1, // endround 1 => 2, // ladder 2 => 3, // replay 3 => 2, // skip 4 => 3, // kick 5 => 3, // add 6 => 3, // ignore ); // set to true to show a vote reminder at each of those rounds $r_show_reminder = true; // maximum number of seconds before a vote expires $ta_expire_limit = array( // seconds 0 => 0, // endround, N/A 1 => 90, // ladder 2 => 120, // replay 3 => 90, // skip 4 => 120, // kick 5 => 120, // add 6 => 120, // ignore ); // set to true to show a vote reminder at an (approx.) interval $ta_show_reminder = true; // interval length at which to (approx.) repeat reminder $ta_show_interval = 30; // seconds // check for active voting system if ($feature_votes) { // disable CallVotes $aseco->client->query('SetCallVoteRatio', 1.0); // really disable all CallVotes on TMF if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $ratios = array(array('Command' => '*', 'Ratio' => -1.0)); $aseco->client->query('SetCallVoteRatios', $ratios); } // if 2, the voting explanation is sent to all players when one // new player joins; use this during an introduction period // if 1, the voting explanation is only sent to the new player // upon joining // if 0, no explanations are sent at all $global_explain = 2; // define the vote ratios for all types $vote_ratios = array( 0 => 0.4, // endround 1 => 0.5, // ladder 2 => 0.6, // replay 3 => 0.6, // skip 4 => 0.7, // kick 5 => 1.0, // add - ignored, defined by $tmxvoteratio 6 => 0.6, // ignore ); // divert vote messages to TMF message window? $vote_in_window = false; // disable voting commands while an admin (any tier) is online? $disable_upon_admin = false; // disable voting commands during scoreboard at end of track? $disable_while_sb = true; // allow kicks & allow user to kick-vote any admin? $allow_kickvotes = true; $allow_admin_kick = false; // allow ignores & allow user to ignore-vote any admin? $allow_ignorevotes = true; $allow_admin_ignore = false; // maximum number of these votes per track; set to 0 to disable a // vote type, or to some really high number for unlimited votes $max_laddervotes = 2; $max_replayvotes = 2; $max_skipvotes = 2; // limit the number of times a track can be /replay-ed; 0 = unlimited $replays_limit = 0; // if true, does restart via quick ChallengeRestart // this is what most users are accustomed to, but it stops // a track's music (if in use) // if false, does restart via jukebox prepend & NextChallenge // this takes longer and may confuse users into thinking // the restart is actually loading the next track, but // it insures music resumes playing $ladder_fast_restart = true; // enable Rounds points limits? use this to restrict the use of the // track-related votes if the _first_ player already has reached a // specific percentage of the server's Rounds points limit $r_points_limits = true; // percentage of Rounds points limit _after_ which /ladder is disabled $r_ladder_max = 0.4; // percentage of Rounds points limit _before_ which /replay is disabled $r_replay_min = 0.5; // percentage of Rounds points limit _after_ which /skip is disabled $r_skip_max = 0.5; // enable Time Attack time limits? use this to restrict the use of the // track-related votes if the current track is already _running_ for a // specific percentage of the server's TA time limit // this requires function time_playing() from plugin.track.php $ta_time_limits = true; // percentage of TA time limit _after_ which /ladder is disabled $ta_ladder_max = 0.4; // percentage of TA time limit _before_ which /replay is disabled $ta_replay_min = 0.5; // percentage of TA time limit _after_ which /skip is disabled $ta_skip_max = 0.5; // no restrictions in other modes } ?>