<?php /* vim: set noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */ /** * Common functions for RASP 0.4.1 and above * Updated by Xymph */ require_once('includes/gbxdatafetcher.inc.php'); // provides access to GBX data Aseco::registerEvent('onPlayerServerMessageAnswer', 'event_multi_message'); Aseco::registerEvent('onChallengeListModified', 'clearChallengesCache'); Aseco::registerEvent('onTracklistChanged', 'clearChallengesCache2'); Aseco::registerEvent('onNewChallenge2', 'initChallengesCache'); global $challengeListCache; $challengeListCache = array(); // called @ onChallengeListModified & TMF function clearChallengesCache($aseco, $data) { global $challengeListCache; // clear cache if challenge list modified if ($data[2]) { $challengeListCache = array(); if ($aseco->debug) $aseco->console_text('challenges cache cleared'); } } // clearChallengesCache // called @ onTracklistChanged & !TMF function clearChallengesCache2($aseco, $event) { global $challengeListCache; // clear cache on add/remove/read/juke/unjuke events if not TMF if ($aseco->server->getGame() != 'TMF' && $event[0] != 'rename' && $event[0] != 'write') { $challengeListCache = array(); if ($aseco->debug) $aseco->console_text('challenges cache cleared upon: ' . $event[0]); } } // clearChallengesCache2 // called @ onNewChallenge2 function initChallengesCache($aseco, $challenge) { global $challengeListCache, $reset_cache_start; if ($reset_cache_start) { $challengeListCache = array(); if ($aseco->debug) $aseco->console_text('challenges cache reset'); } getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->debug) $aseco->console_text('challenges cache inited: ' . count($challengeListCache)); } // initChallengesCache function getChallengesCache($aseco) { global $challengeListCache; if (empty($challengeListCache)) { if ($aseco->debug) $aseco->console_text('challenges cache loading...'); // get new list of all tracks $aseco->client->resetError(); $newlist = array(); $done = false; $size = 300; $i = 0; while (!$done) { $aseco->client->query('GetChallengeList', $size, $i); $tracks = $aseco->client->getResponse(); if (!empty($tracks)) { if ($aseco->client->isError()) { // warning if no tracks found if (empty($newlist)) trigger_error('[' . $aseco->client->getErrorCode() . '] GetChallengeList - ' . $aseco->client->getErrorMessage() . ' - No tracks found!', E_USER_WARNING); $done = true; break; } foreach ($tracks as $trow) { // obtain various author fields too $trackinfo = getChallengeData($aseco->server->trackdir . $trow['FileName'], false); if ($trackinfo['name'] != 'file not found') { if ($aseco->server->getGame() != 'TMF') $trow['Author'] = $trackinfo['author']; $trow['AuthorTime'] = $trackinfo['authortime']; $trow['AuthorScore'] = $trackinfo['authorscore']; } $trow['Name'] = stripNewlines($trow['Name']); $newlist[$trow['UId']] = $trow; } if (count($tracks) < $size) { // got less than 300 tracks, might as well leave $done = true; } else { $i += $size; } } else { $done = true; } } $challengeListCache = $newlist; if ($aseco->debug) $aseco->console_text('challenges cache loaded: ' . count($challengeListCache)); } return $challengeListCache; } // getChallengesCache // calls function get_recs() from chat.records2.php function getAllChallenges($player, $wildcard, $env) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer, $maxrecs; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of ranked records $reclist = get_recs($player->id); // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks On This Server:' . LF . 'Id Rec Name' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; foreach ($newlist as $row) { // check for wildcard, track name or author name if ($wildcard == '*') { $pos = 0; } else { $pos = stripos(stripColors($row['Name']), $wildcard); if ($pos === false) { $pos = stripos($row['Author'], $wildcard); } } // check for any match if ($pos !== false) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // get corresponding record $pos = isset($reclist[$row['UId']]) ? $reclist[$row['UId']] : 0; $pos = ($pos >= 1 && $pos <= $maxrecs) ? str_pad($pos, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : ' -- '; $msg .= '$z' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $pos . '. ' . $trackname . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks On This Server:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.39+$extra, 0.12, 0.1, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.22+$extra, 0.12, 0.1, 0.6+$extra, 0.4), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); foreach ($newlist as $row) { // check for wildcard, track name or author name if ($wildcard == '*') { $pos = 0; } else { $pos = stripos(stripColors($row['Name']), $wildcard); if ($pos === false) { $pos = stripos($row['Author'], $wildcard); } } // check for environment if ($env == '*') { $pose = 0; } else { $pose = stripos($row['Environnement'], $env); } // check for any match if ($pos !== false && $pose !== false) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // get corresponding record $pos = isset($reclist[$row['UId']]) ? $reclist[$row['UId']] : 0; $pos = ($pos >= 1 && $pos <= $maxrecs) ? str_pad($pos, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '-- '; if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $pos . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $pos . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author'); } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } // getAllChallenges function getChallengesByKarma($player, $karmaval) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of karma values for all matching tracks $order = ($karmaval <= 0 ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'); if ($karmaval == 0) { $sql = '(SELECT uid, SUM(score) AS karma FROM challenges, rs_karma WHERE challenges.id=rs_karma.challengeid GROUP BY uid HAVING karma = 0) UNION (SELECT uid, 0 FROM challenges WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT challengeid FROM rs_karma)) ORDER BY karma ' . $order; } else { $sql = 'SELECT uid, SUM(score) AS karma FROM challenges, rs_karma WHERE challenges.id=rs_karma.challengeid GROUP BY uid HAVING karma ' . ($karmaval < 0 ? "<= $karmaval" : ">= $karmaval") . ' ORDER BY karma ' . $order; } $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks by Karma (' . $order . '):' . LF . 