* * Re-authored & copyright May 2007 - Jul 2013 by Xymph * * Visit the official site at http://www.xaseco.org/ */ /** * Include required classes */ require_once('includes/types.inc.php'); // contains classes to store information require_once('includes/basic.inc.php'); // contains standard functions require_once('includes/GbxRemote.inc.php'); // needed for dedicated server connections require_once('includes/xmlparser.inc.php'); // provides an XML parser require_once('includes/gbxdatafetcher.inc.php'); // provides access to GBX data require_once('includes/tmndatafetcher.inc.php'); // provides access to TMN world stats require_once('includes/rasp.settings.php'); // specific to the RASP plugins /** * Runtime configuration definitions */ // add abbreviations for some chat commands? // /admin -> /ad, /jukebox -> /jb, /autojuke -> /aj define('ABBREV_COMMANDS', false); // disable local & Dedi record relations commands from help lists? define('INHIBIT_RECCMDS', false); // separate logs by month in logs/ dir? define('MONTHLY_LOGSDIR', false); // keep UTF-8 encoding in config.xml? define('CONFIG_UTF8ENCODE', false); /** * System definitions - no changes below this point */ // current project version define('XASECO_VERSION', '1.16'); define('XASECO_TMN', 'http://www.gamers.org/tmn/'); define('XASECO_TMF', 'http://www.gamers.org/tmf/'); define('XASECO_TM2', 'http://www.gamers.org/tm2/'); define('XASECO_ORG', 'http://www.xaseco.org/'); // required official dedicated server builds define('TMN_BUILD', '2006-05-30'); define('TMF_BUILD', '2011-02-21'); // check current operating system if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { // on Win32/NT use: define('CRLF', "\r\n"); } else { // on Unix use: define('CRLF', "\n"); } if (!defined('LF')) { define('LF', "\n"); } /** * Error function * Report errors in a regular way. */ set_error_handler('displayError'); function displayError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $aseco; // check for error suppression if (error_reporting() == 0) return; switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: $message = "[XASECO Fatal Error] $errstr on line $errline in file $errfile" . CRLF; echo $message; doLog($message); // throw 'shutting down' event $aseco->releaseEvent('onShutdown', null); // clear all ManiaLinks $aseco->client->query('SendHideManialinkPage'); if (function_exists('xdebug_get_function_stack')) doLog(print_r(xdebug_get_function_stack()), true); die(); break; case E_USER_WARNING: $message = "[XASECO Warning] $errstr" . CRLF; echo $message; doLog($message); break; case E_ERROR: $message = "[PHP Error] $errstr on line $errline in file $errfile" . CRLF; echo $message; doLog($message); break; case E_WARNING: $message = "[PHP Warning] $errstr on line $errline in file $errfile" . CRLF; echo $message; doLog($message); break; default: if (strpos($errstr, 'Function call_user_method') !== false) break; //$message = "[PHP $errno] $errstr on line $errline in file $errfile" . CRLF; //echo $message; //doLog($message); // do nothing, only treat known errors } } // displayError /** * Here XASECO actually starts. */ class Aseco { /** * Public fields */ var $client; var $xml_parser; var $script_timeout; var $debug; var $server; var $command; var $events; var $rpc_calls; var $rpc_responses; var $chat_commands; var $chat_colors; var $chat_messages; var $plugins; var $settings; var $style; var $panels; var $statspanel; var $titles; var $masteradmin_list; var $admin_list; var $adm_abilities; var $operator_list; var $op_abilities; var $bannedips; var $startup_phase; // XAseco start-up phase var $warmup_phase; // warm-up phase var $restarting; // restarting challenge (0 = not, 1 = instant, 2 = chattime) var $changingmode; // changing game mode var $currstatus; // server status changes var $prevstatus; var $currsecond; // server time changes var $prevsecond; var $uptime; // XAseco start-up time /** * Initializes the server. */ function Aseco($debug) { global $maxrecs; // from rasp.settings.php echo '# initialize XASECO ###########################################################' . CRLF; // log php & mysql version info $this->console_text('[XAseco] PHP Version is ' . phpversion() . ' on ' . PHP_OS); // initialize $this->uptime = time(); $this->chat_commands = array(); $this->debug = $debug; $this->client = new IXR_ClientMulticall_Gbx(); $this->xml_parser = new Examsly(); $this->server = new Server('', 5000, 'SuperAdmin', 'SuperAdmin'); $this->server->challenge = new Challenge(); $this->server->players = new PlayerList(); $this->server->records = new RecordList($maxrecs); $this->server->mutelist = array(); $this->plugins = array(); $this->titles = array(); $this->masteradmin_list = array(); $this->admin_list = array(); $this->adm_abilities = array(); $this->operator_list = array(); $this->op_abilities = array(); $this->bannedips = array(); $this->startup_phase = true; $this->warmup_phase = false; $this->restarting = 0; $this->changingmode = false; $this->currstatus = 0; } // Aseco /** * Load settings and apply them on the current instance. */ function loadSettings($config_file) { if ($settings = $this->xml_parser->parseXml($config_file, true, CONFIG_UTF8ENCODE)) { // read the XML structure into an array $aseco = $settings['SETTINGS']['ASECO'][0]; // read settings and apply them $this->chat_colors = $aseco['COLORS'][0]; $this->chat_messages = $aseco['MESSAGES'][0]; $this->masteradmin_list = $aseco['MASTERADMINS'][0]; if (!isset($this->masteradmin_list) || !is_array($this->masteradmin_list)) trigger_error('No MasterAdmin(s) configured in config.xml!', E_USER_ERROR); // check masteradmin list consistency if (empty($this->masteradmin_list['IPADDRESS'])) { // fill list to same length as list if (($cnt = count($this->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN'])) > 0) $this->masteradmin_list['IPADDRESS'] = array_fill(0, $cnt, ''); } else { if (count($this->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN']) != count($this->masteradmin_list['IPADDRESS'])) trigger_error("MasterAdmin mismatch between 's and 's!", E_USER_WARNING); } // set admin lock password $this->settings['lock_password'] = $aseco['LOCK_PASSWORD'][0]; // set cheater action $this->settings['cheater_action'] = $aseco['CHEATER_ACTION'][0]; // set script timeout $this->settings['script_timeout'] = $aseco['SCRIPT_TIMEOUT'][0]; // set minimum number of records to be displayed $this->settings['show_min_recs'] = $aseco['SHOW_MIN_RECS'][0]; // show records before start of track? $this->settings['show_recs_before'] = $aseco['SHOW_RECS_BEFORE'][0]; // show records after end of track? $this->settings['show_recs_after'] = $aseco['SHOW_RECS_AFTER'][0]; // show TMX world record? $this->settings['show_tmxrec'] = $aseco['SHOW_TMXREC'][0]; // show played time at end of track? $this->settings['show_playtime'] = $aseco['SHOW_PLAYTIME'][0]; // show current track at start of track? $this->settings['show_curtrack'] = $aseco['SHOW_CURTRACK'][0]; // set default filename for readtracklist/writetracklist $this->settings['default_tracklist'] = $aseco['DEFAULT_TRACKLIST'][0]; // set minimum number of ranked players in a clan to be included in /topclans $this->settings['topclans_minplayers'] = $aseco['TOPCLANS_MINPLAYERS'][0]; // set multiple of win count to show global congrats message $this->settings['global_win_multiple'] = ($aseco['GLOBAL_WIN_MULTIPLE'][0] > 0 ? $aseco['GLOBAL_WIN_MULTIPLE'][0] : 1); // timeout of the TMF message window in seconds $this->settings['window_timeout'] = $aseco['WINDOW_TIMEOUT'][0]; // set filename of admin/operator/ability lists file $this->settings['adminops_file'] = $aseco['ADMINOPS_FILE'][0]; // set filename of banned IPs list file $this->settings['bannedips_file'] = $aseco['BANNEDIPS_FILE'][0]; // set filename of blacklist file $this->settings['blacklist_file'] = $aseco['BLACKLIST_FILE'][0]; // set filename of guestlist file $this->settings['guestlist_file'] = $aseco['GUESTLIST_FILE'][0]; // set filename of track history file $this->settings['trackhist_file'] = $aseco['TRACKHIST_FILE'][0]; // set minimum admin client version $this->settings['admin_client'] = $aseco['ADMIN_CLIENT_VERSION'][0]; // set minimum player client version $this->settings['player_client'] = $aseco['PLAYER_CLIENT_VERSION'][0]; // set default rounds points system $this->settings['default_rpoints'] = $aseco['DEFAULT_RPOINTS'][0]; // set windows style (none = old TMN style) $this->settings['window_style'] = $aseco['WINDOW_STYLE'][0]; // set admin panel (none = no panel) $this->settings['admin_panel'] = $aseco['ADMIN_PANEL'][0]; // set donate panel (none = no panel) $this->settings['donate_panel'] = $aseco['DONATE_PANEL'][0]; // set records panel (none = no panel) $this->settings['records_panel'] = $aseco['RECORDS_PANEL'][0]; // set vote panel (none = no panel) $this->settings['vote_panel'] = $aseco['VOTE_PANEL'][0]; // display welcome message as window ? if (strtoupper($aseco['WELCOME_MSG_WINDOW'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['welcome_msg_window'] = true; } else { $this->settings['welcome_msg_window'] = false; } // log all chat, not just chat commands ? if (strtoupper($aseco['LOG_ALL_CHAT'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['log_all_chat'] = true; } else { $this->settings['log_all_chat'] = false; } // show timestamps in /chatlog, /pmlog & /admin pmlog ? if (strtoupper($aseco['CHATPMLOG_TIMES'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['chatpmlog_times'] = true; } else { $this->settings['chatpmlog_times'] = false; } // show records range? if (strtoupper($aseco['SHOW_RECS_RANGE'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['show_recs_range'] = true; } else { $this->settings['show_recs_range'] = false; } // show records in message window? if (strtoupper($aseco['RECS_IN_WINDOW'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['recs_in_window'] = true; } else { $this->settings['recs_in_window'] = false; } // show