseco->xml_parser->parseXml($style_file)) && isset($style['STYLES'])) {
$aseco->style = $style['STYLES'];
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] selects default window style [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} selects default window style {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// Could not read/parse XML file
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No valid style file, use {#highlite}$i /style list {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Selects default admin panel (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'admpanel' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'off') {
$aseco->panels['admin'] = '';
$aseco->settings['admin_panel'] = 'Off';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] reset default admin panel', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} reset default admin panel',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// added file prefix
$panel = $command['params'][1];
if (strtolower(substr($command['params'][1], 0, 5)) != 'admin')
$panel = 'Admin' . $panel;
$panel_file = 'panels/' . $panel . '.xml';
// load default panel
if ($panel = @file_get_contents($panel_file)) {
$aseco->panels['admin'] = $panel;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] selects default admin panel [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} selects default admin panel {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
// Could not read XML file
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No valid admin panel file, use {#highlite}$i /admin panel list {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Selects default donate panel (TMUF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'donpanel' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// check for TMUF server
if ($aseco->server->rights) {
if (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'off') {
$aseco->panels['donate'] = '';
$aseco->settings['donate_panel'] = 'Off';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] reset default donate panel', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} reset default donate panel',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// added file prefix
$panel = $command['params'][1];
if (strtolower(substr($command['params'][1], 0, 6)) != 'donate')
$panel = 'Donate' . $panel;
$panel_file = 'panels/' . $panel . '.xml';
// load default panel
if ($panel = @file_get_contents($panel_file)) {
$aseco->panels['donate'] = $panel;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] selects default donate panel [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} selects default donate panel {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// Could not read XML file
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No valid donate panel file, use {#highlite}$i /donpanel list {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('UNITED_ONLY'), 'server');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Selects default records panel (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'recpanel' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'off') {
$aseco->panels['records'] = '';
$aseco->settings['records_panel'] = 'Off';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] reset default records panel', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} reset default records panel',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// added file prefix
$panel = $command['params'][1];
if (strtolower(substr($command['params'][1], 0, 7)) != 'records')
$panel = 'Records' . $panel;
$panel_file = 'panels/' . $panel . '.xml';
// load default panel
if ($panel = @file_get_contents($panel_file)) {
$aseco->panels['records'] = $panel;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] selects default records panel [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} selects default records panel {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// Could not read XML file
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No valid records panel file, use {#highlite}$i /recpanel list {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Selects default vote panel (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'votepanel' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if (strtolower($command['params'][1]) == 'off') {
$aseco->panels['vote'] = '';
$aseco->settings['vote_panel'] = 'Off';
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] reset default vote panel', $logtitle, $login);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} reset default vote panel',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// added file prefix
$panel = $command['params'][1];
if (strtolower(substr($command['params'][1], 0, 4)) != 'vote')
$panel = 'Vote' . $panel;
$panel_file = 'panels/' . $panel . '.xml';
// load default panel
if ($panel = @file_get_contents($panel_file)) {
$aseco->panels['vote'] = $panel;
// log console message
$aseco->console('{1} [{2}] selects default vote panel [{3}]', $logtitle, $login, $command['params'][1]);
// show chat message
$message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#admin} selects default vote panel {#highlite}{3}',
$chattitle, $admin->nickname, $command['params'][1]);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
} else {
// Could not read XML file
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No valid vote panel file, use {#highlite}$i /votepanel list {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows server's coppers amount (TMUF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'coppers') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// check for TMUF server
if ($aseco->server->rights) {
// get server coppers
$coppers = $aseco->client->getResponse();
// show chat message
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('COPPERS'),
$aseco->server->name, $coppers);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('UNITED_ONLY'), 'server');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Pays server coppers to login (TMUF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'pay') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// check for TMUF server
if ($aseco->server->rights) {
if (function_exists('admin_payment')) {
if (!isset($command['params'][2])) $command['params'][2] = '';
admin_payment($aseco, $login, $command['params'][1],
$command['params'][2]); // from plugin.donate.php
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Server payment unavailable - include plugins.donate.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('UNITED_ONLY'), 'server');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Displays relays list or shows relay master (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'relays') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
if ($aseco->server->isrelay) {
// show chat message
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('RELAYMASTER'),
$aseco->server->relaymaster['Login'], $aseco->server->relaymaster['NickName']);
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
if (empty($aseco->server->relayslist)) {
// show chat message
$message = formatText($aseco->getChatMessage('NO_RELAYS'));
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$header = 'Relay servers:';
$relays = array();
$relays[] = array('{#login}Login', '{#nick}Nick');
foreach ($aseco->server->relayslist as $relay)
$relays[] = array($relay['Login'], $relay['NickName']);
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($login, $header, array('BgRaceScore2', 'Spectator'), $relays, array(1.0, 0.35, 0.65), 'OK');
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shows server's detailed settings (TMF).
