<?php /* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */ /** * TMNDataFetcher - Fetch TMN ladder/nation/server stats for a login * Created by (OoR-F)~fuckfish (fish@stabb.de) * Updated by Xymph <tm@gamers.org> * * v1.8: Improved error reporting via $error; fixed file check in extendedInfo * processing; added magic __set_state function to support var_export() * v1.7: Improve handling of empty API responses * v1.6: Fixed $teamrank type into int; added User-Agent to the GET request * v1.5: Tweaked initial get_file return value check * v1.4: Fixed get_file return value checks; fixed $nationrank check * v1.3: Optimized get_file URL parsing * v1.2: Added get_file function to handle master server timeouts * v1.1: General code cleanup; added more comments; added $lastmatch, * $totalplayers, $nationplayers, $nationpos, $nationpoints, * $totalnations, $servernick, $serverdesc, $servernation; * renamed $actualserver to $serverlogin * v1.0: Initial release */ class TMNDataFetcher { public $version, $extended, $error, $login, $nickname, $worldrank, $totalplayers, $points, $lastmatch, $wins, $losses, $draws, $stars, $stardays, $teamname, $teamrank, $totalteams, $nation, $nationrank, $nationplayers, $nationpos, $nationpoints, $totalnations, $online, $serverlogin, $servernick, $serverdesc, $servernation; /** * Fetches a hell of a lot of data about a TMN login * * @param String $login * The TMN login to search for * @param Boolean $extendedInfo * If true, the script also searches for the server that the * player is on at the moment (also determines online-state) * @return TMNDataFetcher * If $nickname is empty, login was not found */ function TMNDataFetcher($login, $extendedInfo) { $this->version = ''; $this->error = ''; $this->extended = $extendedInfo; $this->login = strtolower($login); $this->getData(); } // TMNDataFetcher public static function __set_state($import) { $tmn = new TMNDataFetcher('', true); $tmn->version = $import['version']; $tmn->extended = $import['extended']; $tmn->error = ''; $tmn->login = $import['login']; $tmn->nickname = $import['nickname']; $tmn->worldrank = $import['worldrank']; $tmn->totalplayers = $import['totalplayers']; $tmn->points = $import['points']; $tmn->lastmatch = $import['lastmatch']; $tmn->wins = $import['wins']; $tmn->losses = $import['losses']; $tmn->draws = $import['draws']; $tmn->stars = $import['stars']; $tmn->stardays = $import['stardays']; $tmn->teamname = $import['teamname']; $tmn->teamrank = $import['teamrank']; $tmn->totalteams = $import['totalteams']; $tmn->nation = $import['nation']; $tmn->nationrank = $import['nationrank']; $tmn->nationplayers = $import['nationplayers']; $tmn->nationpos = $import['nationpos']; $tmn->nationpoints = $import['nationpoints']; $tmn->totalnations = $import['totalnations']; $tmn->online = $import['online']; $tmn->serverlogin = $import['serverlogin']; $tmn->servernick = $import['servernick']; $tmn->serverdesc = $import['serverdesc']; $tmn->servernation = $import['servernation']; return $tmn; } // __set_state private function getData() { $url = 'http://game.trackmanianations.com/online_game/getplayerinfos.php?ver=' . $this->version . '&lang=en&login=' . $this->login; $line = $this->get_file($url); if ($line === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return; } else if ($line === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return; } else if ($line == '' || strpos($line, '<br>') !== false) { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return; } $array = explode(';', $line); if (!isset($array[6])) { $this->error = 'Cannot parse data returned data from ' . $url; return; } // 0 = $array[0]; // login = $array[1]; $this->nickname = urldecode($array[2]); $this->nation = $array[3]; // empty = $array[4]; $this->stars = $array[5]; $this->stardays = $array[6]; $url = 'http://ladder.trackmanianations.com/ladder/getstats.php?ver=' . $this->version . '&laddertype=g&login=' . $this->login; $line = $this->get_file($url); if ($line === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return; } else if ($line === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return; } else if ($line == '' || strpos($line, '<br>') !