round reports in message window? if (strtoupper($aseco['ROUNDS_IN_WINDOW'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['rounds_in_window'] = true; } else { $this->settings['rounds_in_window'] = false; } // add random filter to /admin writetracklist output if (strtoupper($aseco['WRITETRACKLIST_RANDOM'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['writetracklist_random'] = true; } else { $this->settings['writetracklist_random'] = false; } // add explanation to /help output if (strtoupper($aseco['HELP_EXPLANATION'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['help_explanation'] = true; } else { $this->settings['help_explanation'] = false; } // color nicknames in the various /top... etc lists? if (strtoupper($aseco['LISTS_COLORNICKS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['lists_colornicks'] = true; } else { $this->settings['lists_colornicks'] = false; } // color tracknames in the various /lists... lists? if (strtoupper($aseco['LISTS_COLORTRACKS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['lists_colortracks'] = true; } else { $this->settings['lists_colortracks'] = false; } // display checkpoints panel (TMF) or pop-up (TMN)? if (strtoupper($aseco['DISPLAY_CHECKPOINTS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['display_checkpoints'] = true; } else { $this->settings['display_checkpoints'] = false; } // enable /cpsspec command (TMF-only)? if (strtoupper($aseco['ENABLE_CPSSPEC'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['enable_cpsspec'] = true; } else { $this->settings['enable_cpsspec'] = false; } // automatically enable /cps for new players? if (strtoupper($aseco['AUTO_ENABLE_CPS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['auto_enable_cps'] = true; } else { $this->settings['auto_enable_cps'] = false; } // automatically enable /dedicps for new players? if (strtoupper($aseco['AUTO_ENABLE_DEDICPS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['auto_enable_dedicps'] = true; } else { $this->settings['auto_enable_dedicps'] = false; } // automatically add IP for new admins/operators? if (strtoupper($aseco['AUTO_ADMIN_ADDIP'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['auto_admin_addip'] = true; } else { $this->settings['auto_admin_addip'] = false; } // automatically force spectator on player using /afk ? if (strtoupper($aseco['AFK_FORCE_SPEC'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['afk_force_spec'] = true; } else { $this->settings['afk_force_spec'] = false; } // provide clickable buttons in TMF lists? if (strtoupper($aseco['CLICKABLE_LISTS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['clickable_lists'] = true; } else { $this->settings['clickable_lists'] = false; } // show logins in /recs on TMF? if (strtoupper($aseco['SHOW_REC_LOGINS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['show_rec_logins'] = true; } else { $this->settings['show_rec_logins'] = false; } // display individual stats panels at TMF scoreboard? if (strtoupper($aseco['SB_STATS_PANELS'][0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->settings['sb_stats_panels'] = true; } else { $this->settings['sb_stats_panels'] = false; } // read the XML structure into an array $tmserver = $settings['SETTINGS']['TMSERVER'][0]; // read settings and apply them $this->server->login = $tmserver['LOGIN'][0]; $this->server->pass = $tmserver['PASSWORD'][0]; $this->server->port = $tmserver['PORT'][0]; $this->server->ip = $tmserver['IP'][0]; if (isset($tmserver['TIMEOUT'][0])) { $this->server->timeout = (int)$tmserver['TIMEOUT'][0]; } else { $this->server->timeout = null; trigger_error('Server init timeout not specified in config.xml !', E_USER_WARNING); } $this->style = array(); $this->panels = array(); $this->panels['admin'] = ''; $this->panels['donate'] = ''; $this->panels['records'] = ''; $this->panels['vote'] = ''; if ($this->settings['admin_client'] != '' && preg_match('/^2\.11\.[12][0-9]$/', $this->settings['admin_client']) != 1 || $this->settings['admin_client'] == '2.11.10') trigger_error('Invalid admin client version : ' . $this->settings['admin_client'] . ' !', E_USER_ERROR); if ($this->settings['player_client'] != '' && preg_match('/^2\.11\.[12][0-9]$/', $this->settings['player_client']) != 1 || $this->settings['player_client'] == '2.11.10') trigger_error('Invalid player client version: ' . $this->settings['player_client'] . ' !', E_USER_ERROR); } else { // could not parse XML file trigger_error('Could not read/parse config file ' . $config_file . ' !', E_USER_ERROR); } } // loadSettings /** * Read Admin/Operator/Ability lists and apply them on the current instance. */ function readLists() { // get lists file name $adminops_file = $this->settings['adminops_file']; if ($lists = $this->xml_parser->parseXml($adminops_file, true, true)) { // read the XML structure into arrays $this->titles = $lists['LISTS']['TITLES'][0]; if (is_array($lists['LISTS']['ADMINS'][0])) { $this->admin_list = $lists['LISTS']['ADMINS'][0]; // check admin list consistency if (empty($this->admin_list['IPADDRESS'])) { // fill list to same length as list if (($cnt = count($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'])) > 0) $this->admin_list['IPADDRESS'] = array_fill(0, $cnt, ''); } else { if (count($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN']) != count($this->admin_list['IPADDRESS'])) trigger_error("Admin mismatch between 's and 's!", E_USER_WARNING); } } if (is_array($lists['LISTS']['OPERATORS'][0])) { $this->operator_list = $lists['LISTS']['OPERATORS'][0]; // check operator list consistency if (empty($this->operator_list['IPADDRESS'])) { // fill list to same length as list if (($cnt = count($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'])) > 0) $this->operator_list['IPADDRESS'] = array_fill(0, $cnt, ''); } else { if (count($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN']) != count($this->operator_list['IPADDRESS'])) trigger_error("Operators mismatch between 's and 's!", E_USER_WARNING); } } $this->adm_abilities = $lists['LISTS']['ADMIN_ABILITIES'][0]; $this->op_abilities = $lists['LISTS']['OPERATOR_ABILITIES'][0]; // convert strings to booleans foreach ($this->adm_abilities as $ability => $value) { if (strtoupper($value[0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->adm_abilities[$ability][0] = true; } else { $this->adm_abilities[$ability][0] = false; } } foreach ($this->op_abilities as $ability => $value) { if (strtoupper($value[0]) == 'TRUE') { $this->op_abilities[$ability][0] = true; } else { $this->op_abilities[$ability][0] = false; } } return true; } else { // could not parse XML file trigger_error('Could not read/parse adminops file ' . $adminops_file . ' !', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } // readLists /** * Write Admin/Operator/Ability lists to save them for future runs. */ function writeLists() { // get lists file name $adminops_file = $this->settings['adminops_file']; // compile lists file contents $lists = "" . CRLF . "" . CRLF . "\t" . CRLF; foreach ($this->titles as $title => $value) { $lists .= "\t\t<" . strtolower($title) . ">" . $value[0] . "" . CRLF; } $lists .= "\t" . CRLF . CRLF . "\t" . CRLF; $empty = true; if (isset($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN']); $i++) { if ($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'][$i] != '') { $lists .= "\t\t" . $this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'][$i] . "" . " " . $this->admin_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] . "" . CRLF; $empty = false; } } } if ($empty) { $lists .= "" . CRLF; } $lists .= "\t" . CRLF . CRLF . "\t" . CRLF; $empty = true; if (isset($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN']); $i++) { if ($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'][$i] != '') { $lists .= "\t\t" . $this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'][$i] . "" . " " . $this->operator_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] . "" . CRLF; $empty = false; } } } if ($empty) { $lists .= "" . CRLF; } $lists .= "\t" . CRLF . CRLF . "\t" . CRLF; foreach ($this->adm_abilities as $ability => $value) { $lists .= "\t\t<" . strtolower($ability) . ">" . ($value[0] ? "true" : "false") . "" . CRLF; } $lists .= "\t" . CRLF . CRLF . "\t" . CRLF; foreach ($this->op_abilities as $ability => $value) { $lists .= "\t\t<" . strtolower($ability) . ">" . ($value[0] ? "true" : "false") . "" . CRLF; } $lists .= "\t" . CRLF . "" . CRLF; // write out the lists file if (!@file_put_contents($adminops_file, $lists)) { trigger_error('Could not write adminops file ' . $adminops_file . ' !', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else { return true; } } // writeLists /** * Read Banned IPs list and apply it on the current instance. */ function readIPs() { // get banned IPs file name $bannedips_file = $this->settings['bannedips_file']; if ($list = $this->xml_parser->parseXml($bannedips_file)) { // read the XML structure into variable if (isset($list['BAN_LIST']['IPADDRESS'])) $this->bannedips = $list['BAN_LIST']['IPADDRESS']; else $this->bannedips = array(); return true; } else { // could not parse XML file trigger_error('Could not read/parse banned IPs file ' . $bannedips_file . ' !', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } } // readIPs /** * Write Banned IPs list to save it for future runs. */ function writeIPs() { // get banned IPs file name $bannedips_file = $this->settings['bannedips_file']; $empty = true; // compile banned IPs file contents $list = "" . CRLF . "" . CRLF; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->bannedips); $i++) { if ($this->bannedips[$i] != '') { $list .= "\t\t" . $this->bannedips[$i] . "" . CRLF; $empty = false; } } if ($empty) { $list .= "" . CRLF; } $list .= "" . CRLF; // write out the list file if (!