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'server') {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$version = $aseco->client->addCall('GetVersion', array());
$network = $aseco->client->addCall('GetNetworkStats', array());
$options = $aseco->client->addCall('GetServerOptions', array(1));
$gameinfo = $aseco->client->addCall('GetCurrentGameInfo', array(1));
if (!$aseco->client->multiquery()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetServer (multi) - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$response = $aseco->client->getResponse();
$version = $response[$version][0];
$network = $response[$network][0];
$options = $response[$options][0];
$gameinfo = $response[$gameinfo][0];
// compile settings overview
$admin->msgs = array();
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
$head = 'System info for: ' . $options['Name'] . '$z' . LF . LF;
$stats = $head . '{#black}GetVersion:' . LF;
foreach ($version as $key => $val) {
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . $val . LF;
$stats .= '{#black}GetNetworkStats:' . LF;
foreach ($network as $key => $val) {
if ($key != 'PlayerNetInfos')
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . $val . LF;
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($stats);
$stats = $head . '{#black}GetServerOptions:' . LF;
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
// show only Current values, not Next ones
if ($key != 'Name' && $key != 'Comment' && substr($key, 0, 4) != 'Next')
if (is_bool($val))
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . bool2text($val) . LF;
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . $val . LF;
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($stats);
$stats = $head . '{#black}GetCurrentGameInfo:' . LF;
foreach ($gameinfo as $key => $val) {
if (is_bool($val))
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . bool2text($val) . LF;
if ($key == 'GameMode')
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . $val . '$g (' . $aseco->server->gameinfo->getMode() . ')' . LF;
$stats .= '$g' . str_pad($key, 30) . '{#black}' . $val . LF;
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($stats);
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
// get all server settings in one go
$version = $aseco->client->addCall('GetVersion', array());
$info = $aseco->client->addCall('GetSystemInfo', array());
$coppers = $aseco->client->addCall('GetServerCoppers', array());
$ladderlim = $aseco->client->addCall('GetLadderServerLimits', array());
$options = $aseco->client->addCall('GetServerOptions', array(1));
$gameinfo = $aseco->client->addCall('GetCurrentGameInfo', array(1));
$network = $aseco->client->addCall('GetNetworkStats', array());
$callvotes = $aseco->client->addCall('GetCallVoteRatios', array());
if (!$aseco->client->multiquery()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetServer (multi) - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$response = $aseco->client->getResponse();
$version = $response[$version][0];
$info = $response[$info][0];
$coppers = $response[$coppers][0];
$ladderlim = $response[$ladderlim][0];
$options = $response[$options][0];
$gameinfo = $response[$gameinfo][0];
$network = $response[$network][0];
$callvotes = $response[$callvotes][0];
// compile settings overview
$head = 'System info for: ' . $options['Name'];
$admin->msgs = array();
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.1, 0.6, 0.5), array('Icons64x64_1', 'DisplaySettings', 0.01));
$stats = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetVersion:', '');
foreach ($version as $key => $val) {
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val);
$stats[] = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetSystemInfo:', '');
foreach ($info as $key => $val) {
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val);
$stats[] = array();
$stats[] = array('Rights', '{#black}' . ($aseco->server->rights ? 'United $gCoppers: {#black}' . $coppers : 'Nations'));
$stats[] = array('Packmask', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->packmask);
if ($aseco->server->isrelay)
$stats[] = array('Relays', '{#black}' . $aseco->server->relaymaster['Login']);
$stats[] = array('Master to', '{#black}' . count($aseco->server->relayslist) .
