XXX xxx-max siteguru Challengers $i$0AFPoints This Round $i$AF0Points This Match {#emotic} {#message} {#server} $000 $f00 $0af $i$n $fff $n$888 {#highlite} {#highlite} $0af {#server} $af0 {#server} True {#server}To join a team type "{#welcome}/team {#message}yourteamname{#server}" {#server}See all team options by typing "{#welcome}/team {#message}help{#server}" {#server}Join a team and chat with your teammates via "{#welcome}/tc {#message}Hello Teammates{#server}" {#server}See the current match standings by typing "{#welcome}/standings{#server}" {#server}Change your teamname with "{#welcome}/team {#message}yourteamname{#server}" {#server}See all team options by typing "{#welcome}/team {#message}help{#server}" {#server}See the current match standings by typing "{#welcome}/standings{#server}" {#server}Chat with your teammates by typing "{#welcome}/tc {#message}Hello Teammates{#server}" true True true {#highlite}[Team] False True False 12 5000 True True html.tpl race_results.html race_results_last.html match_results.html /home/tmf/TMF/GameData/Tracks/MatchSettings 16 Y-m-d H:i 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 True