Command line options

Dedicated server:

/dedicated_cfg=xxx Specify a configuration file "dedicated_cfg.txt" to use. (xxx = name of the file in GameData/Config/)
/game_settings=xxx Specify a match settings file to use. (xxx = absolute file name or relative to GameData/Tracks/)
/login=xxx Account login to be used to play online.
/password=xxx Account password
/servername=xxx Name of the server to create.
/serverpassword=xxx Makes the server private for players, xxx is the password to use.
/lan Must be specified to join or create a LAN game (that is, not an internet server)
/forceip=xxx(:xx) Forces the public ip address to this value. optionally with a port as well.
/bindip=xxx(:xx) Chooses the ip to bind to, and sets the public ip to this value. (you still can use /forceip to chose a different public ip). This is used when the machine has several network interfaces.
/join=xxx Joins a server, to make a relay server. (xxx = the server ip adress with optional port, or the server login.)
/joinpassword=xxx Password to use to join the remote server if the server is private.
/loadcache Loads the "checksum.txt" instead of recomputing it, to speed up first launch time if P2P is enabled. *DO NOT USE* if you run several servers in the same directory!
/nologs Disables the creation of "GameLog.txt" and "ConsoleLog.txt" in Logs/ directory.
/noautoquit Keeps the server running "waiting for rpc commands", even if it is not live (with a map loaded and ready to receive players). The default behaviour is to quit, because this situation is mostly caused by configuration errors.
/nodaemon (linux) Doesn't detach the process.
/verbose_rpc_full (Debug option) Display the whole contents of the xml-rpc requests the dedicated server receives.
/verbose_rpc (Debug option) Displays the xml-rpc requests the dedicated server receives, but only the name of the XmlRpc? command and some parameters.

Note: the command line settings when present override the values from the configuration file.

example: TrackManiaServer.exe /dedicated_cfg=dedicated_cfg.txt /game_settings=MatchSettings/Nations/NationsGreen.txt

Game client:

/login=xxx Account login to be used to play online.
/password=xxx Account password
/profile=xxx Forces using a specific profile on disk. (to avoid the profile choice dialog)
/validation=xxx Specifies the account validation key (the last three chracters of the player key) to be able to perform copper transactions.
/nickname=xxx Sets the player's nickname. (If not specified, the nickname used is the one stored in the online account.)
/team=xxx Sets the default player team. ("red" or "0" / "blue" or "1")
/join=xxx Joins a server. (xxx = the server ip adress with optional port, or the server login.)
/spectate=xxx Same as /join, but join as spectator.
/joinasreferee=xxx Same as /join, but join as referee. The referee log will be in "My Documents/TmUnited/RefereeLog.txt".
/serverpassword=xxx Password to use to join the server if the server is private.
/silent Skips news, etc... to allow joining a server without any user interaction
/file=xxx Opens a Replay.Gbx or a Challenge.Gbx file. (xxx = full path to the file.)
/url=xxx Opens a tmtp:// url with the game.
/shootvideo=xxx Shoots a replay to a video file. (xxx = replay file. aboslute file name or relative to Tracks/Replays/).
/validatepath=xxx Mass validates all the replays in a directory (xxx = name relative to Tracks/Replays/). The results will be in "My Documents/TmUnited/ValidateLog.txt".
/windowless Disable creation of the 3D viewport. (useful for batch processing with /validatepath, for instance)
/list_benchs=xxx Benchmarks a list of replays. (xxx = name of a text file containing the replays file names.)
/bench=xxx Benchmarks a replay (xxx = replay file name) (Internal: if no filename is specified, performs a quick technical benchmark for the default launcher settings)
/out=xxx Output filename for the bench results.
/computeallshadows Computes the lightmaps for all the challenges on disk.
/singleinst Try to send the command to an already running instance of the program instead of creating a new one.
/config=xxx Use a specific ".SystemConfig.Gbx" config file.
/ini=xxx Use a specific ".ini" config file.
/userdir=xxx Changes the default "My Documents/TmUnited/" location. (either a full path, or just "exe" to use the exe directory.)
/useexedir Run in the directory where the executable is, instead of the current directory.
/noscancache Disables the use of the launch time scan cache, forces re-reading of directory entries from the disk.
/title Changes the window title.

If any of /login, /password, /serverpassword is missing, the game will ask them to the player.

TMTP options:

tmtp://#addbuddy=login Allow you to add a buddy in your game from an external link
tmtp://#addfavourite=serverlogin Alows you to add a server to your favorites list from an external link
tmtp://#invitebuddy=login allows you to invite a buddy to be added to your buddy list
tmtp://#join=serverlogin Join a specific server as player
tmtp://#joinasreferee=serverlogin Join a specific server as referee
tmtp://#spectate=serverlogin logs you into a server as spectator from an external link
tmtp://#score=scoremeta (generated by the game) Link is generated in game to send scores that one can challange on another computer
tmtp://url or tmp://:manialink Display a page in the manialink browser.



/configmode Don't run the game when exiting the launcher. (can be useful with /silent, to create initialize the system config without running the game afterwards)
/silent Don't show the dialog boxes.
/userdir=xxx Same as the game.
/ini=xxx Same as the game.
/useexedir Same as the game.

Note: All the parameters on the launcher command line are also passed through to the game.