' $grelay' . (count($aseco->server->relayslist) == 1 ? '' : 's'));
$stats[] = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetLadderServerLimits:', '');
foreach ($ladderlim as $key => $val) {
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val);
$admin->msgs[] = $stats;
$stats = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetServerOptions:', '');
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
// show only Current values, not Next ones
if ($key != 'Name' && $key != 'Comment' && substr($key, 0, 4) != 'Next')
if (is_bool($val))
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . bool2text($val));
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val);
$admin->msgs[] = $stats;
$stats = array();
$lines = 0;
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetCurrentGameInfo:', '');
foreach ($gameinfo as $key => $val) {
if (is_bool($val))
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . bool2text($val));
if ($key == 'GameMode')
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val . '$g (' . $aseco->server->gameinfo->getMode() . ')');
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val);
if (++$lines > 18) {
$admin->msgs[] = $stats;
$stats = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetCurrentGameInfo:', '');
$lines = 0;
$stats[] = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetNetworkStats:', '');
foreach ($network as $key => $val) {
if ($key != 'PlayerNetInfos')
$stats[] = array($key, '{#black}' . $val);
$stats[] = array();
$stats[] = array('{#black}GetCallVoteRatios:', '');
$stats[] = array('Command', 'Ratio');
foreach ($callvotes as $entry) {
$stats[] = array('{#black}' . $entry['Command'], '{#black}' . round($entry['Ratio'], 2));
$admin->msgs[] = $stats;
} else {
$message = $aseco->getChatMessage('FOREVER_ONLY');
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Send private message to all available admins.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'pm') {
global $pmbuf, $pmlen, $muting_available; // from plugin.muting.php
// check for non-empty message
if ($arglist[1] != '') {
// drop oldest pm line if buffer full
if (count($pmbuf) >= $pmlen) {
// append timestamp, admin nickname (but strip wide font) and pm line to history
$nick = str_ireplace('$w', '', $admin->nickname);
$pmbuf[] = array(date('H:i:s'), $nick, $arglist[1]);
// find and pm other masteradmins/admins/operators
$nicks = '';
$msg = '{#error}-pm-$g[' . $nick . '$z$s$i->{#logina}Admins$g]$i {#interact}' . $arglist[1];
$msg = $aseco->formatColors($msg);
foreach ($aseco->server->players->player_list as $pl) {
// check for admin ability
if ($pl->login != $login && $aseco->allowAbility($pl, 'pm')) {
$nicks .= str_ireplace('$w', '', $pl->nickname) . '$z$s$i,';
$aseco->client->addCall('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', array($msg, $pl->login));
// check if player muting is enabled
if ($muting_available) {
// drop oldest message if receiver's mute buffer full
if (count($pl->mutebuf) >= 28) { // chat window length
// append pm line to receiver's mute buffer
$pl->mutebuf[] = $msg;
// CC message to self
if ($nicks) {
$nicks = substr($nicks, 0, strlen($nicks)-1); // strip trailing ','
$msg = '{#error}-pm-$g[' . $nick . '$z$s$i->' . $nicks . ']$i {#interact}' . $arglist[1];
} else {
$msg = '{#server}> {#error}No other admins currectly available!';
$msg = $aseco->formatColors($msg);
$aseco->client->addCall('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', array($msg, $login));
if (!$aseco->client->multiquery()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] ChatSend PM (multi) - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
// check if player muting is enabled
if ($muting_available) {
// drop oldest message if sender's mute buffer full
if (count($admin->mutebuf) >= 28) { // chat window length
// append pm line to sender's mute buffer
$admin->mutebuf[] = $msg;
} else {
$msg = '{#server}> {#error}No message!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($msg), $login);
* Displays log of recent private admin messages.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'pmlog') {
global $pmbuf, $lnlen;
if (!empty($pmbuf)) {
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Recent PM history:' . LF;
$msg = '';
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs = array();
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($pmbuf as $item) {
// break up long lines into chunks with continuation strings
$multi = explode(LF, wordwrap(stripColors($item[2]), $lnlen, LF . '...'));
foreach ($multi as $line) {
$line = substr($line, 0, $lnlen+3); // chop off excessively long words
$msg .= '$z' . ($aseco->settings['chatpmlog_times'] ? '$n<{#server}' . $item[0] . '$z$n>$m ' : '') .