@file_put_contents($bannedips_file, $list)) { trigger_error('Could not write banned IPs file ' . $bannedips_file . ' !', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else { return true; } } // writeIPs /** * Loads files in the plugins directory. */ function loadPlugins() { // load and parse the plugins file if ($plugins = $this->xml_parser->parseXml('plugins.xml')) { if (!empty($plugins['ASECO_PLUGINS']['PLUGIN'])) { // take each plugin tag foreach ($plugins['ASECO_PLUGINS']['PLUGIN'] as $plugin) { // log plugin message $this->console_text('[XAseco] Load plugin [' . $plugin . ']'); // include the plugin require_once('plugins/' . $plugin); $this->plugins[] = $plugin; } } } else { trigger_error('Could not read/parse plugins list plugins.xml !', E_USER_ERROR); } } // loadPlugins /** * Runs the server. */ function run($config_file) { // load new settings, if available $this->console_text('[XAseco] Load settings [{1}]', $config_file); $this->loadSettings($config_file); // load admin/operator/ability lists, if available $this->console_text('[XAseco] Load admin/ops lists [{1}]', $this->settings['adminops_file']); $this->readLists(); // load banned IPs list, if available $this->console_text('[XAseco] Load banned IPs list [{1}]', $this->settings['bannedips_file']); $this->readIPs(); // load plugins and register chat commands $this->console_text('[XAseco] Load plugins list [plugins.xml]'); $this->loadPlugins(); // connect to Trackmania Dedicated Server if (!$this->connect()) { // kill program with an error trigger_error('Connection could not be established !', E_USER_ERROR); } // log status message $this->console('Connection established successfully !'); // log admin lock message if ($this->settings['lock_password'] != '') $this->console_text("[XAseco] Locked admin commands & features with password '{1}'", $this->settings['lock_password']); // get basic server info $this->client->query('GetVersion'); $response['version'] = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->game = $response['version']['Name']; $this->server->version = $response['version']['Version']; $this->server->build = $response['version']['Build']; // throw 'starting up' event $this->releaseEvent('onStartup', null); // synchronize information with server $this->serverSync(); // register all chat commands if ($this->server->getGame() != 'TMF') { $this->registerChatCommands(); // set spectator not available outside TMF if ($this->settings['cheater_action'] == 1) $this->settings['cheater_action'] = 0; } // make a visual header $this->sendHeader(); // get current game infos if server loaded a track yet if ($this->currstatus == 100) { $this->console_text('[XAseco] Waiting for the server to start a challenge'); } else { $this->beginRace(false); } // main loop $this->startup_phase = false; while (true) { $starttime = microtime(true); // get callbacks from the server $this->executeCallbacks(); // sends calls to the server $this->executeCalls(); // throw timing events $this->releaseEvent('onMainLoop', null); $this->currsecond = time(); if ($this->prevsecond != $this->currsecond) { $this->prevsecond = $this->currsecond; $this->releaseEvent('onEverySecond', null); } // reduce CPU usage if main loop has time left $endtime = microtime(true); $delay = 200000 - ($endtime - $starttime) * 1000000; if ($delay > 0) usleep($delay); // make sure the script does not timeout @set_time_limit($this->settings['script_timeout']); } // close the client connection $this->client->Terminate(); } // run /** * Authenticates XASECO at the server. */ function connect() { // only if logins are set if ($this->server->ip && $this->server->port && $this->server->login && $this->server->pass) { // log console message $this->console('Try to connect to TM dedicated server on {1}:{2} timeout {3}s', $this->server->ip, $this->server->port, ($this->server->timeout !== null ? $this->server->timeout : 0)); // connect to the server if (!$this->client->InitWithIp($this->server->ip, $this->server->port, $this->server->timeout)) { trigger_error('[' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] InitWithIp - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // log console message $this->console("Try to authenticate with login '{1}' and password '{2}'", $this->server->login, $this->server->pass); // check login if ($this->server->login != 'SuperAdmin') { trigger_error("Invalid login '" . $this->server->login . "' - must be 'SuperAdmin' in config.xml !", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // check password if ($this->server->pass == 'SuperAdmin') { trigger_error("Insecure password '" . $this->server->pass . "' - should be changed in dedicated config and config.xml !", E_USER_WARNING); } // log into the server if (!$this->client->query('Authenticate', $this->server->login, $this->server->pass)) { trigger_error('[' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] Authenticate - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // enable callback system $this->client->query('EnableCallbacks', true); // wait for server to be ready $this->waitServerReady(); // connection established return true; } else { // connection failed return false; } } // connect /** * Waits for the server to be ready (status 4, 'Running - Play') */ function waitServerReady() { $this->client->query('GetStatus'); $status = $this->client->getResponse(); if ($status['Code'] != 4) { $this->console("Waiting for dedicated server to reach status 'Running - Play'..."); $this->console('Status: ' . $status['Name']); $timeout = 0; $laststatus = $status['Name']; while ($status['Code'] != 4) { sleep(1); $this->client->query('GetStatus'); $status = $this->client->getResponse(); if ($laststatus != $status['Name']) { $this->console('Status: ' . $status['Name']); $laststatus = $status['Name']; } if (isset($this->server->timeout) && $timeout++ > $this->server->timeout) trigger_error('Timed out while waiting for dedicated server!', E_USER_ERROR); } } } // waitServerReady /** * Initializes the server and the player list. * Reads a list of the players who are on the server already, * and loads all server variables. */ function serverSync() { // check server build if (strlen($this->server->build) == 0 || ($this->server->getGame() != 'TMF' && strcmp($this->server->build, TMN_BUILD) < 0) || ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && strcmp($this->server->build, TMF_BUILD) < 0)) { trigger_error("Obsolete server build '" . $this->server->build . "' - must be " . ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' ? "at least '" . TMF_BUILD . "' !" : "'" . TMN_BUILD . "' !"), E_USER_ERROR); } // get server id, login, nickname, zone & packmask $this->server->id = 0; // on TMN/TMO/TMS $this->server->rights = false; $this->server->isrelay = false; $this->server->relaymaster = null; $this->server->relayslist = array(); $this->server->gamestate = Server::RACE; $this->server->packmask = ''; if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $this->client->query('GetSystemInfo'); $response['system'] = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->serverlogin = $response['system']['ServerLogin']; $this->client->query('GetDetailedPlayerInfo', $this->server->serverlogin); $response['info'] = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->id = $response['info']['PlayerId']; $this->server->nickname = $response['info']['NickName']; $this->server->zone = substr($response['info']['Path'], 6); // strip 'World|' $this->server->rights = ($response['info']['OnlineRights'] == 3); // United = true $this->client->query('GetLadderServerLimits'); $response['ladder'] = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->laddermin = $response['ladder']['LadderServerLimitMin']; $this->server->laddermax = $response['ladder']['LadderServerLimitMax']; $this->client->query('IsRelayServer'); $this->server->isrelay = ($this->client->getResponse() > 0); if ($this->server->isrelay) { $this->client->query('GetMainServerPlayerInfo', 1); $this->server->relaymaster = $this->client->getResponse(); } // TMNF packmask = 'Stadium' for 'nations' or 'stadium' $this->client->query('GetServerPackMask'); $this->server->packmask = $this->client->getResponse(); // clear possible leftover ManiaLinks $this->client->query('SendHideManialinkPage'); } // get mode & limits $this->client->query('GetCurrentGameInfo', ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' ? 1 : 0)); $response['gameinfo'] = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->gameinfo = new Gameinfo($response['gameinfo']); // get status $this->client->query('GetStatus'); $response['status'] = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->currstatus = $response['status']['Code']; // get game & trackdir $this->client->query('GameDataDirectory'); $this->server->gamedir = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->client->query('GetTracksDirectory'); $this->server->trackdir = $this->client->getResponse(); // get server name & options $this->getServerOptions(); // throw 'synchronisation' event $this->releaseEvent('onSync', null); // get current players/servers on the server (hardlimited to 300) if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') $this->client->query('GetPlayerList', 300, 0, 2); else $this->client->query('GetPlayerList', 300, 0); $response['playerlist'] = $this->client->getResponse(); // update players/relays lists if (!empty($response['playerlist'])) { foreach ($response['playerlist'] as $player) { // fake it into thinking it's a connecting player: // it gets team & ladder info this way & will also throw an // onPlayerConnect event for players (not relays) to all plugins $this->playerConnect(array($player['Login'], '')); } } } // serverSync /** * Sends program header to console and ingame chat. */ function sendHeader() { $this->console_text('###############################################################################'); $this->console_text(' XASECO v' . XASECO_VERSION . ' running on {1}:{2}', $this->server->ip, $this->server->port); if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $this->console_text(' Name : {1} - {2}', stripColors($this->server->name, false), $this->server->serverlogin); if ($this->server->isrelay) $this->console_text(' Relays : {1} - {2}', stripColors($this->server->relaymaster['NickName'], false), $this->server->relaymaster['Login']); $this->console_text(' Game : {1} {2} - {3} - {4}', $this->server->game, ($this->server->rights ? 