'Id Karma Name' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; $msg .= '$z' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . str_pad($dbrow[1], 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . $trackname . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks by Karma (' . $order . '):'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Karma', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Karma', 'Name', 'Author'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.44+$extra, 0.12, 0.15, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.27+$extra, 0.12, 0.15, 0.6+$extra, 0.4), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // format karma $trackkarma = str_pad($dbrow[1], 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // add clickable buttons if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) { $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action ids $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); $trackkarma = array($trackkarma, -6000-$tid); } if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackkarma, $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackkarma, $trackname, $trackauthor); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Karma', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Karma', 'Name', 'Author'); } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesByKarma function getChallengesNoFinish($player) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of finished tracks $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT challengeID FROM rs_times WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' ORDER BY challengeID'; $result = mysql_query($sql); $finished = array(); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) $finished[] = $dbrow[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); // get list of unfinished tracks // simpler but less efficient query: // $sql = 'SELECT uid FROM challenges WHERE id NOT IN // (SELECT DISTINCT challengeID FROM rs_times, players // WHERE rs_times.playerID=players.id AND players.login=' . quotedString($player->login) . ')'; $sql = 'SELECT uid FROM challenges'; if (!empty($finished)) $sql .= ' WHERE id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $finished) . ')'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks You Haven\'t Finished:' . LF . 'Id Name' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; $msg .= '$z' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $trackname . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks You Haven\'t Finished:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.29+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.12+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author'); } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesNoFinish function getChallengesNoRank($player) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer, $maxrecs; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of finished tracks $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT challengeID FROM rs_times WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' ORDER BY challengeID'; $result = mysql_query($sql); $finished = array(); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) $finished[] = $dbrow[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); // get list of finished tracks // simpler but less efficient query: // $sql = 'SELECT id,uid FROM challenges WHERE id IN // (SELECT DISTINCT challengeID FROM rs_times, players // WHERE rs_times.playerID=players.id AND players.login=' . quotedString($player->login) . ')'; $sql = 'SELECT id,uid FROM challenges WHERE id '; if (!empty($finished)) $sql .= 'IN (' . implode(',', $finished) . ')'; else $sql .= '= 0'; // empty list $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } $order = ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); $unranked = array(); $i = 0; // check if player not in top $maxrecs on each track while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // more efficient but unsupported query: :( // $sql2 = 'SELECT id FROM players WHERE (id=' . $player->id . ') AND (id NOT IN // (SELECT playerid FROM records WHERE challengeid=' . $dbrow[0] . ' ORDER by score, date LIMIT ' . $maxrecs . '))'; $sql2 = 'SELECT playerid FROM records WHERE challengeid=' . $dbrow[0] . ' ORDER by score ' . $order . ', date ASC LIMIT ' . $maxrecs; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2); $found = false; if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0) { while ($plrow = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { if ($player->id == $plrow[0]) { $found = true; break; } } } if (!$found) { $unranked[$i++] = $dbrow[1]; } mysql_free_result($result2); } if (empty($unranked)) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks You Have No Rank On:' . LF . 'Id Name' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($unranked); $i++) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($unranked[$i], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$unranked[$i]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; $msg .= '$z' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $trackname . