<?php /* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */ /** * Jfreu's plugin 0.13d * Configuration settings. * This file is included by jfreu.plugin.php or jfreu.lite.php, so don't * list it in plugins.xml! * Updated by Xymph */ //-> paths to config, vip/vip_team & bans files $conf_file = 'plugins/jfreu/jfreu.config.xml'; $vips_file = 'plugins/jfreu/jfreu.vips.xml'; $bans_file = 'plugins/jfreu/jfreu.bans.xml'; //-> Server's base name: (ex: '$000Jfreu') // Max. length: 26 chars (incl. colors & tags, and optional "TopXXX") $servername = 'YOUR SERVER NAME'; //-> Word between the servername and the limit (usually " Top") $top = ' $449TOP'; //-> Change the servername when the limit changes: "Servername TopXXX" (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $autochangename = 0; //-> ranklimit: ranklimiting default state (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $ranklimit = 0; //-> limit: ranklimit default value (when autorank is OFF) $limit = 500000; //-> spec ranklimit $hardlimit = 1000000; //-> autorank: autorank default state (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $autorank = 0; //-> offset (average + offset = Auto-RankLimit) $offset = 999; //-> autorankminplayers (autorank disabled when not enough players) $autorankminplayers = 10; //-> autorankvip: include VIP/unSpec in autorank calculation (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $autorankvip = 0; //-> kick hirank when server is full and new player arrives (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $kickhirank = 0; //-> maxplayers value for kickhirank (must be less than server's <max_players>) $maxplayers = 20; //-> allow user /unspec vote (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $unspecvote = 1; //-> player join/leave messages $player_join = '{#server}>> {1}: {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} Nation: {#highlite}{3}{#message} Ladder: {#highlite}{4}'; $player_joins = '{#server}>> {1}: {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#message} Nation: {#highlite}{3}{#message} Ladder: {#highlite}{4}{#message} Server: {#highlite}{5}'; $player_left = '{#server}>> {#highlite}{1}$z$s{#message} has left the game. Played: {#highlite}{2}'; //-> random info messages at the end of the race (0 = OFF, 1 = in chat, 2 = in TMF message window) $infomessages = 1; //-> prefix for info messages $message_start = '$z$s$ff0>> [$f00INFO$ff0] $fff'; //-> random information messages (if you add a message don't forget to change the number) (999 messages max :-P) // $message1 = 'Jfreu\'s plugin: "http://reload.servegame.com/plugin/"'; $message1 = 'Information about and download of this XASECO on ' . XASECO_TMN; $message2 = 'Use "/list" -> "/jukebox ##" to add a track in the jukebox.'; $message3 = 'Please don\'t sound your horn throughout the entire track.'; $message4 = 'When going AFK, please set your car to Spectator mode.'; $message5 = 'Don\'t use Enter to skip intros - instead use Space & Enter'; $message6 = 'For player & server info use the "/stats" and "/server" commands.'; $message7 = 'Looking for the name of this server? Use the "/server" command.'; $message8 = 'Use "/list nofinish" to find tracks you haven\'t completed yet, then /jukebox them!'; $message9 = 'Use "/list norank" to find tracks you aren\'t ranked on, then /jukebox them!'; $message10 = 'Can you beat the Gold time on all tracks? Use "/list nogold" to find out!'; $message11 = 'Can you beat the Author time on all tracks? Use "/list noauthor" to find out!'; $message12 = 'Wondering which tracks you haven\'t played recently? Use "/list norecent" to find out!'; $message13 = 'Use the "/best" & "/worst" commands to find your best and worst records!'; $message14 = 'Use the "/clans" & "/topclans" commands to see clan members and ranks!'; $message15 = 'Use the "/ranks" commands to see the server ranks of all online players!'; $message16 = 'Who is the most victorious player? Use "/topwins" to find out!'; $message17 = 'Who has the most ranked records? Use "/toprecs" to find out!'; $message18 = 'Wondering what tracks were played recently? Use the "/history" command.'; $message19 = 'Looking for the next better ranked record to beat? Use "/nextrec"!'; $message20 = 'Find the difference between your personal best and the track record with the "/diffrec" command!'; $message21 = 'Check how many records were driven on the current track with the "/newrecs" command!'; $message22 = 'Check how many records, and the 3 best ones, you have with the "/summary" command!'; $message23 = 'Who has the most top-3 ranked records? Use "/topsums" to find out!'; $message24 = 'Jukeboxed the wrong track? Use "/jukebox drop" to remove it!'; $message25 = 'Forgot what someone said? Use "/chatlog" to check the chat history!'; $message26 = 'Forgot what someone pm-ed you? Use "/pmlog" to check your PM history!'; $message27 = 'Looking for the next better ranked player to beat? Use "/nextrank"!'; $message28 = 'Use "/list newest <#>" to find the newest tracks added to the server, then /jukebox them!'; $message29 = 'Find the longest and shortest tracks with the "/list longest / shortest" commands!'; $message30 = 'Use "/mute" and "/unmute" to mute / unmute other players, and "/mutelist" to list them!'; $message31 = 'Wondering when a player was last online? Use "/laston <login>" to find out!'; $message32 = 'Looking for any player\'s world stats? Use the "/statsall <login>" command!'; $message33 = 'Use checkpoints tracking in Rounds/Team/Cup modes with the "/cps" command!'; $message34 = 'Find the TMX info & records for a track with the "/tmxinfo" & "/tmxrecs" commands!'; $message35 = 'Looking for the name of the current track\'s song? Use the "/song" command!'; $message36 = 'Looking for the name of the current track\'s mod? Use the "/mod" command!'; $message37 = 'Use the "/style" command to select your personal window style!'; $message38 = 'Use the "/recpanel" command to select your personal records panel!'; $message39 = 'Use the "/votepanel" command to select your personal vote panel!'; $message40 = 'Find out all about the Dedimania world records system with "/helpdedi"!'; $message41 = 'Check out the XASECO[2] site at ' . XASECO_ORG . ' !'; global $feature_votes; if ($feature_votes) { $message42 = 'Find out all about the chat-based voting commands with "/helpvote"!'; } if (function_exists('send_window_message')) { $message43 = 'Missed a system message? Use "/msglog" to check the message history!'; } //-> Badwords checking (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $badwords = 0; //-> Badwords banning (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $badwordsban = 0; //-> Number of badwords allowed $badwordsnum = 3; //-> Banning period (minutes) $badwordstime = 10; //-> Badwords to check for $badwordslist = array( 'putain','ptain','klote','kIote','kanker','kenker', 'arschl','wichs','fick','fikk','salop','siktirgit','gvd', 'hitler','nutte','dick','cock','faitchier','bordel','shit', 'encul','sucks','a.q','conerie','scheise','scheiße','scheis', 'baskasole','cocugu','kodugumun','cazo','hoer','bitch', 'penis','fotze','maul','frese','pizda','gay','fuck','tyfus', 'sugi','cacat','pisat','labagiu','gaozar','muist','orospu', 'pédé','cunt','godve','godfe','kut','kudt','lul','iui'); //-> novote (auto-cancel votes) (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) $novote = 0; ?>