'United' : 'Nations'), $this->server->packmask, $this->server->gameinfo->getMode()); } else { $this->console_text(' Name : {1}', stripColors($this->server->name, false)); $this->console_text(' Game : {1} - {2}', $this->server->game, $this->server->gameinfo->getMode()); } $this->console_text(' Version: {1} / {2}', $this->server->version, $this->server->build); $this->console_text(' Authors: Florian Schnell & Assembler Maniac'); $this->console_text(' Re-Authored: Xymph'); $this->console_text('###############################################################################'); // format the text of the message $startup_msg = formatText($this->getChatMessage('STARTUP'), XASECO_VERSION, $this->server->ip, $this->server->port); // show startup message $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($startup_msg)); } // sendHeader /** * Gets callbacks from the TM Dedicated Server and reacts on them. */ function executeCallbacks() { // receive callbacks with a timeout (default: 2 ms) $this->client->resetError(); $this->client->readCB(); // now get the responses out of the 'buffer' $calls = $this->client->getCBResponses(); if ($this->client->isError()) { trigger_error('ExecCallbacks XMLRPC Error [' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); } if (!empty($calls)) { while ($call = array_shift($calls)) { switch ($call[0]) { case 'TrackMania.PlayerConnect': // [0]=Login, [1]=IsSpectator $this->playerConnect($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerDisconnect': // [0]=Login $this->playerDisconnect($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerChat': // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Text, [3]=IsRegistredCmd $this->playerChat($call[1]); $this->releaseEvent('onChat', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerServerMessageAnswer': // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Answer $this->playerServerMessageAnswer($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerCheckpoint': // TMN: [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Time, [3]=Score, [4]=CheckpointIndex; TMF: [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=TimeOrScore, [3]=CurLap, [4]=CheckpointIndex if (!$this->server->isrelay) $this->releaseEvent('onCheckpoint', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerFinish': // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=TimeOrScore $this->playerFinish($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.BeginRace': // [0]=Challenge if ($this->server->getGame() != 'TMF') $this->beginRace($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.EndRace': // [0]=Rankings[], [1]=Challenge if ($this->server->getGame() != 'TMF') $this->endRace($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.BeginRound': // none $this->beginRound(); break; case 'TrackMania.StatusChanged': // [0]=StatusCode, [1]=StatusName // update status changes $this->prevstatus = $this->currstatus; $this->currstatus = $call[1][0]; // if TMF mode Sync, check WarmUp state if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { if ($this->currstatus == 3 || $this->currstatus == 5) { $this->client->query('GetWarmUp'); $this->warmup_phase = $this->client->getResponse(); } } else { $this->warmup_phase = false; } // on TMF, use real EndRound callback if ($this->server->getGame() != 'TMF') { // if change from Play (4) to Sync (3) or Finish (5), // it's the end of a round if ($this->prevstatus == 4 && ($this->currstatus == 3 || $this->currstatus == 5)) $this->endRound(); } if ($this->currstatus == 4) { // Running - Play $this->runningPlay(); } $this->releaseEvent('onStatusChangeTo' . $this->currstatus, $call[1]); break; // new TMF callbacks: case 'TrackMania.EndRound': // none $this->endRound(); break; case 'TrackMania.BeginChallenge': // [0]=Challenge, [1]=WarmUp, [2]=MatchContinuation $this->beginRace($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.EndChallenge': // [0]=Rankings[], [1]=Challenge, [2]=WasWarmUp, [3]=MatchContinuesOnNextChallenge, [4]=RestartChallenge $this->endRace($call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerManialinkPageAnswer': // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Answer $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.BillUpdated': // [0]=BillId, [1]=State, [2]=StateName, [3]=TransactionId $this->releaseEvent('onBillUpdated', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.ChallengeListModified': // [0]=CurChallengeIndex, [1]=NextChallengeIndex, [2]=IsListModified $this->releaseEvent('onChallengeListModified', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerInfoChanged': // [0]=PlayerInfo $this->playerInfoChanged($call[1][0]); break; case 'TrackMania.PlayerIncoherence': // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerIncoherence', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.TunnelDataReceived': // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Data $this->releaseEvent('onTunnelDataReceived', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.Echo': // [0]=Internal, [1]=Public $this->releaseEvent('onEcho', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.ManualFlowControlTransition': // [0]=Transition $this->releaseEvent('onManualFlowControlTransition', $call[1]); break; case 'TrackMania.VoteUpdated': // [0]=StateName, [1]=Login, [2]=CmdName, [3]=CmdParam $this->releaseEvent('onVoteUpdated', $call[1]); break; default: // do nothing } } return $calls; } else { return false; } } // executeCallbacks /** * Adds calls to a multiquery. * It's possible to set a callback function which * will be executed on incoming response. * You can also set an ID to read response later on. */ function addCall($call, $params = array(), $id = 0, $callback_func = false) { // adds call and registers a callback if needed $index = $this->client->addCall($call, $params); $rpc_call = new RPCCall($id, $index, $callback_func, array($call, $params)); $this->rpc_calls[] = $rpc_call; } // addCall /** * Executes a multicall and gets responses. * Saves responses in array with IDs as keys. */ function executeCalls() { // clear responses $this->rpc_responses = array(); // stop if there are no rpc calls in query if (empty($this->client->calls)) { return true; } $this->client->resetError(); $tmpcalls = $this->client->calls; // debugging code to find UTF-8 errors // sends multiquery to the server and gets the response if ($this->client->multiquery()) { if ($this->client->isError()) { $this->console_text(print_r($tmpcalls, true)); trigger_error('ExecCalls XMLRPC Error [' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_ERROR); } // get new response from server $responses = $this->client->getResponse(); // handle server responses foreach ($this->rpc_calls as $call) { // display error message if needed $err = false; if (isset($responses[$call->index]['faultString'])) { $this->rpcErrorResponse($responses[$call->index]); print_r($call->call); $err = true; } // if an id was set, then save the response under the specified id if ($call->id) { $this->rpc_responses[$call->id] = $responses[$call->index][0]; } // if a callback function has been set, then execute it if ($call->callback && !$err) { if (function_exists($call->callback)) { // callback the function with the response as parameter call_user_func($call->callback, $responses[$call->index][0]); } // if a function with the name of the callback wasn't found, then // try to execute a method with its name elseif (method_exists($this, $call->callback)) { // callback the method with the response as parameter call_user_func(array($this, $call->callback), $responses[$call->index][0]); } } } } // clear calls $this->rpc_calls = array(); } // executeCalls /** * Documents RPC Errors. */ function rpcErrorResponse($response) { $this->console_text('[RPC Error ' . $response['faultCode'] . '] ' . $response['faultString']); } // rpcErrorResponse /** * Registers functions which are called on specific events. */ function registerEvent($event_type, $callback_func) { // registers a new event $this->events[$event_type][] = $callback_func; } // registerEvent /** * Executes the functions which were registered for specified events. */ function releaseEvent($event_type, $func_param) { // executes registered event functions // if there are any events for that type if (!empty($this->events[$event_type])) { // for each registered function of this type foreach ($this->events[$event_type] as $func_name) { // if function for the specified player connect event can be found if (is_callable($func_name)) { // ... execute it! call_user_func($func_name, $this, $func_param); } } } } // releaseEvent /** * Stores a new user command. */ function addChatCommand($command_name, $command_help, $command_is_admin = false) { $chat_command = new ChatCommand($command_name, $command_help, $command_is_admin); $this->chat_commands[] = $chat_command; } // addChatCommand /** * Registers all chat commands with the server. */ function registerChatCommands() { // clear the current list of chat commands $this->client->query('CleanChatCommand'); if (isset($this->chat_commands)) { foreach ($this->chat_commands as $command) { // only if it's no admin command if (!