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks You Have No Rank On:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.29+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.12+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($unranked); $i++) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($unranked[$i], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$unranked[$i]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor); $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author'); } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg)) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesNoRank function getChallengesNoGold($player) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer; $player->tracklist = array(); // check for Stunts mode if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode != Gameinfo::STNT) { // get list of finished tracks with their best (minimum) times $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.uid,t1.score FROM rs_times t1, challenges c WHERE (playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=c.id AND score=(SELECT MIN(t2.score) FROM rs_times t2 WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=t2.challengeID))'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Beat Gold Time On:' . LF . 'Id Name $n(+Time)$m' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // does best time beat track's Gold time? if ($dbrow[1] > $row['GoldTime']) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // compute difference to Gold time $diff = $dbrow[1] - $row['GoldTime']; $sec = floor($diff/1000); $hun = ($diff - ($sec * 1000)) / 10; $msg .= str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $trackname . ' $z$n(+' . sprintf("%d.%02d", $sec, $hun) . ')$m' . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Beat Gold Time On:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Time'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Time'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.42+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.27+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // does best time beat track's Gold time? if ($dbrow[1] > $row['GoldTime']) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // compute difference to Gold time $diff = $dbrow[1] - $row['GoldTime']; $sec = floor($diff/1000); $hun = ($diff - ($sec * 1000)) / 10; if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv, '+' . sprintf("%d.%02d", $sec, $hun)); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, '+' . sprintf("%d.%02d", $sec, $hun)); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Time'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Time'); } } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } else { // Stunts mode // get list of finished tracks with their best (maximum) scores $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.uid,t1.score FROM rs_times t1, challenges c WHERE (playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=c.id AND score=(SELECT MAX(t2.score) FROM rs_times t2 WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=t2.challengeID))'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); // only in TMUF anyway { $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Beat Gold Score On:'; $msg = array(); $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Score'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.42+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // does best score beat track's Gold score? if ($dbrow[1] < $row['GoldTime']) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // compute difference to Gold score $diff = $row['GoldTime'] - $dbrow[1]; $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv, '-' . $diff); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Score'); } } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesNoGold function getChallengesNoAuthor($player) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer; $player->tracklist = array(); // check for Stunts mode if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode != Gameinfo::STNT) { // get list of finished tracks with their best (minimum) times $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.uid,t1.score FROM rs_times t1, challenges c WHERE (playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=c.id AND score=(SELECT MIN(t2.score) FROM rs_times t2 WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=t2.challengeID))'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Beat Author Time On:' . LF . 'Id Name $n(+Time)$m' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // does best time beat track's Author time? if ($dbrow[1] > $row['AuthorTime']) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // compute difference to Author time $diff = $dbrow[1] - $row['AuthorTime']; $sec = floor($diff/1000); $hun = ($diff - ($sec * 1000)) / 10; $msg .= str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $trackname . ' $z$n(+' . sprintf("%d.%02d", $sec, $hun) . ')$m' . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Beat Author Time On:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Time'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Time'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.42+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.27+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // does best time beat track's Author time? if ($dbrow[1] > $row['AuthorTime']) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // compute difference to Author time $diff = $dbrow[1] - $row['AuthorTime']; $sec = floor($diff/1000); $hun = ($diff - ($sec * 1000)) / 10; if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv, '+' . sprintf("%d.%02d", $sec, $hun)); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, '+' . sprintf("%d.