'[{#black}' . $item[1] . '$z] ' . $line . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} else { // > 2
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Recent Admin PM history:';
$msg = array();
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs = array();
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.2), array('Icons64x64_1', 'Outbox'));
foreach ($pmbuf as $item) {
// break up long lines into chunks with continuation strings
$multi = explode(LF, wordwrap(stripColors($item[2]), $lnlen+30, LF . '...'));
foreach ($multi as $line) {
$line = substr($line, 0, $lnlen+33); // chop off excessively long words
$msg[] = array('$z' . ($aseco->settings['chatpmlog_times'] ? '<{#server}' . $item[0] . '$z> ' : '') .
'[{#black}' . $item[1] . '$z] ' . $line);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if (!empty($msg))
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
} else {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#server}> {#error}No PM history found!'), $login);
* Executes direct server call
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'call') {
global $method_results;
// extra admin tier check
if (!$aseco->isMasterAdmin($admin)) {
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendToLogin', $aseco->formatColors('{#error}You don\'t have the required admin rights to do that!'), $login);
// check parameter(s)
if ($command['params'][1] != '') {
if ($command['params'][1] == 'help') {
if (isset($command['params'][2]) && $command['params'][2] != '') {
// generate help message for method
$method = $command['params'][2];
$sign = $aseco->client->addCall('system.methodSignature', array($method));
$help = $aseco->client->addCall('system.methodHelp', array($method));
if (!$aseco->client->multiquery()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] system.method - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$response = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if (isset($response[0]['faultCode'])) {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No such method {#highlite}$i ' . $method . ' {#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$sign = $response[$sign][0][0];
$help = $response[$help][0];
// format signature & help
$params = '';
for ($i = 1; $i < count($sign); $i++)
$params .= $sign[$i] . ', ';
$params = substr($params, 0, strlen($params)-2); // strip trailing ", "
$sign = $sign[0] . ' {#black}' . $method . '$g (' . $params . ')';
$sign = explode(LF, wordwrap($sign, 58, LF));
$help = str_replace(array('<i>', '</i>'),
array('$i', '$i'), $help);
$help = explode(LF, wordwrap($help, 58, LF));
// compile & display help message
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$info = 'Server Method help for:' . LF . LF;
foreach ($sign as $line)
$info .= $line . LF;
$info .= LF;
foreach ($help as $line)
$info .= $line . LF;
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $aseco->formatColors($info), 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$header = 'Server Method help for:';
$info = array();
foreach ($sign as $line)
$info[] = array($line);
$info[] = array();
foreach ($help as $line)
$info[] = array($line);
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($login, $header, array('Icons128x128_1', 'Advanced', 0.02), $info, array(1.05), 'OK');
} else {
// compile & display help message
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$help = '{#black}/admin call$g executes server method:' . LF;
$help .= ' - {#black}help$g, displays this help information' . LF;
$help .= ' - {#black}help Method$g, displays help for method' . LF;
$help .= ' - {#black}list$g, lists all available methods' . LF;
$help .= ' - {#black}Method {params}$g, executes method & displays result' . LF;
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $aseco->formatColors($help), 'OK', '', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$header = '{#black}/admin call$g executes server method:';
$help = array();
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}help',
'Displays this help information');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}help Method',
'Displays help for method');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}list',
'Lists all available methods');
$help[] = array('...', '{#black}Method {params}',
'Executes method & displays result');
// display ManiaLink message
display_manialink($login, $header, array('Icons64x64_1', 'TrackInfo', -0.01), $help, array(1.0, 0.05, 0.35, 0.6), 'OK');
} elseif ($command['params'][1] == 'list') {
// get list of methods
$methods = $aseco->client->getResponse();
$admin->msgs = array();
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Available Methods on this Server:' . LF . 'Id Method' . LF;
$msg = '';
$mid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$msg .= '$g' . str_pad($mid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. {#black}'
. $method . LF;
if (++$lines > 9) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Available Methods on this Server:';
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', 'Method');
$mid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(0.9, 0.15, 0.75), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Advanced', 0.02));