$command->isadmin) { // log message if debug mode is set to true if ($this->debug) { $this->console_text('register chat command: ' . $command->name); } // register chat command at server $this->client->query('AddChatCommand', $command->name); } } } } // registerChatCommands /** * When a round is started, signal the event. */ function beginRound() { $this->console_text('Begin Round'); $this->releaseEvent('onBeginRound', null); } // beginRound /** * When a round is ended, signal the event. */ function endRound() { $this->console_text('End Round'); $this->releaseEvent('onEndRound', null); } // endRound /** * When a TMF player's info changed, signal the event. Fields: * Login, NickName, PlayerId, TeamId, SpectatorStatus, LadderRanking, Flags */ function playerInfoChanged($playerinfo) { // on relay, check for player from master server if ($this->server->isrelay && floor($playerinfo['Flags'] / 10000) % 10 != 0) return; // check for valid player if (!$player = $this->server->players->getPlayer($playerinfo['Login'])) return; // check ladder ranking if ($playerinfo['LadderRanking'] > 0) { $player->ladderrank = $playerinfo['LadderRanking']; $player->isofficial = true; } else { $player->isofficial = false; } // check spectator status (ignoring temporary changes) $player->prevstatus = $player->isspectator; if (($playerinfo['SpectatorStatus'] % 10) != 0) $player->isspectator = true; else $player->isspectator = false; $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerInfoChanged', $playerinfo); } // playerInfoChanged /** * When a new track is started we have to get information * about the new track and so on. */ function runningPlay() { // request information about the new challenge // ... and callback to function newChallenge() } // runningPlay /** * When a new race is started we have to get information * about the new track and so on. */ function beginRace($race) { // request information about the new challenge // ... and callback to function newChallenge() // if TMF new challenge, check WarmUp state if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $race) $this->warmup_phase = $race[1]; if (!$race) { $this->addCall('GetCurrentChallengeInfo', array(), '', 'newChallenge'); } else { $this->newChallenge($race[0]); } } // beginRace /** * Reacts on new challenges. * Gets record to current challenge etc. */ function newChallenge($challenge) { // log if not a restart $this->server->gamestate = Server::RACE; if ($this->restarting == 0) $this->console_text('Begin Challenge'); // refresh game info $this->client->query('GetCurrentGameInfo', ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' ? 1 : 0)); $gameinfo = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->gameinfo = new Gameinfo($gameinfo); // check for TMF restarting challenge $this->changingmode = false; if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $this->restarting > 0) { // check type of restart and signal an instant one if ($this->restarting == 2) { $this->restarting = 0; } else { // == 1 $this->restarting = 0; // throw postfix 'restart challenge' event $this->releaseEvent('onRestartChallenge2', $challenge); return; } } // refresh server name & options $this->getServerOptions(); // reset record list $this->server->records->clear(); // reset player votings //$this->server->players->resetVotings(); // create new challenge object $challenge_item = new Challenge($challenge); // in TMF Rounds/Team/Cup mode if multilap track, get forced laps if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $challenge_item->laprace && ($this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::RNDS || $this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::TEAM || $this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::CUP)) { $challenge_item->forcedlaps = $this->server->gameinfo->forcedlaps; } // obtain challenge's GBX data, TMX info & records $challenge_item->gbx = new GBXChallMapFetcher(true); try { $challenge_item->gbx->processFile($this->server->trackdir . $challenge_item->filename); } catch (Exception $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } $challenge_item->tmx = findTMXdata($challenge_item->uid, $challenge_item->environment, $challenge_item->gbx->exeVer, true); // throw main 'begin challenge' event $this->releaseEvent('onNewChallenge', $challenge_item); // log console message $this->console('track changed [{1}] >> [{2}]', stripColors($this->server->challenge->name, false), stripColors($challenge_item->name, false)); /* disabled in favor of RASP's karma system - Xymph // log track's score if ($challenge_item->score && $challenge_item->votes) { // calculate avarage score and display $this->console('average score of this track is {1}', $challenge_item->score/$challenge_item->votes); } else { // no votings $this->console('no votings available for this track'); } disabled */ // check for relay server if (!$this->server->isrelay) { // check if record exists on new track $cur_record = $this->server->records->getRecord(0); if ($cur_record !== false && $cur_record->score > 0) { $score = ($this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT ? str_pad($cur_record->score, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) : formatTime($cur_record->score)); // log console message of current record $this->console('current record on {1} is {2} and held by {3}', stripColors($challenge_item->name, false), trim($score), stripColors($cur_record->player->nickname, false)); // replace parameters $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RECORD_CURRENT'), stripColors($challenge_item->name), trim($score), stripColors($cur_record->player->nickname)); } else { if ($this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT) $score = ' ---'; else $score = ' --.--'; // log console message of no record $this->console('currently no record on {1}', stripColors($challenge_item->name, false)); // replace parameters $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RECORD_NONE'), stripColors($challenge_item->name)); } if (function_exists('setRecordsPanel')) setRecordsPanel('local', $score); // if no trackrecs, show the original record message to all players if (($this->settings['show_recs_before'] & 1) == 1) { if (($this->settings['show_recs_before'] & 4) == 4 && function_exists('send_window_message')) send_window_message($this, $message, false); else $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); } } // update the field which contains current challenge $this->server->challenge = $challenge_item; // throw postfix 'begin challenge' event (various) $this->releaseEvent('onNewChallenge2', $challenge_item); // show top-8 & records of all online players before track if (($this->settings['show_recs_before'] & 2) == 2 && function_exists('show_trackrecs')) { show_trackrecs($this, false, 1, $this->settings['show_recs_before']); // from chat.records2.php } } // newChallenge /** * End of current race. * Write records to database and/or display final statistics. */ function endRace($race) { // check for TMF RestartChallenge flag if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' && $race[4]) { $this->restarting = 1; // check whether changing game mode or any player has a time/score, // then there will be ChatTime, otherwise it's an instant restart if ($this->changingmode) $this->restarting = 2; else foreach ($race[0] as $pl) { if ($pl['BestTime'] > 0 || $pl['Score'] > 0) { $this->restarting = 2; break; } } // log type of restart and signal an instant one if ($this->restarting == 2) { $this->console_text('Restart Challenge (with ChatTime)'); } else { // == 1 $this->console_text('Restart Challenge (instant)'); // throw main 'restart challenge' event $this->releaseEvent('onRestartChallenge', $race); return; } } // log if not a restart $this->server->gamestate = Server::SCORE; if ($this->restarting == 0) $this->console_text('End Challenge'); // show top-8 & all new records after track if (($this->settings['show_recs_after'] & 2) == 2 && function_exists('show_trackrecs')) { show_trackrecs($this, false, 3, $this->settings['show_recs_after']); // from chat.records2.php } elseif (($this->settings['show_recs_after'] & 1) == 1) { // fall back on old top-5 $records = ''; if ($this->server->records->count() == 0) { // display a no-new-record message $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RANKING_NONE'), stripColors($this->server->challenge->name), 'after'); } else { // display new records set up this round $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RANKING'), stripColors($this->server->challenge->name), 'after'); // go through each record for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $cur_record = $this->server->records->getRecord($i); // if the record is set then display it if ($cur_record !== false && $cur_record->score > 0) { // replace parameters $record_msg = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RANKING_RECORD_NEW'), $i+1, stripColors($cur_record->player->nickname), ($this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT ? $cur_record->score : formatTime($cur_record->score))); $records .= $record_msg; } } } // append the records if any if ($records != '') { $records = substr($records, 0, strlen($records)-2); // strip trailing ", " $message .= LF . $records; } // show ranking message to all players if (($this->settings['show_recs_after'] & 4) == 4 && function_exists('send_window_message')) send_window_message($this, $message, true); else $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); } // get rankings and call endRaceRanking as soon as we have them // $this->addCall('GetCurrentRanking', array(2, 0), false, 'endRaceRanking'); if (!$this->server->isrelay) $this->endRaceRanking($race[0]); // throw prefix 'end challenge' event (chat-based votes) $this->releaseEvent('onEndRace1', $race); // throw main 'end challenge' event $this->releaseEvent('onEndRace', $race); } // endRace /** * Check out who won the current track and increment his/her wins by one. */ function endRaceRanking($ranking) { // check for online login if (isset($ranking[0]['Login']) && ($player = $this->server->players->getPlayer($ranking[0]['Login'])) !