%02d", $sec, $hun)); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Time'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Time'); } } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } else { // Stunts mode // get list of finished tracks with their best (maximum) scores $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.uid,t1.score FROM rs_times t1, challenges c WHERE (playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=c.id AND score=(SELECT MAX(t2.score) FROM rs_times t2 WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=t2.challengeID))'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); // only in TMUF anyway { $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Beat Author Score On:'; $msg = array(); $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Score'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.42+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15, 0.15), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // does best score beat track's Author score? if ($dbrow[1] < $row['AuthorScore']) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // compute difference to Author score $diff = $row['AuthorScore'] - $dbrow[1]; $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv, '-' . $diff); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Score'); } } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesNoAuthor // calls function get_recs() from chat.records2.php function getChallengesNoRecent($player) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer, $maxrecs; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of finished tracks with their most recent (maximum) dates $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.uid,t1.date FROM rs_times t1, challenges c WHERE (playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=c.id AND date=(SELECT MAX(t2.date) FROM rs_times t2 WHERE playerID=' . $player->id . ' AND t1.challengeID=t2.challengeID)) ORDER BY t1.date'; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get list of ranked records $reclist = get_recs($player->id); // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Play Recently:' . LF . 'Id Rec Name $n(Date)$m' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // get corresponding record $pos = isset($reclist[$dbrow[0]]) ? $reclist[$dbrow[0]] : 0; $pos = ($pos >= 1 && $pos <= $maxrecs) ? str_pad($pos, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : ' -- '; $msg .= str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $pos . '. ' . $trackname . ' $z$n(' . date('Y/m/d', $dbrow[1]) . ')$m' . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Play Recently:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Date'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Date'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.58+$extra, 0.12, 0.1, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15, 0.21), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.43+$extra, 0.12, 0.1, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.21), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // get corresponding record $pos = isset($reclist[$dbrow[0]]) ? $reclist[$dbrow[0]] : 0; $pos = ($pos >= 1 && $pos <= $maxrecs) ? str_pad($pos, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '-- '; if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $pos . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv, date('Y/m/d', $dbrow[1])); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $pos . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, date('Y/m/d', $dbrow[1])); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'Date'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Date'); } } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesNoRecent function getChallengesByLength($player, $order) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer; $player->tracklist = array(); // if Stunts mode, bail out immediately if ($aseco->server->gameinfo->mode == Gameinfo::STNT) return; // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); // build list of author times $times = array(); foreach ($newlist as $uid => $row) $times[$uid] = $row['AuthorTime']; // sort for shortest or longest author times $order ? asort($times) : arsort($times); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = ($order ? 'Shortest' : 'Longest') . ' Tracks On This Server:' . LF . 'Id Name $n(Author Time)$m' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; foreach ($times as $uid => $time) { $row = $newlist[$uid]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; $msg .= str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $trackname . ' $z$n(' . formatTime($time) . ')$m' . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = ($order ? 'Shortest' : 'Longest') . ' Tracks On This Server:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'AuthTime'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'AuthTime'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.44+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.15, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.29+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); foreach ($times as $uid => $time) { $row = $newlist[$uid]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv, formatTime($time)); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, formatTime($time)); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env', 'AuthTime'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'AuthTime'); } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } // getChallengesByLength function getChallengesByAdd($player, $order, $count) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of tracks in reverse order of addition $sql = 'SELECT uid FROM challenges ORDER BY id ' . ($order ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { mysql_free_result($result); return; } // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); $tcnt = 0; if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = ($order ? 'Newest' : 'Oldest') . ' Tracks On This Server:' . LF . 'Id Name' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; $msg .= '$z' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $trackname . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } // check if we have enough tracks already if (++$tcnt == $count) break; } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = ($order ? 