#!/bin/bash # set -e if [[ -e /etc/tmserver/env ]] then . /etc/tmserver/env fi # Evaluate all the available environment variables if [[ -z "${SERVER_LOGIN}" ]]; then echo "Server account login is missing. Server cannot start." exit 9 fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_LOGIN_PASSWORD}" ]]; then echo "Server account password is missing. Server cannot start." exit 9 fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_PORT}" ]]; then echo "No server port was set. Defaulting to port 2350" SERVER_PORT="2350" fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_P2P_PORT}" ]]; then echo "No server peer2peer port was set. Defaulting to port 3450" SERVER_P2P_PORT="3450" fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_SA_PASSWORD}" ]]; then echo "No SuperAdmin password was set. Generating a random one. You can change it afterwards but it's also not that important" echo "Might aswell leave it as randomly generated" SERVER_SA_PASSWORD=$(pwgen -s 12) echo "SuperAdmin password: ${SERVER_SA_PASSWORD}" fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD}" ]]; then echo "No Admin password was set. Generating a random one. You can change it afterwards but it's also not that important" echo "Might aswell leave it as randomly generated" SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD=$(pwgen -s 12) echo "Admin password: ${SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD}" fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_NAME}" ]]; then echo "No server name was set. Defaulting to 'Trackmania Server'" SERVER_NAME="Trackmania Server" fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_COMMENT}" ]]; then echo "No server description was set. Defaulting to 'This is a Trackmania Server'" SERVER_COMMENT="This is a Trackmania Server" fi # Evaluation over # Commencing substition in config files #Trackmania Files sed -i -e "s/--\$SERVER_SA_PASSWORD--/$SERVER_SA_PASSWORD/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD--/$SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_LOGIN--/$SERVER_LOGIN/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_LOGIN_PASSWORD--/$SERVER_LOGIN_PASSWORD/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_NAME--/$SERVER_NAME/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_COMMENT--/$SERVER_COMMENT/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_PASSWORD--/$SERVER_PASSWORD/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_PORT--/$SERVER_PORT/" \ -e "s/--\$SERVER_P2P_PORT--/$SERVER_P2P_PORT/" \ /opt/tmserver/GameData/Config/config.txt exec "/opt/tmserver/TrackmaniaServer" "/nodaemon" "/internet" "/game_settings=MatchSettings/playlist.txt" "/dedicated_cfg=config.txt"