<?php /* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */ // Updated by Xymph /** * Writes a logfile of all output messages, either in a single big file * or in monthly chunks inside the logs/ directory. */ function doLog($text) { global $logfile; if (MONTHLY_LOGSDIR) { // create logs/ directory if needed $dir = './logs'; if (!file_exists($dir)) mkdir($dir); // define monthly file inside dir $file = $dir . '/logfile-' . date('Ym') . '.txt'; // if new monthly file, close old logfile if (!file_exists($file) && $logfile) { fclose($logfile); $logfile = false; } } else { // original single big file $file = 'logfile.txt'; } if (!$logfile) { $logfile = fopen($file, 'a+'); } fwrite($logfile, $text); } // doLog /** * Case-insensitive file_exists replacement function. * Returns matching path, otherwise false. * Created by Xymph */ function file_exists_nocase($filepath) { // try case-sensitive path first if (file_exists($filepath)) return $filepath; // extract directory path if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '/') preg_match('|^(.+/)([^/]+)$|', $filepath, $paths); else // '\' preg_match('|^(.+\\\\)([^\\\\]+)$|', $filepath, $paths); $dirpath = $paths[1]; // $filename = $paths[2]; // collect all files inside directory $checkpaths = glob($dirpath . '*'); if ($checkpaths === false || empty($checkpaths)) return false; // check case-insensitive paths foreach ($checkpaths as $path) if (strtolower($filepath) == strtolower($path)) return $path; return false; } // file_exists_nocase /** * Puts an element at a specific position into an array. * Increases original size by one element. */ function insertArrayElement(&$array, $value, $pos) { // get current size $size = count($array); // if position is in array range if ($pos < 0 && $pos >= $size) { return false; } // shift values down for ($i = $size-1; $i >= $pos; $i--) { $array[$i+1] = $array[$i]; } // now put in the new element $array[$pos] = $value; return true; } // insertArrayElement /** * Removes an element from a specific position in an array. * Decreases original size by one element. */ function removeArrayElement(&$array, $pos) { // get current size $size = count($array); // if position is in array range if ($pos < 0 && $pos >= $size) { return false; } // remove specified element unset($array[$pos]); // shift values up $array = array_values($array); return true; } // removeArrayElement /** * Moves an element from one position to the other. * All items between are shifted down or up as needed. */ function moveArrayElement(&$array, $from, $to) { // get current size $size = count($array); // destination and source have to be among the array borders! if ($from < 0 || $from >= $size || $to < 0 || $to >= $size) { return false; } // backup the element we have to move $moving_element = $array[$from]; if ($from > $to) { // shift values between downwards for ($i = $from-1; $i >= $to; $i--) { $array[$i+1] = $array[$i]; } } else { // $from < $to // shift values between upwards for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { $array[$i] = $array[$i+1]; } } // now put in the element which was to move $array[$to] = $moving_element; return true; } // moveArrayElement /** * Formats a string from the format sssshh0 * into the format mmm:ss.hh (or mmm:ss if $hsec is false) */ function formatTime($MwTime, $hsec = true) { if ($MwTime == -1) { return '???'; } else { $minutes = floor($MwTime/(1000*60)); $seconds = floor(($MwTime - $minutes*60*1000)/1000); $hseconds = substr($MwTime, strlen($MwTime)-3, 2); if ($hsec) { $tm = sprintf('%02d:%02d.