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$msg[] = array(str_pad($mid, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.',
'{#black}' . $method);
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
$msg[] = array('Id', 'Method');
// add if last batch exists
if (count($msg) > 1)
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
} else { // server method
$method = $command['params'][1];
// collect parameters with correct types
$args = array();
$multistr = '';
$in_multi = false;
for ($i = 2; $i < count($command['params']); $i++) {
if (!$in_multi && strtolower($command['params'][$i]) == 'true')
$args[] = true;
elseif (!$in_multi && strtolower($command['params'][$i]) == 'false')
$args[] = false;
elseif (!$in_multi && is_numeric($command['params'][$i]))
$args[] = intval($command['params'][$i]);
// check for multi-word strings
if ($in_multi) {
if (substr($command['params'][$i], -1) == '"') {
$args[] = $multistr . ' ' . substr($command['params'][$i], 0, -1);
$multistr = '';
$in_multi = false;
} else {
$multistr .= ' ' . $command['params'][$i];
} else {
if (substr($command['params'][$i], 0, 1) == '"') {
$multistr = substr($command['params'][$i], 1);
$in_multi = true;
} else {
$args[] = $command['params'][$i];
// execute method
switch (count($args)) {
case 0: $res = $aseco->client->query($method);
case 1: $res = $aseco->client->query($method, $args[0]);
case 2: $res = $aseco->client->query($method, $args[0], $args[1]);
case 3: $res = $aseco->client->query($method, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
case 4: $res = $aseco->client->query($method, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
case 5: $res = $aseco->client->query($method, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]);
// process result
if ($res) {
$res = $aseco->client->getResponse();
$admin->msgs = array();
$method_results = array();
collect_results($method, $res, '');
// compile & display result message
if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') {
$head = 'Method results for:' . LF . LF;
$msg = '';
$mid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = 1;
foreach ($method_results as $line) {
$msg .= $line . '$z' . LF;
if (++$lines > 14) {
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
$lines = 0;
$msg = '';
// add if last batch exists
if ($msg != '')
$admin->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg);
// display popup message
if (count($admin->msgs) == 2) {
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0);
} else { // > 2
$aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $admin->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0);
} elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') {
$head = 'Method results for:';
$msg = array();
$mid = 1;
$lines = 0;
$admin->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.1), array('Icons128x128_1', 'Advanced', 0.02));
foreach ($method_results as $line) {
$msg[] = array($line);
if (++$lines > 20) {
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
$lines = 0;
$msg = array();
// add if last batch exists
if (!empty($msg))
$admin->msgs[] = $msg;
// display ManiaLink message
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Method error for {#highlite}$i ' . $method . '{#error}: [' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage();
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}No call specified - see {#highlite}$i /admin call help{#error} and {#highlite}$i /admin call list{#error}!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Unlocks admin commands & features.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'unlock' && $command['params'][1] != '') {
// check unlock password
if ($aseco->settings['lock_password'] == $command['params'][1]) {
$admin->unlocked = true;
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Password accepted: admin commands unlocked!';
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Invalid password!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Toggle debug on/off.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'debug') {
$aseco->debug = !$aseco->debug;
if ($aseco->debug) {
$message = '{#server}> Debug is now enabled';
} else {
$message = '{#server}> Debug is now disabled';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
* Shuts down XASECO.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'shutdown') {
trigger_error('Shutdown XASECO!', E_USER_ERROR);
* Shuts down Server & XASECO.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'shutdownall') {
$message = '{#server}>> {#error}$wShutting down server now!';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $aseco->formatColors($message));
$rtn = $aseco->client->query('StopServer');
if (!$rtn) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] StopServer - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
// test for /noautoquit
$autoquit = new IXR_ClientMulticall_Gbx();
if ($autoquit->InitWithIp($aseco->server->ip, $aseco->server->port))
trigger_error('Shutdown ' . $aseco->server->getGame() . ' server & XASECO!', E_USER_ERROR);
* Checks current version of XASECO.