== false) { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return; } $array = explode(';', $line); if (!isset($array[10])) { $this->error = 'Cannot parse data returned data from ' . $url; return; } // 0 = $array[0]; $this->totalplayers = $array[1]; $this->wins = $array[2]; $this->losses = $array[3]; $this->draws = $array[4]; $this->worldrank = $array[5]; $this->points = $array[6]; $this->lastmatch = $array[7]; $this->teamname = urldecode($array[8]); $this->teamrank = (int)$array[9]; $this->totalteams = $array[10]; $url = 'http://ladder.trackmanianations.com/ladder/getstats.php?ver=' . $this->version . '&laddertype=g&login=' . $this->login . '&country=' . $this->nation; $line = $this->get_file($url); if ($line === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return; } else if ($line === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return; } else if ($line == '' || strpos($line, '<br>') !== false) { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return; } $array = explode(';', $line); // 0 = $array[1]; if (isset($array[5])) $this->nationrank = $array[5]; else $this->nationrank = ''; // the remaining fields are the same as the world stats above $url = 'http://ladder.trackmanianations.com/ladder/getrankings.php?ver=' . $this->version . '&laddertype=g&start=0&limit=0&country=' . $this->nation; $line = $this->get_file($url); if ($line === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return; } else if ($line === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return; } else if ($line == '' || strpos($line, '<br>') !== false) { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return; } $array = explode(';', $line); if (!isset($array[1])) { $this->error = 'Cannot parse data returned data from ' . $url; return; } // 0 = $array[1]; $this->nationplayers = $array[1]; // 1;login;nickname;nation;points = $array[2-6]; // 2;login;nickname;nation;points = $array[7-11]; etc.etc. $url = 'http://ladder.trackmanianations.com/ladder/getcountriesrankings.php?ver=' . $this->version . '&laddertype=g&lang=en&start=0&limit=100'; $line = $this->get_file($url); if ($line === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return; } else if ($line === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return; } else if ($line == '' || strpos($line, '<br>') !== false) { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return; } $array = explode(';', $line); if (!isset($array[1])) { $this->error = 'Cannot parse data returned data from ' . $url; return; } // 0 = $array[1]; $this->totalnations = $array[1]; // 1;nation;points = $array[2-4]; // 2;nation;points = $array[5-7]; etc.etc. $i = 2; while (isset($array[$i]) && $array[$i] != '') { if ($array[$i+1] == $this->nation) { $this->nationpos = $array[$i]; $this->nationpoints = $array[$i+2]; break; } $i += 3; } $this->online = false; // check online status too? if ($this->extended) { $page = $this->get_file('http://game.trackmanianations.com/online_game/www_serverslist.php'); if ($page === false || $page == -1 || $page == '') // no error message if main info was already fetched return; $lines = explode('<host>', $page); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (stripos($line, '<player>' . $this->login . '</player>') !== false) { $this->online = true; $this->serverlogin = substr($line, 0, strpos($line, '</host>')); break; } } if ($this->online) { $page = $this->get_file('http://game.trackmanianations.com/online_game/browse_top.php?ver='); if ($page === false || $page == -1 || $page == '') // no error message if main info was already fetched return; $server = $this->serverlogin; // can't use object member inside pattern if (preg_match("/^${server};([^;]+);([^;]+);([A-Z]+);/m", $page, $fields)) { $this->serverdesc = $fields[1]; $this->servernick = ($fields[2] != 'x' ? urldecode($fields[2]) : ''); $this->servernation = $fields[3]; } } } } // getData // Simple HTTP Get function with timeout // ok: return string || error: return false || timeout: return -1 private function get_file($url) { $url = parse_url($url); $port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : 80; $query = isset($url['query']) ? "?" . $url['query'] : ""; $fp = @fsockopen($url['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 4); if (!$fp) return false; fwrite($fp, 'GET ' . $url['path'] . $query . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" . 'Host: ' . $url['host'] . "\r\n" . 'User-Agent: TMNDataFetcher (' . PHP_OS . ")\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 2); $res = ''; $info['timed_out'] = false; while (!feof($fp) && !$info['timed_out']) { $res .= fread($fp, 512); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); } fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { return -1; } else { if (substr($res, 9, 3) != '200') return false; $page = explode("\r\n\r\n", $res, 2); return trim($page[1]); } } // get_file } // class TMNDataFetcher ?>