%02d', $minutes, $seconds, $hseconds); } else { $tm = sprintf('%02d:%02d', $minutes, $seconds); } } if ($tm[0] == '0') { $tm = substr($tm, 1); } return $tm; } // formatTime /** * Formats a string from the format sssshh0 * into the format hh:mm:ss.hh (or hh:mm:ss if $hsec is false) */ function formatTimeH($MwTime, $hsec = true) { if ($MwTime == -1) { return '???'; } else { $hseconds = substr($MwTime, strlen($MwTime)-3, 2); $MwTime = substr($MwTime, 0, strlen($MwTime)-3); $hours = floor($MwTime / 3600); $MwTime = $MwTime - ($hours * 3600); $minutes = floor($MwTime / 60); $MwTime = $MwTime - ($minutes * 60); $seconds = floor($MwTime); if ($hsec) { return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d', $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $hseconds); } else { return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $hours, $minutes, $seconds); } } } // formatTimeH /** * Formats a text. * Replaces parameters in the text which are marked with {n} */ function formatText($text) { // get all function's parameters $args = func_get_args(); // first parameter is the text to format $text = array_shift($args); // further parameters will be replaced in the text $i = 1; foreach ($args as $param) $text = str_replace('{' . $i++ . '}', $param, $text); // and return the modified text return $text; } // formatText /** * Make String for SQL use that single quoted & got special chars replaced. */ function quotedString($input) { return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($input) . "'"; } // quotedString /** * Check login string for LAN postfix (pre/post v2.11.21). */ function isLANLogin($login) { $n="(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d|\d)"; return (preg_match("/(\/{$n}\\.{$n}\\.{$n}\\.{$n}:\d+)$/", $login) || preg_match("/(_{$n}\\.{$n}\\.{$n}\\.{$n}_\d+)$/", $login)); } // isLANLogin /** * Summary: Strips all display formatting from an input string, suitable for display * within the game ('$$' escape pairs are preserved) and for logging * Params : $input - The input string to strip formatting from * $for_tm - Optional flag to double up '$' into '$$' (default, for TM) or not (for logs, etc) * Returns: The content portions of $input without formatting * Authors: Bilge/Assembler Maniac/Xymph/Slig * * "$af0Brat$s$fffwurst" will become "Bratwurst". * 2007-08-27 Xymph - replaced with Bilge/AM's code (w/o the H&L tags bit) * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=55867#p55867 * 2008-04-24 Xymph - extended to handle the H/L/P tags for TMF * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=112856#p112856 * 2009-05-16 Slig - extended to emit non-TM variant & handle incomplete colors * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=153368#p153368 * 2010-10-05 Slig - updated to handle incomplete colors & tags better * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=183410#p183410 * 2010-10-09 Xymph - updated to handle $[ and $] properly * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=183410#p183410 */ function stripColors($input, $for_tm = true) { return //Replace all occurrences of a null character back with a pair of dollar //signs for displaying in TM, or a single dollar for log messages etc. str_replace("\0", ($for_tm ? '$$' : '$'), //Replace links (introduced in TMU) preg_replace( '/ #Strip TMF H, L & P links by stripping everything between each square #bracket pair until another $H, $L or $P sequence (or EoS) is found; #this allows a $H to close a $L and vice versa, as does the game \\$[hlp](.*?)(?:\\[.*?\\](.*?))