== false) { // check for winner if there's more than one player if ($ranking[0]['Rank'] == 1 && count($ranking) > 1 && ($this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT ? ($ranking[0]['Score'] > 0) : ($ranking[0]['BestTime'] > 0))) { // increase the player's wins $player->newwins++; // log console message $this->console('{1} won for the {2}. time!', $player->login, $player->getWins()); if ($player->getWins() % $this->settings['global_win_multiple'] == 0) { // replace parameters $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('WIN_MULTI'), stripColors($player->nickname), $player->getWins()); // show chat message $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); } else { // replace parameters $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('WIN_NEW'), $player->getWins()); // show chat message $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $player->login); } // throw 'player wins' event $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerWins', $player); } } } // endRaceRanking /** * Handles connections of new players. */ function playerConnect($player) { // request information about the new player // (removed callback mechanism here, as GetPlayerInfo occasionally // returns no data and then the connecting login would be lost) $login = $player[0]; if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $this->client->query('GetDetailedPlayerInfo', $login); $playerd = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->client->query('GetPlayerInfo', $login, 1); } else { // TMN/TMS/TMO $this->client->query('GetPlayerInfo', $login); } $player = $this->client->getResponse(); // check for server if (isset($player['Flags']) && floor($player['Flags'] / 100000) % 10 != 0) { // register relay server if (!$this->server->isrelay && $player['Login'] != $this->server->serverlogin) { $this->server->relayslist[$player['Login']] = $player; // log console message $this->console('<<< relay server {1} ({2}) connected', $player['Login'], stripColors($player['NickName'], false)); } // on relay, check for player from master server } elseif ($this->server->isrelay && floor($player['Flags'] / 10000) % 10 != 0) { ; // ignore } else { $ipaddr = isset($playerd['IPAddress']) ? preg_replace('/:\d+/', '', $playerd['IPAddress']) : ''; // strip port // if no data fetched, notify & kick the player if (!isset($player['Login']) || $player['Login'] == '') { $message = str_replace('{br}', LF, $this->getChatMessage('CONNECT_ERROR')); $message = $this->formatColors($message); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', str_replace(LF.LF, LF, $message), $login); if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMN') $this->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $message, 'OK', '', 0); sleep(5); // allow time to connect and see the notice if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') $this->client->addCall('Kick', array($login, $this->formatColors($this->getChatMessage('CONNECT_DIALOG')))); else $this->client->addCall('Kick', array($login)); // log console message $this->console('GetPlayerInfo failed for ' . $login . ' -- notified & kicked'); return; // if player IP in ban list, notify & kick the player } elseif (!empty($this->bannedips) && in_array($ipaddr, $this->bannedips)) { $message = str_replace('{br}', LF, $this->getChatMessage('BANIP_ERROR')); $message = $this->formatColors($message); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', str_replace(LF.LF, LF, $message), $login); if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMN') $this->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $message, 'OK', '', 0); sleep(5); // allow time to connect and see the notice if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') $this->client->addCall('Ban', array($login, $this->formatColors($this->getChatMessage('BANIP_DIALOG')))); else $this->client->addCall('Ban', array($login)); // log console message $this->console('Player ' . $login . ' banned from ' . $ipaddr . ' -- notified & kicked'); return; // client version checking on TMF } elseif ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { // extract version number $version = str_replace(')', '', preg_replace('/.*\(/', '', $playerd['ClientVersion'])); if ($version == '') $version = '2.11.11'; $message = str_replace('{br}', LF, $this->getChatMessage('CLIENT_ERROR')); // if invalid version, notify & kick the player if ($this->settings['player_client'] != '' && strcmp($version, $this->settings['player_client']) < 0) { $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $login); sleep(5); // allow time to connect and see the notice $this->client->addCall('Kick', array($login, $this->formatColors($this->getChatMessage('CLIENT_DIALOG')))); // log console message $this->console('Obsolete player client version ' . $version . ' for ' . $login . ' -- notified & kicked'); return; } // if invalid version, notify & kick the admin if ($this->settings['admin_client'] != '' && $this->isAnyAdminL($player['Login']) && strcmp($version, $this->settings['admin_client']) < 0) { $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $login); sleep(5); // allow time to connect and see the notice $this->client->addCall('Kick', array($login, $this->formatColors($this->getChatMessage('CLIENT_DIALOG')))); // log console message $this->console('Obsolete admin client version ' . $version . ' for ' . $login . ' -- notified & kicked'); return; } } // if no TMN team, try again via world stats if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMN' && !isLANLogin($login) && $player['LadderStats']['TeamName'] == '') { $data = new TMNDataFetcher($login, false); if ($data->teamname != '') { $player['LadderStats']['TeamName'] = $data->teamname; } } // create player object $player_item = new Player($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF' ? $playerd : $player); // set default window style & panels $player_item->style = $this->style; $player_item->panels['admin'] = $this->panels['admin']; $player_item->panels['donate'] = $this->panels['donate']; $player_item->panels['records'] = $this->panels['records']; $player_item->panels['vote'] = $this->panels['vote']; // adds a new player to the internal player list $this->server->players->addPlayer($player_item); // log console message $this->console('<< player {1} joined the game [{2} : {3} : {4} : {5} : {6}]', $player_item->pid, $player_item->login, $player_item->nickname, $player_item->nation, $player_item->ladderrank, $player_item->ip); // replace parameters $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('WELCOME'), stripColors($player_item->nickname), $this->server->name, XASECO_VERSION); // hyperlink package name & version number on TMF if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') $message = preg_replace('/XASECO.+' . XASECO_VERSION . '/', '$l[' . XASECO_TMN . ']$0$l', $message); // send welcome popup or chat message if ($this->settings['welcome_msg_window']) { if ($this->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $message = str_replace('{#highlite}', '{#message}', $message); $message = preg_split('/{br}/', $this->formatColors($message)); // repack all lines foreach ($message as &$line) $line = array($line); display_manialink($player_item->login, '', array('Icons64x64_1', 'Inbox'), $message, array(1.2), 'OK'); } else { // TMN $message = str_replace('{br}', LF, $this->formatColors($message)); $this->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $player_item->login, $message, 'OK', '', 0); } } else { $message = str_replace('{br}', LF, $this->formatColors($message)); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', str_replace(LF.LF, LF, $message), $player_item->login); } // if there's a record on current track $cur_record = $this->server->records->getRecord(0); if ($cur_record !== false && $cur_record->score > 0) { // set message to the current record $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RECORD_CURRENT'), stripColors($this->server->challenge->name), ($this->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT ? $cur_record->score : formatTime($cur_record->score)), stripColors($cur_record->player->nickname)); } else { // if there should be no record to display // display a no-record message $message = formatText($this->getChatMessage('RECORD_NONE'), stripColors($this->server->challenge->name)); } // show top-8 & records of all online players before track if (($this->settings['show_recs_before'] & 2) == 2 && function_exists('show_trackrecs')) { show_trackrecs($this, $player_item->login, 1, 0); // from chat.records2.php } elseif (($this->settings['show_recs_before'] & 1) == 1) { // or show original record message $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $player_item->login); } // throw main 'player connects' event $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerConnect', $player_item); // throw postfix 'player connects' event (access control) $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerConnect2', $player_item); } } // playerConnect /** * Handles disconnections of players. */ function playerDisconnect($player) { // check for relay server if (!$this->server->isrelay && array_key_exists($player[0], $this->server->relayslist)) { // log console message $this->console('>>> relay server {1} ({2}) disconnected', $player[0], stripColors($this->server->relayslist[$player[0]]['NickName'], false)); unset($this->server->relayslist[$player[0]]); return; } // delete player and put him into the player item // ignore event if disconnect fluke after player already left, // or on relay if player from master server (which wasn't added) if (!