} elseif ($command['params'][0] == 'uptodate') {
if (function_exists('admin_uptodate')) {
admin_uptodate($aseco, $command); // from plugin.uptodate.php
} else {
// show chat message
$message = '{#server}> {#admin}Version checking unavailable - include plugins.uptodate.php in plugins.xml';
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} else {
$message = '{#server}> {#error}Unknown admin command or missing parameter(s): {#highlite}$i ' . $arglist[0] . ' ' . $arglist[1];
$aseco->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $aseco->formatColors($message), $login);
} // chat_admin
function get_ignorelist($aseco) {
$newlist = array();
$done = false;
$size = 300;
$i = 0;
while (!$done) {
$aseco->client->query('GetIgnoreList', $size, $i);
$players = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if (!empty($players)) {
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetIgnoreList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$done = true;
foreach ($players as $prow) {
// fetch nickname for this login
$lgn = $prow['Login'];
$nick = $aseco->getPlayerNick($lgn);
$newlist[$lgn] = array($lgn, $nick);
if (count($players) < $size) {
// got less than 300 players, might as well leave
$done = true;
} else {
$i += $size;
} else {
$done = true;
return $newlist;
} // get_ignorelist
function get_banlist($aseco) {
$newlist = array();
$done = false;
$size = 300;
$i = 0;
while (!$done) {
$aseco->client->query('GetBanList', $size, $i);
$players = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if (!empty($players)) {
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetBanList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$done = true;
foreach ($players as $prow) {
// fetch nickname for this login
$lgn = $prow['Login'];
$nick = $aseco->getPlayerNick($lgn);
$newlist[$lgn] = array($lgn, $nick,
preg_replace('/:\d+/', '', $prow['IPAddress'])); // strip port
if (count($players) < $size) {
// got less than 300 players, might as well leave
$done = true;
} else {
$i += $size;
} else {
$done = true;
return $newlist;
} // get_banlist
function get_blacklist($aseco) {
$newlist = array();
$done = false;
$size = 300;
$i = 0;
while (!$done) {
$aseco->client->query('GetBlackList', $size, $i);
$players = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if (!empty($players)) {
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetBlackList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$done = true;
foreach ($players as $prow) {
// fetch nickname for this login
$lgn = $prow['Login'];
$nick = $aseco->getPlayerNick($lgn);
$newlist[$lgn] = array($lgn, $nick);
if (count($players) < $size) {
// got less than 300 players, might as well leave
$done = true;
} else {
$i += $size;
} else {
$done = true;
return $newlist;
} // get_blacklist
function get_guestlist($aseco) {
$newlist = array();
$done = false;
$size = 300;
$i = 0;
while (!$done) {
$aseco->client->query('GetGuestList', $size, $i);
$players = $aseco->client->getResponse();
if (!empty($players)) {
if ($aseco->client->isError()) {
trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetGuestList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
$done = true;
foreach ($players as $prow) {
// fetch nickname for this login
$lgn = $prow['Login'];
$nick = $aseco->getPlayerNick($lgn);
$newlist[$lgn] = array($lgn, $nick);
if (count($players) < $size) {
// got less than 300 players, might as well leave
$done = true;
} else {
$i += $size;
} else {
$done = true;
return $newlist;
} // get_guestlist
function collect_results($key, $val, $indent) {
global $method_results;
if (is_array($val)) {
// recursively compile array results
$method_results[] = $indent . '*' . $key . ' :';
foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
collect_results($key2, $val2, ' ' . $indent);
} else {
if (!is_string($val))
$val = strval($val);
// format result key/value pair
$val = explode(LF, wordwrap($val, 32, LF . $indent . ' ', true));
$firstline = true;
foreach ($val as $line) {
if ($firstline)
$method_results[] = $indent . $key . ' = ' . $line;
$method_results[] = $line;
$firstline = false;
} // collect_results
// called @ onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer
// Handles ManiaLink admin responses
// [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Answer
function event_admin($aseco, $answer) {
// leave actions outside 2201 - 5200 to other handlers
if ($answer[2] < 2201 && $answer[2] > 5200 &&
$answer[2] < -8100 && $answer[2] > -7901)
// get player & possible parameter
$player = $aseco->server->players->getPlayer($answer[1]);
if (isset($player->panels['plyparam']))
$param = $player->panels['plyparam'];
// check for /admin warn command
if ($answer[2] >= 2201 && $answer[2] <= 2400) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-2201]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin warn {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// warn selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'warn ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin ignore command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 2401 && $answer[2] <= 2600) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-2401]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin ignore {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// ignore selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'ignore ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unignore command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 2601 && $answer[2] <= 2800) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-2601]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unignore {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unignore selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unignore ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin kick command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 2801 && $answer[2] <= 3000) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-2801]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin kick {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// kick selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'kick ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin ban command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 3001 && $answer[2] <= 