*(?:\\$[hlp]|$) /ixu', //Keep the first and third capturing groups if present '$1$2', //Replace various patterns beginning with an unescaped dollar preg_replace( '/ #Match a single dollar sign and any of the following: \\$ (?: #Strip color codes by matching any hexadecimal character and #any other two characters following it (except $) [0-9a-f][^$][^$] #Strip any incomplete color codes by matching any hexadecimal #character followed by another character (except $) |[0-9a-f][^$] #Strip any single style code (including an invisible UTF8 char) #that is not an H, L or P link or a bracket ($[ and $]) |[^][hlp] #Strip the dollar sign if it is followed by [ or ], but do not #strip the brackets themselves |(?=[][]) #Strip the dollar sign if it is at the end of the string |$ ) #Ignore alphabet case, ignore whitespace in pattern & use UTF-8 mode /ixu', //Replace any matches with nothing (i.e. strip matches) '', //Replace all occurrences of dollar sign pairs with a null character str_replace('$$', "\0", $input) ) ) ) ; } // stripColors /** * Strips only size tags from TM strings. * "$w$af0Brat$n$fffwurst" will become "$af0Brat$fffwurst". * 2009-03-27 Xymph - derived from stripColors above * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=20602 * 2009-05-16 Slig - extended to emit non-TM variant * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=153368#p153368 */ function stripSizes($input, $for_tm = true) { return //Replace all occurrences of a null character back with a pair of dollar //signs for displaying in TM, or a single dollar for log messages etc. str_replace("\0", ($for_tm ? '$$' : '$'), //Replace various patterns beginning with an unescaped dollar preg_replace( '/ #Match a single dollar sign and any of the following: \\$ (?: #Strip any size code [nwo] #Strip the dollar sign if it is at the end of the string |$ ) #Ignore alphabet case, ignore whitespace in pattern & use UTF-8 mode /ixu', //Replace any matches with nothing (i.e. strip matches) '', //Replace all occurrences of dollar sign pairs with a null character str_replace('$$', "\0", $input) ) ) ; } // stripSizes /** * Strips only newlines from TM strings. */ function stripNewlines($input) { return str_replace(array("\n\n", "\r", "\n"), array(' ', '', ''), $input); } // stripNewlines /** * Univeral show help for user, admin & Jfreu commands. * Created by Xymph * * $width is the width of the first column in the ManiaLink window on TMF */ function showHelp($player, $chat_commands, $head, $showadmin = false, $dispall = false, $width = 0.3) { global $aseco; // display full help for TMN if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN' && $dispall) { $head = "Currently supported $head commands:" . LF; if (!empty($chat_commands)) { // define admin or non-admin padding string $pad = ($showadmin ? '$f00... ' : '$f00/'); $help = ''; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; // create list of chat commands foreach ($chat_commands as $cc) { // collect either admin or non-admin commands if ($cc->isadmin == $showadmin) { $help .