Panels ====== This directory holds Admin, Donate, Records and Vote panel templates, managed by plugin.panels.php. Templates define the complete ManiaLink panel with position, size and fonts, so you have full control to develop custom panels. To create a new template, copy an existing one to a new filename and edit that, as the existing set will be overwritten in future releases. Use ManiaLink and webpage to select styles and fonts. Note that not every (sub)style and font fits everywhere due to size variations. New Admin templates must stick to manialink id="3" and preserve action="21" through action="27" for the buttons. New Donate templates must stick to manialink id="6" and preserve action="30" through action="36" for the buttons. New Record templates must stick to manialink id="4" and preserve the mapping of text="%PB%" to action="7", "%LCL%" to "8", "%DED%" to "9" and "%TMX%" to "10". New Vote templates must stick to manialink id="5" and preserve action="18" for the Yes button and action="19" for the No button. If you create a nice template for any panel that's sufficiently distinct from the standard ones, send it to me and I might include it in the next XAseco release. :) Xymph