3200) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-3001]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin ban {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// ban selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'ban ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unban command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 3201 && $answer[2] <= 3400) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-3201]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unban {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unban selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unban ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin black command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 3401 && $answer[2] <= 3600) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-3401]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin black {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// black selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'black ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unblack command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 3601 && $answer[2] <= 3800) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-3601]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unblack {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unblack selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unblack ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin addguest command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 3801 && $answer[2] <= 4000) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-3801]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin addguest {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// addguest selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'addguest ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin removeguest command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 4001 && $answer[2] <= 4200) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-4001]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin removeguest {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// removeguest selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'removeguest ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin forcespec command
elseif ($answer[2] >= 4201 && $answer[2] <= 4400) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-4201]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin forcespec {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// forcespec selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'forcespec ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin players {2}"',
$player->login, $param);
// refresh players window
$command['params'] = 'players ' . $param;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unignore command in listignores
elseif ($answer[2] >= 4401 && $answer[2] <= 4600) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-4401]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unignore {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unignore selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unignore ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check whether last player was unignored
$ignores = get_ignorelist($aseco);
if (empty($ignores)) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin listignores"',
// refresh listignores window
$command['params'] = 'listignores';
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unban command in listbans
elseif ($answer[2] >= 4601 && $answer[2] <= 4800) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-4601]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unban {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unban selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unban ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check whether last player was unbanned
$bans = get_banlist($aseco);
if (empty($bans)) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin listbans"',
// refresh listbans window
$command['params'] = 'listbans';
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unblack command in listblacks
elseif ($answer[2] >= 4801 && $answer[2] <= 5000) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-4801]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unblack {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unblack selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unblack ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check whether last player was unblacked
$blacks = get_blacklist($aseco);
if (empty($blacks)) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin listblacks"',
// refresh listblacks window
$command['params'] = 'listblacks';
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin removeguest command in listguests
elseif ($answer[2] >= 5001 && $answer[2] <= 5200) {
$target = $player->playerlist[$answer[2]-5001]['login'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin removeguest {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// removeguest selected player
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'removeguest ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check whether last guest was removed
$guests = get_guestlist($aseco);
if (empty($guests)) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin listguests"',
// refresh listguests window
$command['params'] = 'listguests';
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check for /admin unbanip command
elseif ($answer[2] >= -8100 && $answer[2] <= -7901) {
$target = $player->playerlist[abs($answer[2])-7901]['ip'];
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin unbanip {2}"',
$player->login, $target);
// unbanip selected IP
$command = array();
$command['author'] = $player;
$command['params'] = 'unbanip ' . $target;
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
// check whether last IP was unbanned
if (!$empty = empty($aseco->bannedips)) {
$empty = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aseco->bannedips); $i++)
if ($aseco->bannedips[$i] != '') {
$empty = false;
if ($empty) {
// close main window
mainwindow_off($aseco, $player->login);
} else {
// log clicked command
$aseco->console('player {1} clicked command "/admin listips"',
// refresh listips window
$command['params'] = 'listips';
chat_admin($aseco, $command);
} // event_admin