$player_item = $this->server->players->removePlayer($player[0])) return; // log console message $this->console('>> player {1} left the game [{2} : {3} : {4}]', $player_item->pid, $player_item->login, $player_item->nickname, formatTimeH($player_item->getTimeOnline() * 1000, false)); // throw 'player disconnects' event $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerDisconnect', $player_item); } // playerDisconnect /** * Handles clicks on server messageboxes. */ function playerServerMessageAnswer($answer) { if ($answer[2]) { // throw TMN 'click' event $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerServerMessageAnswer', $answer); } } // playerServerMessageAnswer /** * Player reaches finish. */ function playerFinish($finish) { // if no track info, or if server 'finish', bail out immediately if ($this->server->challenge->name == '' || $finish[0] == 0) return; // if relay server or not in Play status, bail out immediately if ($this->server->isrelay || $this->currstatus != 4) return; // check for valid player if ((!$player = $this->server->players->getPlayer($finish[1])) || $player->login == '') return; // build a record object with the current finish information $finish_item = new Record(); $finish_item->player = $player; $finish_item->score = $finish[2]; $finish_item->date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); $finish_item->new = false; $finish_item->challenge = clone $this->server->challenge; unset($finish_item->challenge->gbx); // reduce memory usage unset($finish_item->challenge->tmx); // throw prefix 'player finishes' event (checkpoints) $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerFinish1', $finish_item); // throw main 'player finishes' event $this->releaseEvent('onPlayerFinish', $finish_item); } // playerFinish /** * Receives chat messages and reacts on them. * Reactions are done by the chat plugins. */ function playerChat($chat) { // verify login if ($chat[1] == '' || $chat[1] == '???') { trigger_error('playerUid ' . $chat[0] . 'has login [' . $chat[1] . ']!', E_USER_WARNING); $this->console('playerUid {1} attempted to use chat command "{2}"', $chat[0], $chat[2]); return; } // ignore master server messages on relay if ($this->server->isrelay && $chat[1] == $this->server->relaymaster['Login']) return; // check for chat command '/' prefix $command = $chat[2]; if ($command != '' && $command[0] == '/') { // remove '/' prefix $command = substr($command, 1); // split strings at spaces and add them into an array $params = explode(' ', $command, 2); $translated_name = str_replace('+', 'plus', $params[0]); $translated_name = str_replace('-', 'dash', $translated_name); // check if the function and the command exist if (function_exists('chat_' . $translated_name)) { // insure parameter exists & is trimmed if (isset($params[1])) $params[1] = trim($params[1]); else $params[1] = ''; // get & verify player object if (($author = $this->server->players->getPlayer($chat[1])) && $author->login != '') { // log console message $this->console('player {1} used chat command "/{2} {3}"', $chat[1], $params[0], $params[1]); // save circumstances in array $chat_command = array(); $chat_command['author'] = $author; $chat_command['params'] = $params[1]; // call the function which belongs to the command call_user_func('chat_' . $translated_name, $this, $chat_command); } else { trigger_error('Player object for \'' . $chat[1] . '\' not found!', E_USER_WARNING); $this->console('player {1} attempted to use chat command "/{2} {3}"', $chat[1], $params[0], $params[1]); } } elseif ($params[0] == 'version' || ($params[0] == 'serverlogin' && $this->server->getGame() == 'TMF')) { // log built-in commands $this->console('player {1} used built-in command "/{2}"', $chat[1], $command); } else { // optionally log bogus chat commands too if ($this->settings['log_all_chat']) { if ($chat[0] != $this->server->id) { $this->console('({1}) {2}', $chat[1], stripColors($chat[2], false)); } } } } else { // optionally log all normal chat too if ($this->settings['log_all_chat']) { if ($chat[0] != $this->server->id && $chat[2] != '') { $this->console('({1}) {2}', $chat[1], stripColors($chat[2], false)); } } } } // playerChat /** * Gets the specified chat message out of the settings file. */ function getChatMessage($name) { return htmlspecialchars_decode($this->chat_messages[$name][0]); } // getChatMessage /** * Checks if an admin is allowed to perform this ability */ function allowAdminAbility($ability) { // map to uppercase before checking list $ability = strtoupper($ability); if (isset($this->adm_abilities[$ability])) { return $this->adm_abilities[$ability][0]; } else { return false; } } // allowAdminAbility /** * Checks if an operator is allowed to perform this ability */ function allowOpAbility($ability) { // map to uppercase before checking list $ability = strtoupper($ability); if (isset($this->op_abilities[$ability])) { return $this->op_abilities[$ability][0]; } else { return false; } } // allowOpAbility /** * Checks if the given player is allowed to perform this ability */ function allowAbility($player, $ability) { // check for unlocked password if ($this->settings['lock_password'] != '' && !$player->unlocked) return false; // MasterAdmins can always do everything if ($this->isMasterAdmin($player)) return true; // check Admins & their abilities if ($this->isAdmin($player)) return $this->allowAdminAbility($ability); // check Operators & their abilities if ($this->isOperator($player)) return $this->allowOpAbility($ability); return false; } // allowAbility /** * Checks if the given player IP matches the corresponding list IP, * allowing for class C and B wildcards, and multiple comma-separated * IPs / wildcards. */ function ip_match($playerip, $listip) { // check for offline player (removeadmin / removeop) if ($playerip == '') return true; $match = false; // check all comma-separated IPs/wildcards foreach (explode(',', $listip) as $ip) { // check for complete list IP if (preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/', $ip)) $match = ($playerip == $ip); // check class B wildcard elseif (substr($ip, -4) == '.*.*') $match = (preg_replace('/\.\d+\.\d+$/', '', $playerip) == substr($ip, 0, -4)); // check class C wildcard elseif (substr($ip, -2) == '.*') $match = (preg_replace('/\.\d+$/', '', $playerip) == substr($ip, 0, -2)); if ($match) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if the given player is in masteradmin list with, optionally, * an authorized IP. */ function isMasterAdmin($player) { // check for masteradmin list entry if (isset($player->login) && $player->login != '' && isset($this->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN'])) if (($i = array_search($player->login, $this->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN'])) !== false) // check for matching IP if set if ($this->masteradmin_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] != '') if (!$this->ip_match($player->ip, $this->masteradmin_list['IPADDRESS'][$i])) { trigger_error("Attempt to use MasterAdmin login '" . $player->login . "' from IP " . $player->ip . " !", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else return true; else return true; else return false; else return false; } // isMasterAdmin /** * Checks if the given player is in admin list with, optionally, * an authorized IP. */ function isAdmin($player) { // check for admin list entry if (isset($player->login) && $player->login != '' && isset($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'])) if (($i = array_search($player->login, $this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'])) !== false) // check for matching IP if set if ($this->admin_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] != '') if (!$this->ip_match($player->ip, $this->admin_list['IPADDRESS'][$i])) { trigger_error("Attempt to use Admin login '" . $player->login . "' from IP " . $player->ip . " !", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else return true; else return true; else return false; else return false; } // isAdmin /** * Checks if the given player is in operator list with, optionally, * an authorized IP. */ function isOperator($player) { // check for operator list entry if (isset($player->login) && $player->login != '' && isset($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'])) if (($i = array_search($player->login, $this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'])) !== false) // check for matching IP if set if ($this->operator_list['IPADDRESS'][$i] != '') if (!$this->ip_match($player->ip, $this->operator_list['IPADDRESS'][$i])) { trigger_error("Attempt to use Operator login '" . $player->login . "' from IP " . $player->ip . " !", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } else return true; else return true; else return false; else return false; } // isOperator /** * Checks if the given player is in any admin tier with, optionally, * an authorized IP. */ function isAnyAdmin($player) { return ($this->isMasterAdmin($player) || $this->isAdmin($player) || $this->isOperator($player)); } // isAnyAdmin /** * Checks if the given player login is in masteradmin list. */ function isMasterAdminL($login) { if ($login != '' && isset($this->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN'])) { return in_array($login, $this->masteradmin_list['TMLOGIN']); } else { return false; } } // isMasterAdminL /** * Checks if the given player login is in admin list. */ function isAdminL($login) { if ($login != '' && isset($this->admin_list['TMLOGIN'])) { return in_array($login, $this->admin_list['TMLOGIN']); } else { return false; } } // isAdminL /** * Checks if the given player login is in operator list. */ function isOperatorL($login) { // check for operator list entry if ($login != '' && isset($this->operator_list['TMLOGIN'])) return in_array($login, $this->operator_list['TMLOGIN']); else return false; } // isOperatorL /** * Checks if the given player login is in any admin tier. */ function isAnyAdminL($login) { return ($this->isMasterAdminL($login) || $this->isAdminL($login) || $this->isOperatorL($login)); } // isAnyAdminL /** * Checks if the given player is a spectator. */ function isSpectator($player) { // get current player status if ($this->server->getGame() != 'TMF') { $this->client->query('GetPlayerInfo', $player->login); $info = $this->client->getResponse(); if (isset($info['IsSpectator'])) $player->isspectator = $info['IsSpectator']; else $player->isspectator = false; } return $player->isspectator; } // isSpectator /** * Handles cheating player. */ function processCheater($login, $checkpoints, $chkpt, $finish) { // collect checkpoints $cps = ''; foreach ($checkpoints as $cp) $cps .