= $pad . $cc->name . ' $000' . $cc->help . LF; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $head . $help; $lines = 0; $help = ''; } } } // add if last batch exists if ($help != '') $player->msgs[] = $head . $help; // display popup message if (count($player->msgs) == 2) { $aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $player->login, $player->msgs[1], 'OK', '', 0); } else { // > 2 $aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $player->login, $player->msgs[1], 'Close', 'Next', 0); } } // display full help for TMF } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $dispall) { $head = "Currently supported $head commands:"; if (!empty($chat_commands)) { // define admin or non-admin padding string $pad = ($showadmin ? '$f00... ' : '$f00/'); $help = array(); $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.3, $width, 1.3 - $width), array('Icons64x64_1', 'TrackInfo', -0.01)); // create list of chat commands foreach ($chat_commands as $cc) { // collect either admin or non-admin commands if ($cc->isadmin == $showadmin) { $help[] = array($pad . $cc->name, $cc->help); if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $help; $lines = 0; $help = array(); } } } // add if last batch exists if (!empty($help)) $player->msgs[] = $help; // display ManiaLink message display_manialink_multi($player); } // show help for TMS or TMO, and plain help for TMF/TMN } else { $head = "Currently supported $head commands:" . LF; $help = $aseco->formatColors('{#interact}' . $head); foreach ($chat_commands as $cc) { // collect either admin or non-admin commands if ($cc->isadmin == $showadmin) { $help .= $cc->name . ', '; } } // show chat message $help = substr($help, 0, strlen($help) - 2); // strip trailing ", " $aseco->client->query('ChatSendToLogin', $help, $player->login); } } // showHelp /** * Map country names to 3-letter Nation abbreviations * Created by Xymph * Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IOC_country_codes * See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_IOC,_FIFA,_and_ISO_3166_country_codes */ function mapCountry($country) { $nations = array( 'Afghanistan' => 'AFG', 'Albania' => 'ALB', 'Algeria' => 'ALG', 'Andorra' => 'AND', 'Angola' => 'ANG', 'Argentina' => 'ARG', 'Armenia' => 'ARM', 'Aruba' => 'ARU', 'Australia' => 'AUS', 'Austria' => 'AUT', 'Azerbaijan' => 'AZE', 'Bahamas' => 'BAH', 'Bahrain' => 'BRN', 'Bangladesh' => 'BAN', 'Barbados' => 'BAR', 'Belarus' => 'BLR', 'Belgium' => 'BEL', 'Belize' => 'BIZ', 'Benin' => 'BEN', 'Bermuda' => 'BER', 'Bhutan' => 'BHU', 'Bolivia' => 'BOL', 'Bosnia&Herzegovina' => 'BIH', 'Botswana' => 'BOT', 'Brazil' => 'BRA', 'Brunei' => 'BRU', 'Bulgaria' => 'BUL', 'Burkina Faso' => 'BUR', 'Burundi' => 'BDI', 'Cambodia' => 'CAM', 'Cameroon' => 'CAR', // actually CMR 'Canada' => 'CAN', 'Cape Verde' => 'CPV', 'Central African Republic' => 'CAF', 'Chad' => 'CHA', 'Chile' => 'CHI', 'China' => 'CHN', 'Chinese Taipei' => 'TPE', 'Colombia' => 'COL', 'Congo' => 'CGO', 'Costa Rica' => 'CRC', 'Croatia' => 'CRO', 'Cuba' => 'CUB', 'Cyprus' => 'CYP', 'Czech Republic' => 'CZE', 'Czech republic' => 'CZE', 'DR Congo' => 'COD', 'Denmark' => 'DEN', 'Djibouti' => 'DJI', 'Dominica' => 'DMA', 'Dominican Republic' => 'DOM', 'Ecuador' => 'ECU', 'Egypt' => 'EGY', 'El Salvador' => 'ESA', 'Eritrea' => 'ERI', 'Estonia' => 'EST', 'Ethiopia' => 'ETH', 'Fiji' => 'FIJ', 'Finland' => 'FIN', 'France' => 'FRA', 'Gabon' => 'GAB', 'Gambia' => 'GAM', 'Georgia' => 'GEO', 'Germany' => 'GER', 'Ghana' => 'GHA', 'Greece' => 'GRE', 'Grenada' => 'GRN', 'Guam' => 'GUM', 'Guatemala' => 'GUA', 'Guinea' => 'GUI', 'Guinea-Bissau' => 'GBS', 'Guyana' => 'GUY', 'Haiti' => 'HAI', 'Honduras' => 'HON', 'Hong Kong' => 'HKG', 'Hungary' => 'HUN', 'Iceland' => 'ISL', 'India' => 'IND', 'Indonesia' => 'INA', 'Iran' => 'IRI', 'Iraq' => 'IRQ', 'Ireland' => 'IRL', 'Israel' => 'ISR', 'Italy' => 'ITA', 'Ivory Coast' => 'CIV', 'Jamaica' => 'JAM', 'Japan' => 'JPN', 'Jordan' => 'JOR', 'Kazakhstan' => 'KAZ', 'Kenya' => 'KEN', 'Kiribati' => 'KIR', 'Korea' => 'KOR', 'Kuwait' => 'KUW', 'Kyrgyzstan' => 'KGZ', 'Laos' => 