False True False True False False True False musictagscache.xml YOUR_SERVER_URL YOUR_FIRST_SONG.ogg YOUR_SECOND_SONG.mux YOUR_THIRD_SONG.ogg {#server}> {#music}The current song is: {#highlite}{1} {#server}>> {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} loaded the next song: {#highlite}{3} {#server}>> {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} reloaded music config and cleared jukebox! {#server}>> {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} sorted song list and cleared jukebox! {#server}>> {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} shuffled song list and cleared jukebox! {#server}>> {#highlite}{1}{#music} jukeboxed song: {#highlite}{2} {#server}> {#music}You already have a song in the jukebox! Wait till it's been played before adding another. {#server}> {#music}This song has already been added to the jukebox, pick another one. {#server}> {#music}Song_ID not found - Type {#highlite}/music list{#music} to see all songs. {#server}>> {#music}Player {#highlite}{1}{#music} dropped his/her song {#highlite}{2}{#music} from jukebox! {#server}> {#music}You don't have a song in the jukebox, use {#highlite}/music Song_ID{#music} to add one... {#server}> {#music}No songs in the jukebox, use {#highlite}/music Song_ID{#music} to add one... {#server}> {#highlite}/music #{#music} is not currently enabled on this server. {#server}>> {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} disabled server music!