= formatTime($cp) . '/'; $cps = substr($cps, 0, strlen($cps)-1); // strip trailing '/' // report cheat if ($finish == -1) trigger_error('Cheat by \'' . $login . '\' detected! CPs: ' . $cps . ' Last: ' . formatTime($chkpt[2]) . ' index: ' . $chkpt[4], E_USER_WARNING); else trigger_error('Cheat by \'' . $login . '\' detected! CPs: ' . $cps . ' Finish: ' . formatTime($finish), E_USER_WARNING); // check for valid player if (!$player = $this->server->players->getPlayer($login)) { trigger_error('Player object for \'' . $login . '\' not found!', E_USER_WARNING); return; } switch ($this->settings['cheater_action']) { case 1: // set to spec (TMF only) $rtn = $this->client->query('ForceSpectator', $login, 1); if (!$rtn) { trigger_error('[' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] ForceSpectator - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } else { // allow spectator to switch back to player $rtn = $this->client->query('ForceSpectator', $login, 0); } // force free camera mode on spectator $this->client->addCall('ForceSpectatorTarget', array($login, '', 2)); // free up player slot $this->client->addCall('SpectatorReleasePlayerSlot', array($login)); // log console message $this->console('Cheater [{1} : {2}] forced into free spectator!', $login, stripColors($player->nickname, false)); // show chat message $message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}Cheater {#highlite}{1}$z$s{#admin} forced into spectator!', str_ireplace('$w', '', $player->nickname)); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); break; case 2: // kick // log console message $this->console('Cheater [{1} : {2}] kicked!', $login, stripColors($player->nickname, false)); // show chat message $message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}Cheater {#highlite}{1}$z$s{#admin} kicked!', str_ireplace('$w', '', $player->nickname)); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); // kick the cheater $this->client->query('Kick', $login); break; case 3: // ban (& kick) // log console message $this->console('Cheater [{1} : {2}] banned!', $login, stripColors($player->nickname, false)); // show chat message $message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}Cheater {#highlite}{1}$z$s{#admin} banned!', str_ireplace('$w', '', $player->nickname)); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); // update banned IPs file $this->bannedips[] = $player->ip; $this->writeIPs(); // ban the cheater and also kick him $this->client->query('Ban', $player->login); break; case 4: // blacklist & kick // log console message $this->console('Cheater [{1} : {2}] blacklisted!', $login, stripColors($player->nickname, false)); // show chat message $message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}Cheater {#highlite}{1}$z$s{#admin} blacklisted!', str_ireplace('$w', '', $player->nickname)); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); // blacklist the cheater and then kick him $this->client->query('BlackList', $player->login); $this->client->query('Kick', $player->login); // update blacklist file $filename = $this->settings['blacklist_file']; $rtn = $this->client->query('SaveBlackList', $filename); if (!$rtn) { trigger_error('[' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveBlackList (kick) - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } break; case 5: // blacklist & ban // log console message $this->console('Cheater [{1} : {2}] blacklisted & banned!', $login, stripColors($player->nickname, false)); // show chat message $message = formatText('{#server}>> {#admin}Cheater {#highlite}{1}$z$s{#admin} blacklisted & banned!', str_ireplace('$w', '', $player->nickname)); $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessage', $this->formatColors($message)); // update banned IPs file $this->bannedips[] = $player->ip; $this->writeIPs(); // blacklist & ban the cheater $this->client->query('BlackList', $player->login); $this->client->query('Ban', $player->login); // update blacklist file $filename = $this->settings['blacklist_file']; $rtn = $this->client->query('SaveBlackList', $filename); if (!$rtn) { trigger_error('[' . $this->client->getErrorCode() . '] SaveBlackList (ban) - ' . $this->client->getErrorMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } break; default: // ignore } } // processCheater /** * Finds a player ID from its login. */ function getPlayerId($login, $forcequery = false) { if (isset($this->server->players->player_list[$login]) && $this->server->players->player_list[$login]->id > 0 && !$forcequery) { $rtn = $this->server->players->player_list[$login]->id; } else { $query = 'SELECT id FROM players WHERE login=' . quotedString($login); $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $rtn = $row[0]; } else { $rtn = 0; } mysql_free_result($result); } return $rtn; } // getPlayerId /** * Finds a player Nickname from its login. */ function getPlayerNick($login, $forcequery = false) { if (isset($this->server->players->player_list[$login]) && $this->server->players->player_list[$login]->nickname != '' && !$forcequery) { $rtn = $this->server->players->player_list[$login]->nickname; } else { $query = 'SELECT nickname FROM players WHERE login=' . quotedString($login); $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $rtn = $row[0]; } else { $rtn = ''; } mysql_free_result($result); } return $rtn; } // getPlayerNick /** * Finds an online player object from its login or Player_ID * If $offline = true, search player database instead * Returns false if not found */ function getPlayerParam($player, $param, $offline = false) { // if numeric param, find Player_ID from /players list (hardlimited to 300) if (is_numeric($param) && $param >= 0 && $param < 300) { if (empty($player->playerlist)) { $message = '{#server}> {#error}Use {#highlite}$i/players {#error}first (optionally {#highlite}$i/players {#error})'; $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $player->login); return false; } $pid = ltrim($param, '0'); $pid--; // find player by given # if (array_key_exists($pid, $player->playerlist)) { $param = $player->playerlist[$pid]['login']; // check online players list $target = $this->server->players->getPlayer($param); } else { // try param as login string as yet $target = $this->server->players->getPlayer($param); if (!$target) { $message = '{#server}> {#error}Player_ID not found! Type {#highlite}$i/players {#error}to see all players.'; $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $player->login); return false; } } } else { // otherwise login string // check online players list $target = $this->server->players->getPlayer($param); } // not found and offline allowed? if (!$target && $offline) { // check offline players database $query = 'SELECT * FROM players WHERE login=' . quotedString($param); $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); // create dummy player object $target = new Player(); $target->id = $row->Id; $target->login = $row->Login; $target->nickname = $row->NickName; $target->nation = $row->Nation; $target->teamname = $row->TeamName; $target->wins = $row->Wins; $target->timeplayed = $row->TimePlayed; } mysql_free_result($result); } // found anyone anywhere? if (!$target) { $message = '{#server}> {#highlite}' . $param . ' {#error}is not a valid player! Use {#highlite}$i/players {#error}to find the correct login or Player_ID.'; $this->client->query('ChatSendServerMessageToLogin', $this->formatColors($message), $player->login); } return $target; } // getPlayerParam /** * Finds a challenge ID from its UID. */ function getChallengeId($uid) { $query = 'SELECT Id FROM challenges WHERE Uid=' . quotedString($uid); $res = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $rtn = $row[0]; } else { $rtn = 0; } mysql_free_result($res); return $rtn; } // getChallengeId /** * Gets current servername */ function getServerName() { $this->client->query('GetServerName'); $this->server->name = $this->client->getResponse(); return $this->server->name; } /** * Gets current server name & options */ function getServerOptions() { $this->client->query('GetServerOptions'); $options = $this->client->getResponse(); $this->server->name = $options['Name']; $this->server->maxplay = $options['CurrentMaxPlayers']; $this->server->maxspec = $options['CurrentMaxSpectators']; $this->server->votetime = $options['CurrentCallVoteTimeOut']; $this->server->voterate = $options['CallVoteRatio']; } /** * Formats aseco color codes in a string, * for example '{#server} hello' will end up as '$ff0 hello'. * It depends on what you've set in the config file. */ function formatColors($text) { // replace all chat colors foreach ($this->chat_colors as $key => $value) { $text = str_replace('{#'.strtolower($key).'}', $value[0], $text); } return $text; } // formatColors /** * Outputs a formatted string without datetime. */ function console_text() { $args = func_get_args(); $message = call_user_func_array('formatText', $args) . CRLF; echo $message; doLog($message); flush(); } // console_text /** * Outputs a string to console with datetime prefix. */ function console() { $args = func_get_args(); $message = '[' . date('m/d,H:i:s') . '] ' . call_user_func_array('formatText', $args) . CRLF; echo $message; doLog($message); flush(); } // console } // class Aseco // define process settings if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); $limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); if (shorthand2bytes($limit) < 128 * 1048576) ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); // create an instance of XASECO and run it $aseco = new Aseco(false); $aseco->run('config.xml'); ?>