'LAO', 'Latvia' => 'LAT', 'Lebanon' => 'LIB', 'Lesotho' => 'LES', 'Liberia' => 'LBR', 'Libya' => 'LBA', 'Liechtenstein' => 'LIE', 'Lithuania' => 'LTU', 'Luxembourg' => 'LUX', 'Macedonia' => 'MKD', 'Malawi' => 'MAW', 'Malaysia' => 'MAS', 'Mali' => 'MLI', 'Malta' => 'MLT', 'Mauritania' => 'MTN', 'Mauritius' => 'MRI', 'Mexico' => 'MEX', 'Moldova' => 'MDA', 'Monaco' => 'MON', 'Mongolia' => 'MGL', 'Montenegro' => 'MNE', 'Morocco' => 'MAR', 'Mozambique' => 'MOZ', 'Myanmar' => 'MYA', 'Namibia' => 'NAM', 'Nauru' => 'NRU', 'Nepal' => 'NEP', 'Netherlands' => 'NED', 'New Zealand' => 'NZL', 'Nicaragua' => 'NCA', 'Niger' => 'NIG', 'Nigeria' => 'NGR', 'Norway' => 'NOR', 'Oman' => 'OMA', 'Other Countries' => 'OTH', 'Pakistan' => 'PAK', 'Palau' => 'PLW', 'Palestine' => 'PLE', 'Panama' => 'PAN', 'Paraguay' => 'PAR', 'Peru' => 'PER', 'Philippines' => 'PHI', 'Poland' => 'POL', 'Portugal' => 'POR', 'Puerto Rico' => 'PUR', 'Qatar' => 'QAT', 'Romania' => 'ROM', // actually ROU 'Russia' => 'RUS', 'Rwanda' => 'RWA', 'Samoa' => 'SAM', 'San Marino' => 'SMR', 'Saudi Arabia' => 'KSA', 'Senegal' => 'SEN', 'Serbia' => 'SCG', // actually SRB 'Sierra Leone' => 'SLE', 'Singapore' => 'SIN', 'Slovakia' => 'SVK', 'Slovenia' => 'SLO', 'Somalia' => 'SOM', 'South Africa' => 'RSA', 'Spain' => 'ESP', 'Sri Lanka' => 'SRI', 'Sudan' => 'SUD', 'Suriname' => 'SUR', 'Swaziland' => 'SWZ', 'Sweden' => 'SWE', 'Switzerland' => 'SUI', 'Syria' => 'SYR', 'Taiwan' => 'TWN', 'Tajikistan' => 'TJK', 'Tanzania' => 'TAN', 'Thailand' => 'THA', 'Togo' => 'TOG', 'Tonga' => 'TGA', 'Trinidad and Tobago' => 'TRI', 'Tunisia' => 'TUN', 'Turkey' => 'TUR', 'Turkmenistan' => 'TKM', 'Tuvalu' => 'TUV', 'Uganda' => 'UGA', 'Ukraine' => 'UKR', 'United Arab Emirates' => 'UAE', 'United Kingdom' => 'GBR', 'United States of America' => 'USA', 'Uruguay' => 'URU', 'Uzbekistan' => 'UZB', 'Vanuatu' => 'VAN', 'Venezuela' => 'VEN', 'Vietnam' => 'VIE', 'Yemen' => 'YEM', 'Zambia' => 'ZAM', 'Zimbabwe' => 'ZIM', ); if (array_key_exists($country, $nations)) { $nation = $nations[$country]; } else { $nation = 'OTH'; if ($country != '') trigger_error('Could not map country: ' . $country, E_USER_WARNING); } return $nation; } // mapCountry /** * Find TMX data for the given track * Created by Xymph */ require_once('includes/tmxinfofetcher.inc.php'); // provides access to TMX info function findTMXdata($uid, $envir, $exever, $records = false) { // determine likely search order if ($envir == 'Stadium') { // check for old TMN if (strcmp($exever, '') < 0) $sections = array('TMN', 'TMNF', 'TMU'); // check for new TMF elseif (strcmp($exever, '2.11.0') >= 0) $sections = array('TMNF', 'TMU'); else $sections = array('TMU'); // TMNF section opened after TMF beta } elseif ($envir == 'Bay' || $envir == 'Coast' || $envir == 'Island') { // check for old TMS if (strcmp($exever, '') <= 0) $sections = array('TMS', 'TMU'); else $sections = array('TMU'); // TMS section closed after TMU release } else { // $envir == 'Alpine' || 'Snow' || 'Desert' || 'Speed' || 'Rally' // check for old TMO if (strcmp($exever, '') <= 0) $sections = array('TMO', 'TMU'); else $sections = array('TMU'); // TMO section closed after TMU release } // search TMX for track foreach ($sections as $section) { $tmxdata = new TMXInfoFetcher($section, $uid, $records); if ($tmxdata->name) { return $tmxdata; } } return false; } // findTMXdata /** * Simple HTTP Get function with timeout * ok: return string || error: return false || timeout: return -1 * if $openonly == true, don't read data but return true upon connect */ function http_get_file($url, $openonly = false) { global $aseco; $url = parse_url($url); $port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : 80; $query = isset($url['query']) ? '?' . $url['query'] : ''; $fp = @fsockopen($url['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 4); if (!