'Newest' : 'Oldest') . ' Tracks On This Server:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.29+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.12+$extra, 0.12, 0.6+$extra, 0.4), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // does the uid exist in the current server track list? if (array_key_exists($dbrow[0], $newlist)) { $row = $newlist[$dbrow[0]]; // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Name', 'Author'); } // check if we have enough tracks already if (++$tcnt == $count) break; } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } mysql_free_result($result); } // getChallengesByAdd function getChallengesNoVote($player) { global $aseco, $jb_buffer, $maxrecs; $player->tracklist = array(); // get list of ranked records $reclist = get_recs($player->id); // get new/cached list of tracks $newlist = getChallengesCache($aseco); // get list of voted tracks and remove those $sql = 'SELECT uid FROM challenges c, rs_karma k WHERE c.id=k.challengeID AND k.playerID=' . $player->id; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($dbrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) unset($newlist[$dbrow[0]]); } mysql_free_result($result); if ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMN') { $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Vote For:' . LF . 'Id Rec Name' . LF; $msg = ''; $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); $player->msgs[0] = 1; foreach ($newlist as $row) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // get corresponding record $pos = isset($reclist[$row['UId']]) ? $reclist[$row['UId']] : 0; $pos = ($pos >= 1 && $pos <= $maxrecs) ? str_pad($pos, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : ' -- '; $msg .= '$z' . str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '. ' . $pos . '. ' . $trackname . LF; $tid++; if (++$lines > 9) { $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); $lines = 0; $msg = ''; } } // add if last batch exists if ($msg != '') $player->msgs[] = $aseco->formatColors($head . $msg); } elseif ($aseco->server->getGame() == 'TMF') { $envids = array('Stadium' => 11, 'Alpine' => 12, 'Bay' => 13, 'Coast' => 14, 'Island' => 15, 'Rally' => 16, 'Speed' => 17); $head = 'Tracks You Didn\'t Vote For:'; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author'); $tid = 1; $lines = 0; $player->msgs = array(); // reserve extra width for $w tags $extra = ($aseco->settings['lists_colortracks'] ? 0.2 : 0); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.39+$extra, 0.12, 0.1, 0.6+$extra, 0.4, 0.17), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); else $player->msgs[0] = array(1, $head, array(1.22+$extra, 0.12, 0.1, 0.6+$extra, 0.4), array('Icons128x128_1', 'NewTrack', 0.02)); foreach ($newlist as $row) { // store track in player object for jukeboxing $trkarr = array(); $trkarr['name'] = $row['Name']; $trkarr['author'] = $row['Author']; $trkarr['environment'] = $row['Environnement']; $trkarr['filename'] = $row['FileName']; $trkarr['uid'] = $row['UId']; $player->tracklist[] = $trkarr; // format track name $trackname = $row['Name']; if (!$aseco->settings['lists_colortracks']) $trackname = stripColors($trackname); // grey out if in history if (in_array($row['UId'], $jb_buffer)) $trackname = '{#grey}' . stripColors($trackname); else { $trackname = '{#black}' . $trackname; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackname = array($trackname, $tid+100); // action id } // format author name $trackauthor = $row['Author']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists'] && $tid <= 1900) $trackauthor = array($trackauthor, -100-$tid); // action id // format env name $trackenv = $row['Environnement']; // add clickable button if ($aseco->settings['clickable_lists']) $trackenv = array($trackenv, $envids[$row['Environnement']]); // action id // get corresponding record $pos = isset($reclist[$row['UId']]) ? $reclist[$row['UId']] : 0; $pos = ($pos >= 1 && $pos <= $maxrecs) ? str_pad($pos, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : '-- '; if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $pos . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor, $trackenv); else $msg[] = array(str_pad($tid, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.', $pos . '.', $trackname, $trackauthor); $tid++; if (++$lines > 14) { $player->msgs[] = $msg; $lines = 0; $msg = array(); if ($aseco->server->packmask != 'Stadium') $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author', 'Env'); else $msg[] = array('Id', 'Rec', 'Name', 'Author'); } } // add if last batch exists if (count($msg) > 1) $player->msgs[] = $msg; } } // getChallengesNoVote // called @ onPlayerServerMessageAnswer // handles all pop-up window responses // [0]=PlayerUid, [1]=Login, [2]=Answer function event_multi_message($aseco, $answer) { $login = $answer[1]; $player = $aseco->server->players->getPlayer($login); $cnt = count($player->msgs); // check for 'Next' response if ($answer[2] == 2 && $cnt > 0) { $player->msgs[0]++; // primed at 1 in the $player->msgs functions if (($player->msgs[0] + 1) < $cnt) { // multiple pages to display $btn1 = 'Close'; $btn2 = 'Next'; $msg = $player->msgs[$player->msgs[0]]; } elseif (($player->msgs[0] + 1) == $cnt) { // last page to display $btn1 = 'OK'; $btn2 = ''; $msg = $player->msgs[$player->msgs[0]]; } else { // all done return; } // display the next page $aseco->client->query('SendDisplayServerMessageToLogin', $login, $msg, $btn1, $btn2, 0); // 'Close' response } else { } } // event_multi_message function getChallengeData($filename, $rtnvotes) { global $aseco, $tmxvoteratio; $ret = array(); if (!file_exists($filename)) { $ret['name'] = 'file not found'; $ret['votes'] = 500; return $ret; } // check whether votes are needed if ($rtnvotes) { $ret['votes'] = required_votes($tmxvoteratio); // from plugin.rasp_votes.php if ($aseco->debug) { $ret['votes'] = 1; } } else { $ret['votes'] = 1; } $gbx = new GBXChallMapFetcher(); try { $gbx->processFile($filename); $ret['uid'] = $gbx->uid; $ret['name'] = stripNewlines($gbx->name); $ret['author'] = $gbx->author; $ret['environment'] = $gbx->envir; $ret['authortime'] = $gbx->authorTime; $ret['authorscore'] = $gbx->authorScore; $ret['coppers'] = $gbx->cost; } catch (Exception $e) { $ret['votes'] = 500; $ret['name'] = $e->getMessage(); } return $ret; } // getChallengeData ?>