$fp) return false; if ($openonly) { fclose($fp); return true; } $uri = ''; foreach (explode('/', $url['path']) as $subpath) $uri .= rawurlencode($subpath) . '/'; $uri = substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri)-1); // strip trailing '/' fwrite($fp, 'GET ' . $uri . $query . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" . 'Host: ' . $url['host'] . "\r\n" . 'User-Agent: XASECO-' . XASECO_VERSION . ' (' . PHP_OS . '; ' . $aseco->server->game . ")\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 2); $res = ''; $info['timed_out'] = false; while (!feof($fp) && !$info['timed_out']) { $res .= fread($fp, 512); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); } fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { return -1; } else { if (substr($res, 9, 3) != '200') return false; $page = explode("\r\n\r\n", $res, 2); return $page[1]; } } // http_get_file /** * Return valid UTF-8 string, replacing faulty byte values with a given string * Created by (OoR-F)~fuckfish (fish@stabb.de) * http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=117639#p117639 * Based on the original tm_substr function by Slig (slig@free.fr) * Updated by Xymph; More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 */ function validateUTF8String($input, $invalidRepl = '') { $str = (string) $input; $len = strlen($str); // byte string length $pos = 0; // current byte pos in string $new = ''; while ($pos < $len) { $co = ord($str[$pos]); // 4-6 bytes UTF8 => unsupported if ($co >= 240) { // bad multibyte char $new .= $invalidRepl; $pos++; // 3 bytes UTF8 => 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb } elseif ($co >= 224) { if (($pos+2 < $len) && (ord($str[$pos+1]) >= 128 && ord($str[$pos+1]) < 192) && (ord($str[$pos+2]) >= 128 && ord($str[$pos+2]) < 192)) { // ok, it was 1 character, increase counters $new .= substr($str, $pos, 3); $pos += 3; } else { // bad multibyte char $new .= $invalidRepl; $pos++; } // 2 bytes UTF8 => 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb } elseif ($co >= 194) { if (($pos+1 < $len) && (ord($str[$pos+1]) >= 128 && ord($str[$pos+1]) < 192)) { // ok, it was 1 character, increase counters $new .= substr($str, $pos, 2); $pos += 2; } else { // bad multibyte char $new .= $invalidRepl; $pos++; } // 2 bytes overlong encoding => unsupported } elseif ($co >= 192) { // bad multibyte char 1100000b $new .= $invalidRepl; $pos++; // 1 byte ASCII => 0bbbbbbb, or invalid => 10bbbbbb or 11111bbb } else { // $co < 192 // erroneous middle multibyte char? if ($co >= 128 || $co == 0) $new .= $invalidRepl; else $new .= $str[$pos]; $pos++; } } return $new; } // validateUTF8String /** * Convert php.ini memory shorthand string to integer bytes * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ini-get.php#96996 */ function shorthand2bytes($size_str) { switch (substr($size_str, -1)) { case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$size_str * 1048576; case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$size_str * 1024; case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$size_str * 1073741824; default: return (int)$size_str; } } // return_bytes /** * Convert boolean value to text string */ function bool2text($boolval) { if ($boolval) return 'True'; else return 'False'; } // bool2text ?>